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Talking about LOVE in English ❤️❤️❤️ Idioms & Phrasal Verbs

hello I’m Ella from English today I want
to introduce my friend mark he is an
relationship expert dating coach life
coach and we’ve been hanging out a
little bit lately because mark has a
youtube channel as well where he you
help primarily women in relationships
and in difficult sort of periods of
their life to improve relationships with
the people around them right tell us a
bit about what you do exactly exactly so
I’m a life dating and relationship coach
from here in Australia I met em at a
Sydney event and just loveliest lovely
woman and my channel is about empowering
women through growth self-esteem and
authenticity amazingly what does that
mean authenticity what does that mean
yeah so it just means about being real
being yourself so this is talking about
the adjective authentic as well so
authenticity is related to to the
adjective authentic which is means real
so talking about relationships and
particularly between women and their
partners making them real and meaningful
and honest right yes exactly honest open
vulnerable and connecting oh my gosh so
many good words there we’re gonna pop
some of the definitions of those in the
description box below this video but
today since you’re a dating expert a
relationship expert I wanted to talk to
you about some of the phrasal verbs and
the idioms that we use in English to
talk about love and relationships so I
want to be able to show my audience you
know some really common language and
expressions that they can use to talk
about love sounds fantastic so the first
thing that I thought that I’d introduced
is three phrasal verbs that are really
okay so that would be hang out catch up
and hook up so all of these phrasal
verbs can be used to talk about
relationships in some way I want you to
tell me what’s the difference between
them when would we use them yeah so hang
out catch up and hook up they can mean
quite different things hangout is a
casual request to see you so it’s a very
basic request I say Emma I want to hang
out with you that literally just means
I’d like to see Emma and spend some time
with you sometime so that could be that
could be a romantic relationship or it
could be just with friends right yeah
yeah and you have to know the context
like if a man that you meet say on
tinder on a dating app says hang out it
could it’s likely to be more a
relationship context uh-huh whereas me
and Emma are friends we’re hanging out
now we’re hanging out now yeah so hang
out can be either
it basically means spend some time
together let’s see each other okay so
what about ketchup ketchup is generally
saved for people you already know so if
I don’t see Emma for a month instead of
saying let’s hang out I’d probably say
let’s catch up mm-hmm
so it’s a similar term and it’s usually
used with someone that you already knew
previously the majority of the time that
someone says let’s catch up they’re
saying I want to reconnect with you
after a period of time right and again
it could be friends or it could be a
relationship but friends can also catch
up right I can catch up with friends for
exactly and cuz you already know your
friends you generally say catch up yeah
more than hang out well the other thing
is if you haven’t seen someone for a
while then catch up is a really common
phrasal verb as well that you’d used to
say ah do you know we haven’t seen each
other for ages we should catch up so
what about hooker so hookups used in a
romantic context you wouldn’t hook up
with your friend you wouldn’t hook up
with your friend
unless you wanted to get romantic with
your friends which might get rich
moments later so hook up is often it can
refer to any number of romantic
encounters it could be I hooked up with
him at a bar mm-hmm
which usually means I kissed him yeah
usually it means kissing right if your
friend says to you I hooked up with him
sometimes it can be just kissing
sometimes it can be more than that and
also hook up it doesn’t refer to a
relationship that is ongoing it’s not
one point yeah it’s a casual so a
hook-up is a casual term nothing is
serious at least not yet
in the person’s mind describing it mm-hm
if I say I hooked up with someone it was
a casual low time encounter it’s not to
say I might not see them again in my
mind right now it’s casual mm-hmm that’s
quite interesting because a lot of my
audience you know the concept of like a
casual hookup doesn’t exist for them in
their case you know it’s not it’s not
part of what they do yeah so if that’s
the case for you then hookup is probably
not really language that is really
relevant it’s only you know quick
informal non serious relationships yeah
Nayla so one other aspect that I want to
talk to you about is the way that we use
the verb fall in expressions about love
because we say fall in love and we say
fall for someone what does that sort of
mean why are we using that expression
it’s really about you were saying before
before we chatted it’s literally about
falling is where the phrase originally
came from and it’s about losing control
feelings mm-hmm and losing control of
things so if I say I fall for you it
means without my control without wanting
to I’m just falling yeah so when you say
fall for someone it’s generally a bit
more casual than falling in love yes
yeah when you fall for someone that
could be after a few dates mm-hmm I’m
really falling for her I’ve been on four
dates with her I’m really forceful and
often used with starting starting to
fall or so it’s often right at that
initial period in a relationship I’m
starting to get a lot of feelings yeah
I’m falling for her yes she’s amazing
it’s a good thing to be falling for
someone or to be falling in love it’s a
really really positive way of talking
about a relationship yeah exactly
and the next falling in love comes along
a bit later when things are more serious
and you’ve really got to know the person
you form those deep bonds so I’m falling
in love with him or even I’ve fallen yes
right so we’re changing tent I fell I
actually said that wrong I fell in love
with I fell in love with him in the past
yeah but no I have fallen in love it’s
that tense the perfect tense is the
correct one to use then because it’s an
action that started in the past and is
still relevant in the present if you
said I fell in love with that person by
using the past tense it’s sort of
