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Is America United or Divided?

welcome to the sit-down
I’m your host Patrick vid Davis you know
I often hear entrepreneurs tell me how
much they can’t stand politics and how
dirty it is they don’t follow any of it
yet on April 15 while they pay taxes
they complain about how much taxes
they’re paying this is my point to you
taxes equals politics politics equals
taxes and the less you follow politics
the less you can control how much taxes
you’re gonna be paying in the future and
that’s why in today’s episode I sit down
with Ben Shapiro with Jerry Springer
with Dennis Prager as well as your own
Brooke all brilliant minds differing
opinions for you to be able to figure
out what they think about how they view
Democrats and Republicans what is a
top-line revenue we can afford to pay
what role does the government play for
entrepreneurs and there’s some other
items that we cover so you’ll be able to
make a decision for your service on
these four brilliant minds and to kick
it off is the one and only Ben Shapiro
I’m half Armenian half a Syrian yeah and
if you know if you know about Armenians
Assyrians or Middle Easterners they
typically vote Democrats right okay and
so you’ll sit there and there’s this
same that you’ll hear by the way it’s
it’s blacks Hispanics Armenia Middle
Easterners a lot of them right jusers
but that’s right that’s very strange by
the will change as well Democrats care
for people Republicans care for their
pockets we’re saying by the way here’s
the thing it’s so subtle and so
effective that it sticks somebody says
you know what III just my mom told me
for years always we’ll Democrat because
they care for the people Republicans
only care for the money right so if
someone says that what’s your safe to
that and we answer to that is they
obviously don’t care for the people
because the impact their policies has
been dramatically terrible they’re
they’re raking it in are you raking in
it really how’s your life is your life
dramatically improved because of the
Democrats in your area you keep electing
if the answer is no then maybe they
don’t care that much so you notice that
what I’m not doing is saying no no we do
care because once you engage in that
conversation somebody says I don’t care
about you you don’t care about me and
you say no no I really do the
conversation is already over right if
you’re in a relationship and your
girlfriend says to you you don’t care
about me anymore you know I really do
care the relationships done right
there’s no way you’re convincing her the
you care it’s just not happy yeah the
only way that you can the only way that
you can combat this politically is by
saying no the people who you say are
caring we’re actually not caring me the
truth is that in politics nobody really
cares that much about you right okay the
Democrats don’t care about you the
Republicans don’t care about you no one
cares about you I’m honest enough to say
listen here’s who I care about I care
about my immediate family I care about
my circle of friends and then the rest
of you I want to leave you alone right
and that’s good it’s good that I want to
leave you alone I don’t care enough
about you to try and stop you I don’t
care enough about you to try an input to
try and somehow infringe on your rights
I don’t care enough about you to think I
can control your life my job is to get
people out of your way and to get
everybody else out of your way so you
can do what you can do and then it’s
your job to succeed okay you’re asking
anybody else to solve your problems I’m
not gonna solve your problems you’re
gonna solve your own problems Democrats
are lying to you when they say they’re
gonna solve your problems they’re not
Republicans are lying to you when they
say they’re gonna so I probably like
that though why do that why do they like
that why is it that most people like
that I mean most people like the idea
that somebody’s gonna come in and solve
their problems for them and if you
haven’t grown up in a community that
suggests that it’s your job to solve
your own problems and suggests that you
know where there have been two
generations of heavy levels of
dependence on government programs then
it’s easy to equate that with caring say
that to anybody you say I’m gonna take
away you know your Pell grants to a
bunch of colleges and they and they say
oh that’s terrible how could you do it
might help grant you don’t care about me
I’m answer is you’re right I don’t care
about you neither do the people who are
giving you the Pell Graham’s people give
you the Pell grants don’t care about you
either they just want your vote I care
about you enough to say listen you’re on
your own go major in something that’s
gonna make you some money
all right don’t take $120,000 in loan
and go matron lesbian dance theory or
something they can make it I’m gonna
make a lot of money right exactly like
why don’t you go out and get a loan from
a private bank because they know they’re
gonna have their money back and they
would actually be better for you but
that’s your decision it’s not my job to
