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Most important lesson learned. AWESOME VIDEO

oh I won’t tell you story let me tell
you story so I’m gonna tell you story
about your grandpa okay and that means
her daddy’s daddy
so it’s 1999 I get out of the military
and it’s six it is it’s 99 six o’clock
in the morning and I go to the living
room and I see my dad with his hands on
his head kind of thinking reflecting
right he had so much on his mind he
really did and I asked him I said what
are you thinking about you look like
you’re having some deep thoughts and he
said last night when I went to sleep you
bitch yourself I didn’t do it says last
night when I went to sleep said I
started having dreams that my mother my
god my brothers were all alive and we
were going to place in your own called
Quran Cabarete Iran if you Runyan you
know what that is cover Iran is like
studio 54 back in the days and he said I
was 21 years old all my friends who are
no longer here were there we were having
such a great time
Iran was free it was excellent and I
said and he said when I woke up this
morning he said I felt like I was still
21 years old in Iran with my family I
didn’t really believe that I’m 60 years
old today because I didn’t know it he
said until I went in front of the mirror
to wash my hands in my face and I looked
up in the mirror and I saw the look on
my face with all the wrinkles and old
man 6 year old man he says I realized
I’m no longer 21 it hit me he said it
was the most uncomfortable feeling to
know how quickly 40 years have gone by
and he told me substantial one of the
things about life is the fact that
life’s going to go by so quickly
so quickly at whatever age you’re in do
your best whatever you got to have fun
with it you give it your best effort
it’s just gonna get faster and faster
and faster so my message to you today is
before he grabs the mic is 10 years from
now you’re gonna um wonder and say I
wish I was the age you are today
do whatever you can’t
max out your life so we’re now looking
back so what if I would have done it
faster because time is certainly running
out and we don’t have a lot more time
left here together that’s my message of the day for you what do you think
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