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REAL Galvaknuckles Black Ops 2 Zombies

hey it’s Greek edge guru here with an
awesome crazy insane new item this is
called the zap blast knuckle stun gun
I’ve never seen anything like it I don’t
even know why it’s legal because it’s
basically brass knuckles with a Taser
built inside so this company zap it’s
kind of a generic company most of their
stuff’s made in China they make other
types of stun guns one of them being an
old man’s cane that also has like strips
on the bottom of metal you can use you
know if you’re an old man you need to
like pay somebody I mean this company
really like um they think I guess
outside the box but it’s like where no
company’s gone before because it’s like
stupid like an old man tasing someone
with his cane let’s like straight out of
a comic book stupid but like of course
being the idiot that I am I picked up
too so I like would run down the street
like Batman with these things I don’t
know fighting crime
taser knuckles anyway that really wasn’t
my like intentions but um it’s a
possibility anyway so it comes with
these really nice carrying cases it has
a belt buckle
pretty nice velcro and it’s and it stays
in there nice and snug so it you don’t
have to worry about this falling falling
out or anything like that so there’s the
to zap knuckles side by side and then
you have right here your on and off
buttons and the red light it’s a really
nice touch so that you know when it’s
armed and then you have your two buttons
right there
pretty crazy and I mean I don’t
understand how these made it like into
market you know to be actually be bought
you have to be 18 to buy stun gun where
I live so I bought these legally I
didn’t break the law or anything but
these shouldn’t be legal because brass
knuckles are illegal which this is and
tasers are illegal but I mean how much
overkill do you need that you could
defend yourself with this thing if it
didn’t have a Taser in it because it’s
already waited and it protects yourself
so these things should it really be sold
but I’m glad they are because they’re
freakin sweet I’m going to try to
incorporate this into some type of
gadget um I was thinking maybe like Zeus
fists or something I don’t know I’m in
like very beginning stage of what I’m
going to do with them but they have
electricity Zeus is you know god of
thunder all that stuff so that was kind
of like where the the reasoning was
coming from also the handle here kind of
resembles the halo sword thinking maybe
I don’t know if I could make something
like a force field come out I could
definitely do that
not really but um just maybe build a
frame around this so that when I press
the button the sparks would go
everywhere and it would just be like
this you know electrical type of thing
that’d be pretty sweet but sort of
impractical I don’t know how I’d pull
that off but it’d be pretty sweet so
yeah those are what I’m thinking of
first different ideas but if you guys
have any ideas of how I can use these
you should post a comment below and try
and be a little descriptive you know if
you can so that I can get a good idea of
your idea is and if you for some reason
don’t get a response or something like
that you could always message me out of
an email address of having people send
me some sketches of ideas which i think
is really interesting I like hearing
from you guys it’s really like makes my
day when somebody posts a video response
to something I made or post something on
my facebook I’m really active with a lot
of people in Facebook with different
ideas so if you’re interested in the
same things as me you should definitely
consider liking my page because I’m on
it a lot so that I can reply to a lot of
your comments and I also update it with
things that I find interesting or just
ideas so that if you guys like want to
know what’s coming next I can give you a
little hint or something along the lines
of that so just add me on Facebook or
its slash greet gadget guru
or you can just follow me on Twitter
because whatever I put on Facebook just
gets sent to Twitter regardless so
whichever one you want and that’s about
it so thanks for watching and have a
good one
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