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OSHO: My Teaching Is Not for Pleasure …

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The Taahlmy is not happiness but for the Naim.
We start from the idea of ​​happiness.
You can be enlightened happiness maximum, as a definition of it?
It’s not happiness.
Happiness always be
Something opposite to the pain.
It can never be separated from pain.
So pain can become happier.
That is the reason why perverts in the world
Who tortured themselves
And enjoy
The so-called Kadisuk are nothing but
Know the art of transforming pain into happiness.
Pain can become happier
The opposite is also true
Happiness can become a pain.
At the level of example, it’s a great pleasure to accept one
You love.
But if you continue to impose kissing
With a pistol behind you
How long will happiness happiness?
At the earliest
Happiness will become Alma
You eat something: It’s delicious, there is happiness;
But if you eat too much it becomes Alma
Otherwise, so you do not see
Many people are overweight.
Thirty million people in America
Suffering from this disease.
They can not stop eating.
Great happiness
Where they continue eating, with their knowledge of the knowledge that he will become fully ALMA.
So one thing must be understood:
The enlightenment is not happiness
Because you can not become a never pain.
There is nothing opposite to enlightenment.
The non-enlightened person,
The case of the idea,
It is not the opposite person’s enlightened
And the state of thought.
The state of non-enlightened simply
It is the absence of enlightenment – it’s not reversible.
It’s like the dark
Just bring a candle to the room
There is no darkness.
It was not there never has been;
Has no positive existence of its own,
It is simply the absence of light.
So that the non-informed person is simply asleep,
The enlightened person is awake.
There is no contradiction.
The enlightenment is exceeded all diodes:
Happiness, pain;
Love, hate,
Life, death;
All of contradictions.
The enlightenment is
Where you have reached
To the point of view
All opposites (contradictions)
As complementary to each other
And you are only a witness.
So you can not say it’s happiness
I can say that it is bliss.
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