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The feeling when you know something great is about to happen

you know when you know when you know
that something great is about to happen
to your life I’m at Fairmont Hotel right
now in San Francisco and I will never
forget I’ll show you something very
interesting very very important time of
my life
so 9/11 happens it’s 2001 I am working
at Morgan Stanley Dean Witter supposed
to go to New York for training and now
it doesn’t happen so I don’t go to New
York they send me to a different place
because of that challenge that took
place obviously it’s a crisis and Morgan
Stanley’s headquarters was that World
Trade Center and I came to this hotel
this hotel right here let me show you
see the one behind me that’s the Mark
Hopkins hotel and I stayed right up
there okay that’s why I stayed Bill
Clinton was staying at the fair amount
across the street the reason why I’ll
never forget this is this so nobody knew
Patrick bit David a regular 22 year old
broker who’s getting this serious seven
without a degree without a 1.8 GPA in
high schools gonna end up going out
there and building a financial farm now
with 1,600 agents called PHP agency’ we
started with 66 agents of ours and now
we’re all over the place no one no one
would have seen that and and what does
this message have to do with you you
know when you know when you know that
something grates about to happen to your
life because nobody has a clue when
you’re given everything you got nobody
has a clue when you’re sacrificing
nobody has any idea when you are giving
everything you’ve got behind closed
doors that nobody sees nobody sees that
only you know it when you know it
there’s a certain level of certainty
that comes in your belly there’s a
certain level of confidence that comes
in your belly there’s a certain level of
you know idea that you have that you
know great things you don’t get me wrong
you have some fears you have some
insecurities you still are questioning
because until it becomes a reality or
lucky why can’t this thing already
happen but you know when you get to home
at night you sleep like a little baby
because you get everything you got that
day and you’ve been doing it
continuously then reading the books
you’ve been working on yourself you’ve
been development developing yourself
when you know when you know and nobody
else knows the look on your face changes
and people know when someone’s going
places so if you’re somebody right now
that’s watching this and you’re saying
to yourself I am busting it like never
before and I am certain I’m about to win
let me tell you it’s an incredible
feeling enjoy the journey because one
day you’re gonna have a Mark Hopkins
story to tell where you go from mark
Hopkins and your regular broker out of
150 kids in that class and everybody’s
asking what family do you come from how
wealth is your family all my family owns
an oil base my family owns a hotel kept
my family owns restaurants what does
your family do man I am Abed David my
mother is Diana my father’s Gabriel they
escaped Iran they brought us here for a
flipping opportunity and that’s all that
matters and I’m gonna do whatever I can
to make them proud that’s all that
you don’t need to worry about how much
money my parents have in the amount of
money my parents have is a simple
opportunity they gave me to come to the
United States of America where I am free
to get up in the morning go work my butt
off and build the life I want to build
for my family and so can you
penis is exciting ain’t it so fired up
about life and I’m fired up for those of
you that are given everything you got to
go out there win in life by the way if
you haven’t subscribe to my channel be
sure to subscribe comment on the bottom
and feel free to share this video with
others thank you everybody bye-bye
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