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DIGITAL DETOX: This Is Something You Really Need!

in this world where there’s so much
stuff online and we’re so connected to
these digital devices
how do you how do you deal with digital
tea talk to yourself I think one of the
biggest thing for me in the digital
detox is just like a diet detox the
first step is awareness so if you want
to lose weight gain weight gain muscle
lose muscle whatever it is you would
have to look at what do you put into
your body yeah and I always say to
people that health isn’t just what you
eat it’s also what you think and so the
first step is in awareness so what I ask
people to do is build a digital diet
sheet I actually asked people to sense
their awareness and actually journal
their awareness of how much they’re on
their phone and how often ok because
when you see that that awareness will
already do half the work bro as soon as
you start seeing I spent 2 hours a day
on Instagram read I spent an hour on
Facebook I spent an hour on Netflix
whatever it was and I’m not judging you
and I don’t want you to judge yourself
what I want you to do is build a genuine
Diet sheet for one day two days three
days and then there’s actually on your
phone for like the iPhone you look at
the battery part and then it actually
tells you the actual to the minute
exactly hit on percentage you’re
spending how much it’s like 20 hours
over that week on Instagram or something
like absolutely so the first step is
awareness that’s all I want you to do is
take out some time to just journal down
your usage now if you are saying to me
and you’re listening to this going Jay I
already know I spend too much time on
social media then you don’t then you can
go straight to the second one the second
one is build no technology zones in your
home no technology times and no
technology zones in your home set rules
parameters and barriers so I always say
to people that I don’t like using my
phone in the kitchen or the bedroom
because it’s more fun to eat and sleep
with people right so remove technology
from places where you can
build up beautiful human bonds with
people okay and usually it’s the kitchen
in our homes and the bedroom whether we
watch the TV in our bedroom or whatever
we do let’s do that with people and
whatever we do in our kitchens eating
cooking these activities which are
grateful human interaction and bond
building let’s do that with people and
also for that’s the place but and also
the time also yes and the time and set
no technology times in your home okay so
the other so my example being and I
genuinely did this for four years when I
was practicing this I locked my phone in
my car outdoors okay so that it would
not be the first thing I looked at in
the morning on disputer and I replaced
it with a real alarm clock and that’s
what woke me up in the morning if I
needed an alarm I’ve trained myself to
not need an alarm to wake up but if you
wake up to an alarm switch it to a real
alarm clock keep your phone in another
room do not wake up to your phone okay
that can save you so much time and
hassle that’s done and the third step to
doing a digital detox is down to and fro
and pendulum between lots of Technology
and no technology build a Dyer and
slowly remove parts of it so don’t start
saying okay for the next seven days I’m
not going to use my phone at all because
all that’s going to happen is when you
reduce that consumption you’re going to
come straight back all right to do it I
always joke about how when I lived as a
monk I didn’t eat any sugar for three
well none at all and the day I left the
first thing I did was by myself tons of
chocolate when you and you starve
yourself of anything your mind wants to
go to the other extreme it’s really
often a trick of the mind so one of the
things I recommend is once you build
your digital diet see sheet set out your
parameters in your home and your
boundaries see yourself removing step by
step so don’t try to remove Instagram
and Facebook and Netflix all at the same
time move one at a time make your change
a big priority and a small step don’t
try to change everything at the same
time so people try and change all their
digital habits all at the same time
right just do one every week for a month
little cuz little things done
add up to big thing totally most of us
try and change four things in one week
but all you have to do is change one thing one week for four weeks in a row
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