sponsor your life you ever heard the
same you know economy that’s better when
Democrats are president yeah that’s that
so statistically speaking that’s true
but it is also statistically speaking
true that when Republicans are in
Congress of late the economy’s done
better I mean since 1994 you get the
entire Clinton boom so you can’t really
it it doesn’t match up quite that easily
it did otherwise you have to attribute
the the beginning of the economic
downturn of 2008 2009 you have to say
that the first year was Obama’s fault
also like when does an economy become
the president’s first of all I’m not of
the opinion that policy unless there’s a
heavy policy change is really what
drives the economy
don’t think that tax cuts necessarily
make the economy boom or tax increases
necessarily make the economy spiral down
I think there are long term effects but
they’re a lot more subtle than we passed
the tax cuts of the economy’s booming or
we passed a tax increase the economy
immediately tanks I don’t think that
macro government policy is usually
large-scale enough immediate enough to
make that sort of change so so logic
emotion left promote you know votes more
emotionally would you say right promotes
more logically I would say that I would
take conservative thought is more
logical than leftist thought but you
know as far as individuals voting I
think most people turn to vote
emotionally right and left so then based
on what you’re saying is you know if a
marketing agency wants to hire a
marketer you got a you got a hire a
Democrat instead of a Republican because
Democrats are better marketers and
Republicans are no question I mean if it
were just about policy then I presume
that most people would vote Republican
because I think Republican policies work
better but if it’s about you know what
face you’re presenting to the world
Republicans suck at this Rogen’s are
awful Democrats are constantly saying
again it’s we care we care they don’t
care they’re bad people there it’s
always character attacks from the left
on the right it’s no you see it’s Paul
Ryan and he’s explaining why we need to
restructure Social Security yeah good
luck with that Democrats last for eight
minutes right exactly you got Joe Biden
out there saying that that Republicans
want to put y’all back in Chains and you
have Paul Ryan saying we want to
restructure your Social Security which
one of those messages do you think is
gonna be more effective who do you think
is gonna create more jobs the
government’s gonna create more jobs with
a billion or free-enterprise is gonna
create more jobs generally they cut well
let me just say into this I’m sure is
your answer no okay well the obvious the
economy has always done better under a
Democratic president the Republicans so
my point is that if you live in a
society not alone but in a society we
all have to rely on each other 99% of
what we are we had nothing to do with
you didn’t usually had nothing to do
with whether you’d be born to whom you’d
be born with what kind of brain you
would have with what kind of FS you have
nothing to do yeah it’s a gift I so
whenever you get a gift under any moral
culture your job is to say thank you and
the way we say thank you is to say I’m
lucky I have no more talent than anyone
else in this business and that’s true
that’s not being me being disingenuous I
think I’m a nice guy and I’m reasonably
bright but I’m not
and I got lucky but what about the guy
that’s picking up the garbage driving
the truck doing the really heart sweaty
work you think that guy’s not working
harder than I am money would come in
here I get my Starbucks Jenna tells me
what I need to do that day and I go and
do it how tough is that I understand we
have a system where I make the money and
the guy driving the truck doesn’t that’s
why we need strong unions that’s why we
need a government that will provide for
those kids that are born into a family
that doesn’t have those lucky break I
was about is that compare yeah but but
the question who’s going to get the
bigger tax breaks but wait a minute
lines for people why do you think the
government’s gonna fix it or we the
people are gonna fix it we are the
government in America are the government
so the government does they so we the
people that are paying taxes okay don’t
do last question for you those dudes are
complaining about taxes you got it
showing I can leap you’re on time cuz
she’s signaling me so I want to keep you
on time very show to go to normal
believe me I wish with 45 or so not the
jury today let’s go back to Gerry 1990
Gerry yes okay damn I was good look at
what point would you say and I’m hoping
I am hoping you don’t give me the the
CNN or Fox answer which is give me the
answer you want to give me and still not
answer the question I’m asking I’m
really hoping to see what you’re gonna
say to this okay at what tax rate would
you say screw you whatever state you’re
living in and move to another state at
what tax rate forces California right
now is a fifty seven and a half percent
top line I’m curious to know what you’re
gonna say because you give me the answer
