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OSHO: The Compulsion to Reach Power

The obligation to gain power and influence
Why most people have such a compulsion to gain access to power and influence and so on, rather than just be normal human beings?
You have never been accepted
By your parents
Your teachers, your neighbors, your community,
As you are.
Everyone was trying to improve on what you are,
To make you better
Continuous conditioning
Against you
Has created within you
The idea: “I’m not as I Kakie
There is something missing.
It must be
Elsewhere is not here
This is not supposed to be the place where,
But in a higher position
More power, more control,
More respectful,
Most famous.
“This is half of the story
Which is ugly,
Which should not be the case. And it can be removed simply
If people were a little more intelligent
About how to be mothers
How they are parents,
How they are professors
You are not to sabotage
the boy,
Accepted for himself;
You must help him to grow up.
But the second part
Utmost importance
Even if you removed all these adaptations
You invalidated the effect of your programming,
All those ideas have been removed from your mind
Then you will still feel
That you are not enough
But this will be a completely different experience.
Words will remain the same,
But the experience will vary.
You are not enough
Because you can be better.
Will no longer be a matter of becoming famous,
It will never be
All interest
It will be your interest
Ban Kaink
Just stubs.
Buladtk You are not born
Such as a tree,
You are born just like a seed,
Must grow
To the stage where up to flowering
This flowering will be
Your achievement.
This flower has nothing to do with power,
Has nothing to do with money,
It has nothing to do with politics.
It has nothing to do with you only,
It offers an individual.
By traveling away
To become floweriest.
It’s a pilgrimage.
Motivation is beautiful. He submitted by nature itself.
But society,
So far, it has been very cunning;
Natural instincts
To social benefits.
These two things are
The two sides
Which gives you a sense of
Which makes you feel wherever you are
There’s nothing minus
To win something, achieve something,
To become the owner of the achievements,
And superior.
Now your intelligence is required
To show you
What is the natural Davek, and what are the adaptations of society.
Undo the community adaptations, what are the only follies
In order to remain pure your nature, non-polluting,
Nature is always locked individualism.
You will grow and will reach blooming,
It is possible that the blooming roses.
It is possible for someone else to sprinkle
Velvet flowers.
You are not superior because you have roses;
It is not because it has the lowest velvet flowers.
You two Ozahrtma, this is the goal;
This flowering
It gives deep satisfaction.
All the frustration,
All the tension,
And Asodk deep peace,
The peace that passes
But first you have to throw the follies of whole society;
Otherwise you will continue to _iatk.
You must be rich, but not rich.
Riches something else.
Can mendicant to be rich,
The Emperor can be poor.
Riches is the quality of the object ..
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