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Wrench’s Electric Baseball Bat – Spider-Man Web Shooters – In Progress – Overview Vlog 1

hey everyone what’s going on so I’m just
going to give you a quick update also
thank all of you who helped me out on
tad if you’re not familiar that is an
app that you can download on your phone
and I’ll show you real quick how that
works so you just download it you go and
you can search and find your favorite
creator there’s my name you just search
it you go to earn more Tad’s
and you basically just watch ads but
these are much more valuable than
YouTube ads for YouTube about a thousand
ad views equal to a dollar so I don’t
even know if I’m going to ever have a
thousand view of videos for you to watch
so in the entire duration of my channel
in the next five years maybe if I have a
thousand you probably give me a dollar
which isn’t a lot but thank you and when
it adds up as I get millions of views
but you can basically multiply your
abilities by using this app if you want
to help me out now I just want to
disclose that all the money that goes
from this is going directly towards
projects I was able to build this this
cost me about 120 bucks from the bat the
water jetting of the metal buying the
metal of parts and also the electronics
and some of the 3d printed filament this
is an electric baseball bat it’s
literally the real now the crazy thing
is that this video didn’t even do very
well I think it got like 50,000 views
now that really is mind-blowing you’d
think that something so innovative and
cool maybe it’s not innovative but I
think it’s pretty cool would get more
views but the problem is that YouTube is
only promoting videos that have
clickbait and titles that are searching
constantly I don’t think that people are
searching a tazer bat unless it’s
related to a video game or something so
that’s why I always try and attack a
video or title or a project that’s
related to a popular subject so if you
want to make a suggestion try and make
it for like a future movie or maybe a
really popular concept for currently
that you think people are already
searching because that’s how YouTube is
it’s really annoying but I can’t go back
and do some really cool projects until
my audience has hit that critical mass
ratio or anything that I upload everyone
you know assert maybe of 10 percent
so if I have a million subscribers then
10% will be a hundred thousand that
means that every video are me a between
a hundred and two hundred dollars which
isn’t bad but that’s two hundred dollars
a week so I’m hoping that that hundred
thousand turns into a million and that’s
why the notification squad is really
important which is you know signing up
so that you can be notified when I
upload which is going to be on Fridays
around noon the notification squad helps
fuel the algorithm on YouTube it makes
the algorithm want to promote a video
that they see is trending and it’s going
to show up in people’s related video
feed because ultimately they want people
to stay on the site and they’re not
going to promote content if people
aren’t attracted to the thumbnail that’s
a huge deal the thumbnail is really a
big deal also the title that’s why
people put these big-ass titles like I
almost did that oh my god it’s like okay
what you have to watch the video no I
don’t want to resort to being clique
baby but sometimes it’s like I can’t
always show how awesome something is
with one image so it’s annoying it
almost holds me back from doing really
cool stuff like if you see a fireball
you’re gonna say oh that’s awesome but
that’s a really simple project if you
see a hot knife you’re going to watch
the of that because it looks really
cool but it’s not impressive at all it
doesn’t deserve millions of views that’s
just how it goes so that’s kind of
something that I’m just frustrated with
also if I put something out there that’s
incredible someone can steal the idea so
I almost have to take a concept that’s
cool and interesting but I can’t make it
so professional that I’m giving away
like a brilliant million dollar idea so
that holds me back I really got over
that like I wasn’t going to share this
taser back but realistically speaking I
don’t think anyone’s going to make a
million dollars off a taser bat any time
soon but yes that’s kind of my my
thought process I just had said you know
screw it I’m going to either worry about
making money through these patents or
I’m going to have fun building stuff and
then maybe one day I’ll have
one really good idea that I’ll take all
the way and patent and make might make
my money and make a store ultimately
this is my plan making youtube videos
create an audience you guys already
Express how much you want to buy these
things whether you don’t have the tools
that’s one thing I want to teach you how
to do it also I want you to just be
creative and think wow that’s cool I
want to start something I want to
inspire you to build something but then
there’s people who just like seeing
gadgets and want to be the consumers
they want to just buy something I can’t