I really want to hear it I can’t
conceive of any realistic tax rate at my
level it is absurd the tax breaks I get
absurd said what level would you say
above this I think it’s it’s unfair to
pay more than this much time well
obviously but not today Jerry 1990 Jerry
Jerry hasn’t yet made a lot of money in
1990 we have never in my life in America
ever been anywhere close to a tax rate
that would have any relevance in where I
would decide to live it so whenever
whatever well I guess if they catch you
95% oh so you’d be okay if we raise the
taxes to 95% I like I don’t know what
life is like if you you would be then in
a totally common socialist country let
me answer it this way I’m not dodging
the question there is no tax rate that
we’ve ever had in America that has been
repressive when we had a very high tax
rate in the 70s and 80s our economy went
through the roof so this nonsense about
boy the taxes are so they are high for
which people really you know what who
who doesn’t want to be rich let’s say if
you know what are you complaining about
when rich people complain about taxes I
look at how we’re living and I say you
know when I go to my friends I live
around a lot of wealthy people and when
they start complaining about they say
what is you drive here in your beautiful
cars you have these beautiful homes you
have vacations every place what are you
complaining about isn’t there something
in your in your guilt feelings to say
nice but my language do you think the
poor have a better break than than rich
people period that’s why I asked them
for a while I’ve been poor for yeah most
of my life I was poor but it was it
better no terrible why a terrible
exactly the point yeah lining but I were
you a rich person that your tax rate
well I’m not whining about no no I’m not
whining about that here’s what I’m
here’s what I’m concerned about say I’m
your son and say you have two sons yes I
want your sons yeah okay Patrick
Springer you’d be better looking at Rick
Springer okay but okay Jerry Springer
jr. I’m your son I love you we’re good
friends really and we’re at a point I’ve
made you proud you know all this stuff
yeah and we have another one okay our
Father you you’ve worked your tail off
I mean you’ve sacrificed you’ve been
away you’ve been on the road issues held
all but you have busted your tail and
you today are worth 10 million
okay yeah ten million that you work for
not me I didn’t work for that you were
wait a minute let me let me say this
point ten million that you work for
right I don’t work for it okay I take
your money and I say dad that money you
made I think I want to spend that money
six hundred thousand dollars here three
hundred thousand dollars here eight
hundred thousand dollars here two
hundred thousand dollars one hundred
thousand dollars here with no
accountability I don’t work for it you
work for it this is the challenge this
is where I’m going with this the
challenge I’m going with this America
has become a very powerful successful
nation at the cost of the people that
came prior to us and I feel if the
generations prior to us as if you’re my
father made all of that money I think
it’s foolish for us to say now that we
have all this money let’s come up with
all these different programs and let’s
give it away for free I feel we’re
taking likes giving it away this is rich
well that was just slander the third
question you still didn’t answer my
question what is the question the
question was if it’s taxes what rate
would you say on that pain above this I
would say 95% say hey what are you doing
so you would be okay I don’t know you
but I have to study exactly what that’s
what I’m telling you my answer not done
study laugh or Arthur Laffer and David
again which is absolutely crazy and
wrong and the trickle-down doesn’t work
well you know because when you know
Seiberling will you give hydrations
when you do I don’t care who hide who
I’m just telling you that we the
trickle-down theory has never worked and
the reason it has never worked is if you
give corporations a tremendous tax break
what do they do with it
they they give it to their investors
okay they don’t know one higher law
Jerry no one hires one more person than
they need to ever you don’t suddenly say
I need someone to mow my lawn and one
person could mow the lawn but you know
what I’m there for kids in the
neighborhood I’m gonna hire five kids to
do it and I’ll pay each of them every
company every time every three months
there’s a corporate meeting to say how
can you cut expenses in your department
every company does they’ll run a company
okay so you do that so you don’t say you
know what we don’t need this much
to profit I got an idea let’s go out and
hire more people we don’t need them to
do anything but let’s just hire that’s
of course I’ll do that you don’t think
companies that’s why so my question to
you then is you’re admitting that when
you get a huge tax break you turn it
into profits for your people you don’t
suddenly go out and hire more people
man I don’t really know we have more to
do what what do you mean to do what we
