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Scorch Titan Fall – SPIDER-MAN Update – Riot Shield Upgrades – SHOCKER Gauntlet – GreekGadgetGuru

hey everyone what’s going on thank you
so much for tuning in and also I really
do appreciate those of you who help me
out on tab this week
we are literally number one trending
creator on tad the last week that’s
awesome that was you guys who
participated there were 97 of you and
you raised 55 dollars and 83 cents I
know that’s not a ton of money I’m not
expecting thousands of dollars but still
that’s take another two hundred and
twenty dollars a month that I don’t have
to worry about so I can buy materials
and parts and make more videos for you
guys to be inspired and entertained I
got a couple new parts and also I
addressed the issue of the Kevlar thread
not being strong enough I have this
2,000 pound Kevlar rope now this is
still pretty thin and I think we’ll be
able to make something similar to the
Colin Furze grappling hook launcher that
he did with the Assassin’s Creed I think
it’s going to be somewhat similar
because I’m trying to have
individualized cartridges that way I can
differentiate the different types of web
you know I don’t have the ability to
create web fluid that’s going to be able
to do anything it’s going to end up
being something like silly string and
it’s just not going to be functional so
I think the best thing to do is work
with technology that we already have
available to us and if the spider-man
web shooters originally have a little
spindle device that’s supposed to weave
the web fluid into something why not
just have it already pre woven and this
is the thousand actually two thousand
pound Kevlar this is going to be really
good and I also watched a video by the
Nerdist he is really awesome theorists
for different types of things and he has
a video that he put up about the
spider-man web line and web fluid and
how much he could actually hold would it
actually work in real life so there’s an
equation that he came up with its mass
times the velocity squared over the
radius which is the point the length of
the actual arc that I’m going to be
traveling when I run swinging across so
it comes out that I’m going to be able
to do this I’ll even be able to have
three times as my way
but still we have to address the issue
of not breaking my wrist
whenever I actually yanked down on it
because there’s gonna be a lot of strain
already put on this so enough to create
something so I’m gonna elaborate on that
I also have rod shields this thing is
pretty freakin awesome now this was
sponsored by they sent me
two of these disc shaped ones are about
I’d say 21 inches in diameter I also
have the full size riot shields like I
got this big package in the mail and the
lady at the post office was like what
did you order
oh um for riot shields were sent to me
so I can work with these and I think
this will be a fun project mostly for my
subscribers it seems like if I make a
project that doesn’t have any sort of
media tags to really grab the attention
and it’s not going to do well for
example the stun gun baseball bat that I
made didn’t really have anything to tie
into as far as superheroes and video
games go so it didn’t get that many
views so I’m thinking that it’s going to
be the same trend with the rest of my
videos so if you can think of any
upcoming movies where there’s a shield
involved that could be really built out
to be much more badass or upgraded for
example my deployable shield
I put Iron Man in the title now it makes
sense because Iron Man has armor that
you can just pull out of a briefcase and
also it’s just really high-tech so it
fit that criteria so we’re looking for
inspiration based off of pop culture
media terms and tags that are going to
do well whenever you’re searching like
it’s called search engine optimization
so keep that in mind thinking about
doing like a flamethrower shield but I
don’t know I’m really into like making
things that are original but like I said
I have to go off of what’s going to get
most amount of viewership at this time I
need to expand my channel as quickly as
possible next I have this little
apparatus which you buy on Amazon it
allows you to attach this canister of
fuel and that would have been bad if
there was a lit flame because there
would have been a flame thrower like
effect so I attached it to that little
palm spike thing from the ninjas just
just with duct tape just for
demonstration to show you like a
possible fuel injection system for the
glove that I talked about last time for
iron’s this having the ability to throw
a punch
having accelerometer turn on the gate
the little fuel valve and having an
electric igniter turn it on so I
actually had a guy send me these just
without even asking I did a review of
them these are the Elementium lighters
and you can see that’d be cool to
integrate into this because it’s an
electronic ignition system so we would
just put a relay onto an Arduino and
then have this I don’t know how to do
any of that stuff so I have to do some
homework myself that’s another problem
that I have there’s a lot of skills that
I don’t have yet but I still need to
make content on a regular basis so if
I’m trying to learn and basically
studying this stuff how do I do that at
the same time making videos for you
maybe I could give you a report of what
I learned each week I just don’t know if
that would be engaging enough for you
guys actually watched that because I’m
not like a vlogger where you really care
what I have to say I’m just trying to
update you on the projects which i think
is the real thing that you guys are
after to see what I’m coming up with so
the little bits of a challenge to get
this working but I think we can get it
going in the end so let’s go ahead and
test this thing out and a little nervous
but you know how I am I just kind of do
it and if it works it’s great not um
there’s a Met Express nearby
trying to think how to like do this yeah
that looks pretty sturdy so it’s this
thing on
okay kind of burning myself there
that’s safe
I said would you invert it
feels very hot
so then that’s kind of cool
a little bit dangerous but
I prefer
all right I didn’t enough you guys get
the point
while this mask is actually kind of worn
I had a lot of this fuel already from
before and I wasn’t using it for