really take time from all my creative
projects just to make all these orders
and it really wouldn’t be fair for me to
only make like 10 or 20 of them I mean
maybe I could do that in auction them on
eBay or whatever but that just hasn’t
really interested me to be honest so I
could do that I could come up with one
really cool idea and then just sell it
on Etsy for the duration of my youtube
channel like some people I know but I
think that like I have this ability to
be creative and I want to create
something new every single week that’s
what drives me and that’s what’s fun
about YouTube otherwise I’m going to
quit it’s getting really stressful
that’s why I’m asking you guys to help
me with tad so it gives me a little bit
of buffer so if I have a bad month then
I can basically rely on some of the
other sources like I have Amazon the
referral links anytime you buy something
after clicking that link I get a
percentage of that now that’s not like
being facetious and it’s not not lying
to you I put this in affiliate link in
there but if you’re going to buy
something and it’s going to be the same
price but you’re going to get me a
percentage of that why not
it’s like saying thank you just because
if you ready go buy something on Amazon
and you click the link you’re going to
help me so keep that in mind
sorry of my tone of voice sounds like
like like I’m talking down or that I’m a
dickhead and I’m just I’m recording this
a couple times and I just am like
whatever so anyway um I was thinking
about redoing some stuff with this boxy
3d printed shotgun it’s really awesome
and also these are the cartridges I was
thinking about doing something
spider-man Webster
related so I am planning on doing
spider-man web-shooters if you have any
ideas I know it’s not going to be real
web fluid it’s gonna be something like a
grappling device or maybe like almost
like a fishing cloak type of thing but
it’ll have like a strong line so I just
want to put that out there I’m doing
these spider-man web shooters that’s my
idea I mean you can do it but it would
really suck if you had like a million
helpers and I’m a one-man team and I’m
struggling as is so I’m trying to just
plant my my imaginary flag that I’m
going to do some spider-man web shooters
because I love the idea and I already
have like pretty much the basis of it
the other thing I have is a nerf gun i
sandblasted one of the sides at TechShop
and it took off all the nasty paint and
then i spray-painted it now it is kind
of stippled from all the sandblasting
removing like some of the structure but
I was going to get some automotive paint
and spray it that we have a nice finish
and then I could spray it black so I
made that mistake the first time I’m
going to fix it and I was thinking about
putting a laser on there and also making
3d printing another head or maybe just
3d printing this entire thing from
scratch or me what’s the point really
but I was thinking about adding this
brake action flare gun module into it
and that way I can 3d print a different
insert and I could have a grappling hook
I could have fireball launcher I could
have like maybe a bow law that would
like spin out and like basically like
tie the person up a net gun lots of cool
stuff because a lot of in this is a lot
of ammo space and when I 3d print this
this is already plastic this is from
Walmart so I think the technologies are
there like I don’t think I have anything
to worry about
well as long as I’m shooting this in an
area that’s legal I’m really getting
annoyed by this mask because it’s kind
of uncomfortable and I want to add like
more gadgets onto it like maybe like
something they go on the side or maybe
some sort of laser so I could be like
Cyclops and press a button trying to
learn some computer programming so that
I can control everything from a glove to
like basically tell this
to do and I’m thinking about doing a
face reveal at a million subscribers I’m
already closed five hundred thousand
maybe that’s too ambitious but I think I
could probably get two million by the
end of 2017 so the quicker you guys
share everything on Reddit and Facebook
and all that stuff to get the stuff go
viral the better and as my audience
grows it’ll be easier for me to get more
views on my videos and expand and get
more subscribers because more people
will be sharing more people will be
watching it’ll just become more uniform
so I had a million subscribers I think
I’m gonna do a face reveal I just I have
been worried up to this point that I was
going to give up on YouTube and maybe
pursue like secondary education like go
back to school be an engineer or
something but I like being a maker I
like being a DIY type of person I think
that inspires people more to see hey
this guy has no like real education when
it comes to you know secondary college
and engineering and yet he’s building
really cool stuff maybe I can do that
too so if I can serve as like a beacon
or an example for a young generation of
makers and creative people then that’s
going to be a life well spent and a goal