have so much more jobs to create there’s
so many ways to become more just right
now I’ll give you an idea that when the
time for structure would hire more
people why don’t you do that and do
things that we actually need in this
country we need to fix the roads the
school’s the hospitals the bridges we
need infrastructure with more distance
exit the ward it’s the system we’re not
worrying about your attacks where you
have got some mathematical units like me
being irresponsible my finances you’re
not responsible if their people left out
in this country that aren’t eating that
aren’t going to decent schools that
aren’t getting a decent life let’s
create a better country in this every
country on this planet is some
combination of a little bit of
capitalism and a little bit of socialism
there is a continuum on the one end of
the continuum you have capitalism and
100% capitalism and then the other end
social this doesn’t work in every
country is somewhere in the men yes even
China is a little bit capitally all
right so I’m saying what I’m a move it
over more the taxation should be the tax
rate should be an answer to your
question yeah we’re the most people in
our country can have a decent life
that’s a fair tax system but if there’s
a tax system which lets me have this
privileged life and other people don’t
have it that’s not a tax system we
should be proud of that is a tax system
that ought to be fixed do you really
believe that
so you’re saying you would be okay
you’re saying it you really would be
okay with 95 percent I don’t know what
the numbers no that’s no because I I’m
telling you I don’t know what that
numbers by Dennis I’m not right no
matter what my certain ideas are right
no matter what I don’t care whether I’m
right I care whether I know what what is
right there’s a
big difference yeah my ego is not
attached to my my opinions zero I am
prepared to change my mind in a
nanosecond give given I I was for
minimum wage
I was III was for minimum wage when the
New York Times was against it
the New York Times editorialized the
right minimum wages $0.00 but the the
New York Times has shifted from liberal
to left now it’s now what they would
never agree with that
people should look that up it’s I wrote
a I and many others have written about
when they advocated they had an
editorial the right minimum wage $0.00
more people are unemployed you don’t
give an opening work for people who need
work habits at a very early time in
their life nobody lives on minimum wage
the rest of their life if they do
there’s something wrong with their work
ethic they should rise you should become
a manager at a McDonald’s after a
certain number of years you shouldn’t be
getting minimum wage but I finally
realized oh my god we’re putting small
businesses out of business because they
work at such a small margin of profit
who’s gonna hire all of these people but
the left doesn’t care because they
consider it a victory to have the
government give more and more money to
people they think that is it’s a moral
and beautiful thing to do and I think
for except in the cases of where people
literally cannot work it is ruining of
their character and their life so I
changed my mind on it because of the
evidence are there a lot more things
that can be changed with your mind today
yes anything okay you provide me better
evidence and I’ll change my mind for
capital punishment if you convince me
that we we are executing anis innocent
people yep that we have to do a
moratorium I was a registered Democrat I
bought a Clinton and I voted right and
and I went in the middle and I’m
independent libertarian I won’t fire me
Carter I am you voted for Jimmy yes I
stopped being it that’s why I’m in
America and if there was no Jimmy Carter
I’d still be in Iran I wouldn’t be in
America if there wasn’t for Jimmy Carter
I’d probably still be in Iran living
there doing something else with the ship
but you would be doing well
it would be a much freer country to be
in Iran and the Iran under the Shah of
course it was an infinitely morally
superior no debt economically and
socially but no doubt about it
no no doubt about it him his son and I
had a conversation about it in DC today
I was with Ted Cruz you having met so
many different people on both side Chris
Matthews is not stupid okay Rachel
Maddow is not dumb Elizabeth Warren is
not dumb now they may be a little bit
sensational there are very few dumb
people that’s the point that dumb
doesn’t mean anything educated does it
mean smart doesn’t mean the number of uh
smart people who supported communists or
nothing is in the millions but fair
enough they go to the left and if you
talk about values and principles and all
of that there’s a lot on the left
there’s no wisdom on the left there are
a lot of say that I you can say that you
seriously think they’re lies no I don’t
say it I know it I lived it I went to
Columbia my professors were brilliant
and had almost no wisdom they taught me
that men and women are basically the
same you can be brilliant and believe
that but you can’t be wise and believe
that the difference between men and