anything it was for these blow torches
that I was going to incorporate into
like a blow torch knife but I’m gonna
build something with that very soon as
soon as they come in the mail but this
is to allow me to have a sort of fuel
injection system going into whatever I
have so this actually unscrews right
here there’s a little you can unscrew
this nozzle and then I’ll just maybe
make this valve a little bit larger not
exactly sure but essentially we have a
fuel injection system and the idea would
be to make a prototype first using
something like a a handbrake from
bicycle I went to bike shop they have
all these recycled bikes that are
donated and so I was thinking we had it
rigged so that when you pull this handle
it would turn this open and close it so
Dell like on a spring of some sort that
makes any sense we’d have to have it
something like this where whenever you
pull this handle it would open and close
the valve I have so many parts it’s just
trying to figure out how do I put
everything together so that it’s
entertaining it’s going to get people’s
attention and it’s going to be a quality
that I’m not just like click baiting you
because I’m trying to like play this
game on youtube it seems like everyone
click baits it’s just about being like
honest and actually having a title and
content that’s engaging and somewhat of
quality or pretty good quality because I
mean everyone’s click baiting and you
have to advertise essentially you know
when you go buy food is actually look
like the billboard that you saw no but
you went there because they made it look
really good and at the end of the day
you’re probably satisfied with the food
you got it just doesn’t look exactly
like it did in the actual advertisement
so kind of the same thing you just have
to play with a marketing if the chef
tried to make every single cheeseburger
look exactly the way they have it in the
advertisement they go out of business
because maybe
we be able to make one masterpiece every
so often it looks perfect like you saw
it so kind of think about that whenever
you’re looking through the tags and
titles that I have I have to I have to
compete advertise essentially I’ve
always wanted to do an electric gauntlet
of some sort so I have these gloves when
I used to play lacrosse he’s actually
Shea the Shocker on them so I thought
that makes a lot of sense I’m pretty
sure that the Shocker is going to be one
of the villains from the spider-man
movie that’s going to make an appearance
seems like they’re going to put a whole
bunch of them in the movie so it’s
thinking about making some sort of
spider-man shocker gauntlet of some sort
or it could be the Batman electrocution
or gauntlet because I’m pretty sure that
they’re coming out with a new Batman
movie that’s going to be after November
whenever the Avengers come out so we
should have a lot of time to work with
it so maybe I’ll do the Spider Man but
these gloves could definitely use some
sort of upgrade because they’re already
nicely padded and all that supposed to
comment below letting me know what you
think like everything that I’m basically
telling you guys with the shield’s with
the spider-man web launcher all that
stuff I love your feedback and it even
helps YouTube show that people care
about my content it will actually
promote it more the more people are
liking that when people are commenting
sharing all that stuff that goes into
this massive algorithm equation to
figure out hey is this guy’s content
worthy of promotion because there’s only
so much they can do for certain channels
you know there’s only so many channels
they can actually promote going back to
spider-man thinking about using this
sort of locking system similar to like
you’d have on rope climbing basically be
able to attach it and lock me in place
and then there’d be some sort of wrist
brace so that I can basically attached
to my forearm similar to what Colin
Furze did
I think I want to attach to harness I’m
actually gonna have more of a handle I
don’t know exactly I’m not trying to
ascend I’m just trying to hold on for
dear life and swing across a gap at a
relatively quick velocity whatever you
want to call it not trying to jump off a
building and swim across like crazy man
that’d just be dumb that’s safe
please leave a comment below and if you
want to reach out to me I’m trying to
make a Facebook group so that we can
maybe discuss because it seems like
there’s a lot of people who are
interested in this spider-man
gadget people are overlapping their
ideas and their good ideas it’s just
like I’m broken record re speaking and
reads retyping I guess what I’m going to
do next so it’s kind of frustrating
because I want to tend to everyone’s
ideas but at the same time there’s so
many ideas out there that it’s difficult
to give everyone the attention they
deserve kind of in a dilemma I’m trying
to figure that out but I’m going to
continue with these weekly updates I
think you guys like them if I don’t put
these ideas out there I know that’s a
growing list that I don’t think that
it’s ever going to get done so at least
if I say hey I’m gonna do this
it’s like putting me on the spot where
hey I got deliver on my idea or bring
something to the surface that’s cool so
that’s why I’m like basically keep
throwing all these ideas out there
figure out what’s gonna be the one that
people like most what should I actually
go forward with cuz my time right now is
so limited I want to be able to learn
new skills but I also want to be able to
make things that are interesting that
will bring more and more people to my
channel that are discovering me because
I feel like I’m still kind of a hidden
channel in YouTube there’s not many
people who are like oh yeah if you heard
of the gear channel or the great gadget
guru so we’ll get to that status at some
point and keep on helping me with tad
you guys have seen all of the different
parts that I’ve been buying and it’s
definitely helping me a lot
even just motivationally to know hey
there’s people out there we’re willing
to take time out of their day to support
me even outside of YouTube and that’s a
huge motivational factor and I really do
appreciate that
all right so that’s all I have for today
thank you so much for watching and as
always take it easy where is it written
all our dreams must be small
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