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“Sling Bow” Explosive Tip Arrow Launcher Prototype

hey guys it’s Greek gadget guru here’s
my prototype for a explosive tip arrow
launcher I went to sporting goods store
and I bought a twenty dollar slingshot
attached six inches of one and a half
inch PVC added two end caps and drilled
a hole in each end going straight
through to the other side make sure that
my doll rod fit not too tight just
enough too that there’s enough room for
it to easily pass through then I glue
sorry not glued but taped a m-98
firecracker to the end of the dowel rod
I took the striker side of a matchbox
cut it into a small section and then
rolled it into a small cylinder and the
way that your firecracker is lit is the
cylinder goes on top of the match head
and then when it hits the surface pushes
through the match head sorry then pushes
through the cylinder creates friction to
light to match and then lights the
Firecracker so it’s going to be mounted
on there something like this I’ll show
you real quick how the striker works see
if I can get it on the first try there
we go so that lights that and then
lights your firecracker
and then BOOM so the way that you shoot
it if it’s not already obvious you take
your dial rod and you put it through the
two end caps and you pull back on the
elastic band and let a fire
so I know you guys are anxious to see my
shish kebab it’s almost done I’ll be
posting the video pretty soon and I
ordered a wrist brace online to mount my
Assassin’s Creed and needle launcher or
whatever it’s called and so that’ll be
up soon leave a comment below let me
know what you guys think of this and
thanks for watching
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