women is huge so you’re saying the left
is smart the writers wise yes you’re
really saying yes that’s exactly the
people the ideas that’s correct
wisdom is they’re all live there are
wise liberals too but there was no
wisdom on the left the left is a
nihilistic destructive force in every
society they’re not touch left foot it
has ruined our universities it has
ruined our arts it has ruined our high
schools everything it’s ruining football
why don’t you define left and liberal
that’s not a difference after exam
what is that was simplify simplify in a
way we’re sixth grader can oh no no I do
by the way I believe I can I believe
it’s our obligation to make things as
simple not simplistic as possible
example liberalism believes in that race
is meaningless that character is
everything and skin color is nothing the
left believes that character is much
less significant than skin color the
left the left believes in segregation
racially the Liberals believe in
integration racial
a liberal is opposed to a black doram a
liberal is opposed to a black graduation
at Harvard a leftist is for it
they have nothing in common the only
thing that the left and the and the
unliberated Khamenei of two things
belief in big government and hatred of
the right that is the only thing that
left ISM and liberalism have in common
okay tell me who is a liberal and who’s
a left somebody somebody that people
know name right I gave you Alan
Dershowitz he’s a classic liberal okay
professor or Harvard Law School voted
for Obama and probably would go to
Berkeley noted for Clint fair enough
that is correct
who else would be a liberal okay this
there are many my whole family which
people don’t know obviously publicly
there are very few public liberals today
this is a tragedy publicly the
Democratic Party which was once liberal
is now left daniel patrick moynihan
these are names that will not be known
to most of your viewers senator from new
york major intellectual democrat he was
the man who alerted the country to the
crisis of the absence of the black
father and what was he called by the
left a racist but you could say it as a
democrat and still be elected senator
from new york not today a democrat who
said that the biggest problem in black
life is not racism it is absence of
father’s will could not be elected dog
catcher in new york you got capitalism
you got socialism you got communism okay
obviously got a bunch of other things in
there that people want marxist and this
is amol this other isms that are out
there let’s just say take the three
capitalism socialism communism communism
we’re not even in a debate because let’s
just set aside communism out there on
the other side it doesn’t have a good
track record okay i think there’s only a
couple things from karl marx books that
i read but i sit down and say these two
points i can actually buy it that car
Marx makes fair enough everything else I
just can’t buy into anything he’s saying
mathematically doesn’t make sense to me
so question for you
you got capitalism you got socialism
what’s the difference you know if you
were to simplify it what is the
difference between capitalism and
socialism and does America today is it
truly a capitalistic system that we have
an America to
we have a mixed economy but most every
democracy is a mixed economy for their
socialism and this capitalism but here
is the most important question since
again I think morally and rationally I
ask one question what has lifted people
out of poverty poverty is the human norm
there was there’s been very little
affluence in human history there is a
great deal of affluence today by
affluence I mean able to have a roof
over your head
pay your bills have a car I mean that’s
affluent to have a car and and a place
to live and an air conditioner
that’s affluent okay in in reality
though everyone who has that has it
because capitalism has lifted billions
out of poverty
socialism spends the money that
capitalism creates so your fan ISM never
creates wealth only capitalism creates
wealth socialism is a way of spending
the money that is created by capitalism
okay so at what percentage is it just
capitalism I don’t think there’s a
there’s a nation that’s a hundred
percent capitalism as a Friday that of
course because I said earlier right
because there’s regulations so what is
the number in your opinion I’ve done
some research on what the number is I
have a number for the Laffer curve you
know what what point the yak sation does
the revenues actually drop I don’t know
if they’re what the number is of because
you can’t make a number this percent is
capitalist this percent is socialist but
the the more private enterprise the more
free market the more people are free
I’ll give even medicine is this this is
not well known and it should be there is
a branch of medicine that is not covered
by insurance so people have to pay cash
they’re not insured it has become one of
the most lucrative areas of medicine and
the prices keep
falling and that is cosmetic surgery the
surgeons are making a lot of money and
the people are paying less all because
it’s completely free insurance doesn’t
