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iPhone N64, NES, Gameboy Emulator on TV

I will show you how to make a handheld
ROM emulator using an iPhone or iPod
Touch and a Wii mode
for this project you will need a
jailbroken iPhone or iPod touch a Wii
mote a cheap game controller the
jailbroken out NES for iPhone and a
protective shell for device optional is
TV out tuner app from Cydia and an AV TV
all you must do is connect your
protective shell to your game controller
grip using some hot glue then take
whatever device you have and just put it
into the shell
in order to play your wrongs on your TV
your iPod Touch or iPhone must be
jailbroken using the Cydia app download
TV out tuna after it’s been downloaded
launch the application and click locked
whenever it’s in this position exit out
of the app choose NES for iPhone go into
options click Wii mote controls on exit
out relaunch the application now it’s
asking for a device what you have to do
is press the one in the two and it will
connect your iPhone or iPod Touch and
it’ll recognize it as Nintendo using
whatever device you have choose your
shoes landscape and sound for best
quality and then you can just play the
reasoning behind this project is that
normally when you play your roms on your
iPod Touch or iPhone you would have to
use the bottom two corners as your
control the problem with this is that
you can’t see what you’re doing when
you’re playing all I’ve done is
connected the Wiimote and the iPod Touch
or iPhone together creating a handheld
system of its own
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