you know that’s that’s my goal so I’m
hoping that you guys aren’t gonna tell
me about I’m ugly I’m not terribly bad
looking um but I just feel weird about
like you know having a tazer bad be like
hey guys this is me and when you guys
see me out in public what like you’re
gonna add my probably people aren’t even
gonna notice to be like they’re not
gonna care but you know I talked to uh
Brandon from gizmo slip and he kind of
was like yeah like people don’t really
care like I you know have my some web
videos have millions of views and you
know there’s a couple people who noticed
who I am but they’re not like weird
about it but he doesn’t make weapons he
drops iPhones off buildings so yeah um
like zombie go boom just like break
zombies and does really cool videos on
that stuff so they’re just they’re the
same boat as me in some sense but I just
didn’t like believe in this enough
financially for long term and now that
I’m working with foxy as sort of a
helper with basically I’m using their
machines because they are Pittsburgh
based I need something I literally drive
to the factory like there’s no other
Factory in Pittsburgh like it and
there’s not even anything close by that
I could do that with so it’s awesome
that I have a relationship with them
they support me they printed this I said
hey can you guys help me out I need this
printed had it done
that’s insane that helps me so much in
this video helped promote their machine
which i think is awesome so there’s
nothing wrong with that in my opinion at
all it’s just we’re friends literally
and we’re helping each other out so I’m
excited to work with them and I’m
excited to continue with YouTube I think
that hitting the million subscriber
milestone is just going to boost my
confidence to say yeah I’m a youtuber I
got a million subscribers this is me so
just putting that out there
and I want your opinion on the polls
that I did last week that gets my your
opinion that way your voice can be heard
on what you want to see next and what
you like most about my channel seems
like you guys really like these wearable
gadgets now I’m going to add some other
polls wondering like do you want to see
where weapon gadgets are wearable like
stuff that’s too tall you like weapons
but I don’t like doing weapons that much
I think that it’s gonna it’s going to
expire there’s only so much stuff you
can do and it becomes expensive the more
complicated it gets so I’m thinking
about doing like stuff you can do at
home like maybe using like old like gift
cards and making cool gadgets out of
them like a little gun or something you
can put in your wallet not like a real
gun but like a rubberband gun or some
sort of tool that you could use or maybe
using like popsicle sticks or stuff
that’s easily available like pen pens
and and office supplies and stuff like
that because it’s cool to see stuff but
if I made something new every week I’d
burn myself out so another thing I was
thinking about do
is like basically stretching out what I
build so I made this really cool shotgun
with the help of Bakshi I could make
another type of round to go in here
maybe you’d shoot a net or a grappling
hook or a Taser or something cool
thinking about doing that and watchdogs
they have like a 3d printed tasered I’m
going to consistently upload Fridays or
Thursdays so put your notifications on
Thursday is better because if it has
viral potential it’ll continue into the
weekend and Friday is easier for me
because it gives me an extra day to film
a lot of stuff but I think this week the
video is gonna be Friday I’m not exactly
sure what it’s going to be but I’m going
to try and work on it tomorrow and
Thursday and have it up by Friday around
noon so set your notifications be here
within the first 24 hours I’m going to
have a poll that’s going to go up on
Sundays that’s only going to be up for
24 hours and then I’m going to basically
make it go private that poll is your
opportunity to have your your thoughts
heard and I’m going to read every single
one of those comments and try and
respond every single one try and post
different gadget ideas that are going to
be for future videos videos and concepts
that you think people are going to
search on YouTube and already find out
because like I said I made a really cool
taser bat and nobody’s looking for this
because it’s too original I haven’t hit
that critical mass where my viewers can
actually serve as a source of expansion
for my channel or at least people aren’t
really sharing my videos enough for like
a cool concept like that to go viral so
I don’t know with all that stuff it’s
gonna it’s going to happen over time but
I know you guys are helping me out I
really appreciate it so check out tad
it’s a great app it’s going to help me a
lot and all the money is going to go to
projects to entertain you guys because
doing this for free don’t like any ones
paying for this so help me out alright
thank you so much for watching and as
always take it easy
where is it written all our dreams must
be small
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