pay for a nose job insurance doesn’t pay
for a breast implant this is all
cosmetic are you saying they should pay
for breath and no not in the least
they shouldn’t pay for almost anything
there should be insurance just the way
there is in cars
nobody is insured for a lube an oil
change you are insured if you want to
pay less for your insurance
you’re only insured for a serious crash
that’s what we should do for for health
insurance you get cancer and you need
I need insurance that’s too expensive
beyond that it should be cash so let’s
go back to the question again the
question is I’m gonna ask you just
Dennis let’s not do the research but I
know david and christina romer from UC
berkeley did a research on that what
percentage of taxes there’s the
motivation to create more money go away
I do believe that is more or less
measurable at what point people are are
people’s ambition to work is shattered
by taxation how do you feel about the
way the US government is set up I think
originally the way was set up is pretty
good I like it which part of it which
part do you like I like I like that the
fact that the no.1 branch of the
government has very much power I like
the fact that all a little impotence I
wish they were a little bit more
you know I saw so I like I like you have
two houses I like you have a president
that’s separate an executive branch has
separate I like the fact you have a
Supreme Court I would like that I would
like to have a stronger Constitution
that was clearer and more tickle it and
stronger and one individual rights mean
what the purpose of government is and
how do you actually enforce the role of
government which is the protection of
individuals rights how would we write
the content it’d be clearer than what it
is today I mean it was written it is
unfortunately it could be it could be
how much clearer partially because
remember they wrote this in in
in you know a long time ago before
capitalism really took off before you
had the institutions of capitalism void
institutions you could write it a lot
clearer for example I’ll give you an
example I believe there should be a
complete separation of economics from
politics politicians have no power over
the economy letting the government not
not even a limited good know let me but
let’s take in one room in the realm of
economics I believe that you shouldn’t
have a Treasury secretary than you know
distribute to the different departments
or whatever you it’s an accountant you
don’t need a but basically the
government has no regulatory role in
economy it just doesn’t intervene in the
economy it would be nice if in addition
to the separation of church and state
that exists in the economy in the
Constitution which is great there was a
separation of economy from state right
and there was a separation of science
from state and there was a separation of
economics from state so I would have
four separations in the Constitution
instead of just one and that would be
clearer and it would keep government in
its place
get out of the minds of my kids get out
of trying to run doctrinaire schools
you’re my jewels Golan no I’m for
private schooling my fried private
schools okay homeschooling is fine as an
option but I’m for private schools
privatize the entire system why don’t we
try do we have private insurance
companies although you know you’re
heavily regulated why do we have private
insurance but not private schools
private schools are much more important
right I want competition I want to
innovation I want choice I want people
to care about the education that kids
get I want I want to have innovation
your world there would be 100 percent
deregulation yeah 100 percent
deregulation yeah I mean I mean I’m not
saying there won’t be laws because in in
the world we live in today there’s
confusion between regulations are law
regulations are there to try to dictate
to a business how do one its business
often put it’s a preventive law it says
in advance this might be a problem so
don’t do it right now I want I want lost
exist on the books the who intact is it
a police in a judicial system so I don’t
I know non anarchist right so I want
laws on the books that protect property
rights that protect individual rights so
if I’m doing something that clearly
harms you
whether it’s poisoning you with with
dirty water or dirty
something then yeah you have recourse
against me and the government has
recourse against me but I you know the
government just can’t scan out of
nowhere say this is okay and that’s
banned and this is banned
no there has to be proof there has to be
a system there has to be a methodology
of a determined went something is man it
has to be proven that it hurt somebody
you know that it’s actually damaging to
human life rights are being violated so
their job is to protect property rights
which is hard it’s not easy so you need
a government you need a court system you
need a legislative branch you know to
figure out for example with the internet
what is property how do you apply
property to intellectual stuff how do
you apply property to the enterprise
