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The Importance of Having Urgency

so we are in a pretty unique place right
now we’re in the sudden southern part of
Kona Hawaii and this is the only place
in the world where you see green green
sand this is the only place in the world
where you see green sand but today’s
message has nothing to do with the green
sand or Hawaii you know many times I
talk to a lot of people that are people
of faith they believe in God and many
times I hear them talk about God doesn’t
want you to be too urgent at times a
sense of urgency and I think above all
of us nobody in the world creates more
of an urgency in our lives than God and
let me tell you why from the moment were
born he says
ready set go we got 80 years what are
going to do with it when you’re gone by
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 and the more it
goes by the faster it goes and I think
what God is trying to tell us is you
don’t have a lot of time left Pat that’s
how I interpret it you don’t have a lot
of time left we’re 16 only once and I
remember when I was 16 I remember when
we came to the States the first time
November 28 I remember all these things
and life just goes quickly quickly
quickly with urgency my challenge to you
is I mean you look at a place like this
what we’re looking at the water
beautiful writer a spot that’s so hidden
that most people don’t know about some
of the most beautiful places in the
world out there for us to go see but we
don’t have a lot of time for there’s got
to be an urgency to go up and get things
done for ourselves before life passes us
by because nothing nothing is more
honest than porous lawn or cemeteries
you go there you see thousands of people
that are dead and their lives pass them
by and I wonder how many of them sit
there and say at the end wish I would
have done a little bit more I wish I
would have been a little bit more urgent
with my life that’s my message of the
week to you [Music]
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