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FireWire Red, Green, Blue Flame Jet Lighter

hey guys it’s Greek gadget guru here’s
another lighter from my collection I
just got this in the mail a couple days
ago and they sent me to by mistake not
even joking
I’ll show you the receipt quantity one
true utility fire wire alloy tricolor
flame lighter silver 14 dollars and 13
cents from Amazon quantity one I’m not
joking you I didn’t like buy one think
it was cool and then buy another one
it came in the same package same
purchase they just sent me one an extra
one on accident so I might give that
away I don’t know yet I might give it to
a friend as a gift but anyway the other
thing that’s really stupid about this on
the receipt and on the item description
on amazon says tricolor flame no were on
this packaging does it say anything
about try colors and I’ve looked
everywhere you have true utility color
turbojet lighter color turbojet flame
fire wire wind proof technology yada
butane gas mountains fire and baby
blowing out a birthday candle I don’t
know they make this thing seems so
boring and it could do so much better if
they would just say tricolor flame and
then show o spin the wheel or I don’t
know I’m sorry I’m going on a rant but I
really pissed me off so on with the show
you have your solid lighter it’s
actually a really good material it’s in
good shape too butane what’s cool this
right here you can see there’s a there’s
a numbering system that’s in milliliters
so you know how much fuel you have left
and then the lighter that’s your red
flame it’s a little difficult to see but
you can tell it’s like a magenta and
then that’s your regular cone shape
lighter and in the
test is the greenlighter awesome and
I’ll show you real quick how that works
on this wheel there’s little color
filaments and the red and the green I’m
not sure I think the Reds like calcium
or something not exactly positive but
the green is copper copper usually burn
screen I’m not exactly positive but if
you have any information on that
leave a comment let me quote a note
anyway I’ll show you real quick
there’s the green one so you can see the
center there’s a little dot a little
blob of material that that heats up and
changes the color and then is the red
this one’s cool because it kind of looks
like the Iron Man arc reactor like a
split second and then just your regular
boring blue flame and I used to think
these were awesome now it’s just like oh
well now I have this way you
so yeah I’ve seemed really excited about
this I don’t know why but uh yeah one of
my favorites really cool I don’t know if
I’d use it outside because these are
pretty hard to find – when we study I
saw that hat it was Amazon I don’t even
think they sell this one anymore I think
they just had this in stock for a long
time because they don’t make it seem
awesome like they put tricolor flame
this would be a hit be gone they would
snake money but they just put a fire
wire oh that’s not whatever yeah if you
want to sell something put the cool
description on it and forget about
babies and their candles like I don’t
care so thanks for watching and expect
for more videos like this because I have
a ton of lighters that I want to show
you guys that I think you’ll like if you
don’t like these two kind of videos um I
mean I there’s really nothing I can do
because I’m not College it’s really
difficult like I really wish
I could make more videos and I’ve
actually drawn up some ideas I’m going
to show you what I’ve been working on in
another video so thanks for watching
thanks to all my subscribers that have
kept with me and that I haven’t unsubbed
I’m glad you guys most of you understand
and are being really patient I really
appreciate it so thanks again and thanks
for watching
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