you’re simplifying it more than like you
know it may be easy to do that with
fifty thousand people in a country but
313 is the other way around it’s it the
the more complex the system is the more
important it is to have freedom the more
complexity you have the more capitalism
is important I can I can centrally plan
probably don’t hold me to this I don’t
think it’s right I don’t think it small
but I could centrally plan a fifty
thousand person community and do okay
could I centrally plan a three hundred
million people no way so even even from
the yeah so the more complex the the
less economic justification there is for
any kind of planning the more you want
freedom the more you want capitalism the
bigger it is the more this philosophy in
a sense quite economics works so let’s
say your house burns down and you didn’t
buy insurance for whatever we died and
any of a night-sky
and you’ve got neighbors what what
happened in America before the
government stepped in and provided you
with welfare and everything else your
neighbors got together and they said
he’s a good guy we like here me no fault
of his own it should have bought
insurance but okay and we’re gonna we’re
gonna come together I’m gonna help him
build a new house but you you you
shouldn’t expect some guy you live in
Dallas you shouldn’t affect somebody in
California to pay for your new house if
your neighbors want to help you it but
what if you’re a jerk and your house
burns down and your neighbors actually
hate you and you’re not worthy of their
help then you’re not gonna get the help
so virtue is rewarded under capitalism
if you’re a good person if you’re a nice
person and then people will help you
when you need that help but it’s not
automatic you know people often ask me
they say pal why do you
some guess you disagree with why don’t
you just bring people that believe in
capitalism and by the way I get some
hate mail and comments on me bringing
guess that even I disagree with this is
my point you I grew up in a family my
mother said they were all communist my
dad said they believed in imperialism by
the way this is absolute opposite
political system one believes tax
everybody 100% communism the other
believes leave us alone and don’t taxes
let me get to work right so that’s
complete opposite bother when my parents
20 years later ended up getting a
divorce because they became more divided
more divided more divided more divided
because of how many times they talked
about it right so in America people say
America’s divided more than it’s ever
been before
we are divided whose telling us we’re
divided you can see a lot of different
stats that’s is America’s more United
than we’ve ever been before but the
people that are telling us that America
is more divided than ever before the
people that make money from advertisers
Fox CNN MSNBC and the rest the more you
and I are upset at the other side if
you’re Democrat you hate Republicans CNN
makes money if you’re Republican hating
Democrats Fox makes money if there is
more animosity against each other we
watch this stuff more sly Conor McGregor
going against Mayweather they promoted
though fight so well as if you and I
thought they hated each other but they
made 400 million dollars because they
brought eyeballs to pay-per-view what
does this have to do with business this
is my point you if you run a business if
you make all your decisions based on
emotions you’ll be out of business very
soon if you run a business if your honor
based on data trends and numbered stats
facts if you look at those things then
you say oh wow look at this stuff we are
doing this what is going on over here
let me study this part of it and then
you can add your creativity to it but
you have to go to the data and source so
any one of these political people that
talked and they give their opinions we
did a research and they said this and
they said that Republicans are bad but
they did the research right outside of
UC Berkeley I mean you know that’s
already gone to one side and if somebody
says we did a research from Fox News
that Republicans feel the Democrats
being unfair to the president but they
did it outside of a big Church in
Houston Lakewood with Joel you know
that’s also being biased so you gotta
take yourself out of the equation with
the emotion side look at the data look
at the stats and realize you know we’re
actually more United than we’ve ever
been before I’m gonna stop listening to
these guys confuse me I’m gonna bring
everybody together so your family your
country isn’t one day getting
divorce so look having said that if you
watch one of these sit-ins and you said
I want to know more the link to every
single in degree is gonna be below and
for some of you that drive and you want
to listen to value 10 we also have the
podcast you can listen to while you’re
driving the link will also be below go
subscribing you’ll be able to listen to
the episodes while you’re driving your
car again thoughts comments anything
you’re thinking about from interviews
comment below thanks for watching take care bye bye
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