suggesting that maybe it’s an action
that’s finished in the past so if you’re
still in love with that person then
using the perfect tense is wrong one
I’ve fallen yeah yeah I fell in love
yeah kind of means I’m not in love
anymore yeah one thing that happened in
the past eight years ago yeah yeah good
pickup I see why you’re good at what you
do okay so once you’ve fallen in love
things have sort of got pretty serious
right yes so around the time when things
start getting serious in a relationship
we’re talking about engagements and
marriages right yeah expressions like
pop the question so if you heard someone
say oh he popped the question you might
be thinking what question what’s it
about what are they talking about mark
so popping the question is just a common
colloquial term for getting down on one
knee and asking for a hand in marriage
so usually it’s the man and you’ll often
hear at maybe a family event the people
will be talking with each other and they
will say too often to the woman when is
he going to pop the question that’s the
question Oh oh my god when did he pop
the question or maybe how did he pop the
last time he popped the question good
one so it’s all about asking that
basically that person to marry yeah
popping the question so the question but
the is making it the only important
question in the world the question is
about marriage will you marry me okay
and yeah for some reason we use the verb
pop in that expression to pop the
question then we say okay so he’s popped
the question when are you going to tie
the knot so tie the knot literally means
get married you walk down the aisle as
it were and then you tie the knot and
have your wedding mm-hmm tonight though
where that expression came from was
because actually yeah all right I
thought it was a piece of string that
usually before you know it was gold and
it was silver the string around the
finger symbolized the promise really
okay you cross your arms and they do
that thing I think that’s an extension
of it it’s the same kind of idea so it’s
about tying some material or some string
to connect two people together mmm
beautiful okay so tying the knot is
lovely then hopefully there is a really
happy marriage and relationship forever
but we know that that sometimes not
always the case of course so in
relationships in romantic relationships
with people we often not we often but we
sometimes you know change our ideas or
our dreams that we have for our future
together and maybe we want different
and when that happens usually we drift
okay we sort of we’re not as close as we
used to be right have you ever had that
happen to you before have you drifted
apart from someone of course yeah I’ve
had it with clients and I’ve had it in
my own life too and there’s a couple of
ways this can happen sometimes it’s
because the feeling the falling isn’t so
much there anymore or sometimes it’s
because the way you want to take your
life is different to the way the other
person wants to take their life and so
you literally drift apart because you
know maybe I want to here in Brisbane
and my partner wants to travel and
doesn’t want to have kids and slowly but
surely we realize we have different
goals and we know that there’s a wedge
between us we feel separate from each
other and we slowly drift apart without
goals values different values that’s it
yeah the other thing that might happen
in a relationship is things could get
uncomfortable maybe people are
frustrated in their jobs or there and
then they start taking it out on each
other and you know they’re often having
arguments or they’re disappointed in
each other and so one expression that we
say is is that a couple is on the rocks
or their relationship is rocking so why
why do we use the word rock or rocky or
on the rocks to talk about relationships
what’s your opinion on the rocks
originally comes from the ships uh-huh
and when the ships would go towards the
rocks and they’d say she’s on the rocks
it’s not a good thing when a couple is
on the rocks it means that those
challenges whatever they may be whether
they’re not connecting in some way or
whether their values are many major rift
apart it’s meaning that one of them at
least is feeling hurt there’s arguments
happening and they’re constant and this
level of arguing
they may soon break up and that’s
basically what we say and happy yeah
drift apart is not as aggressive as on
the rafts drift apart means they’re kind
of heading in different directions
slowly yeah but they still have a good
not a good relationship
they still respect each other they still
like each other
they’re just drifting apart they’re
going in different directions whereas a
couple that’s on the rocks when that
expression is used there’s usually a lot
of resentment and arguing so it’s
probably recycle yeah and couples that
drift apart will often end up on the
aha they start fighting talking about
their different values and the fact that
they’re drifting apart will obviously
make them sensitive because they could
be losing this pearly drift they’re
literally drifting apart and that
sensitivity will cause arguments so then
you know let’s think about when a couple
or two people in a relationship they
separate and there is always a period
where they have to come to terms with or
you know get used to the new situation
right and often that’s not always easy
so we use get over and to be over
someone in this situation so you know
for past boyfriends that I’ve had you
know maybe it took a little while for me
to get over him get over the
relationship which means sort of recover
from the relationship right exactly
exactly and I coach a lot of clients
through this and it’s basically about
putting the resentment or the dislike
aside so moving that putting that behind
you and then opening your heart again
eventually to a new person right so
you’ve got to take that time to get over
someone because that means that you can
eventually open your heart to someone
new whereas if you don’t get over
you can jump to the next relationship
very quickly and not take the time to
process that pain and really let go of
that person so you can be fully open to
the new person that pain will still be
there in your new relationship and would
you say that to get over someone usually
that’s talking about the process of
becoming okay with that new situation to
be over someone means that you’ve
already gone through that process right
so if I said I’m still trying to get
over my ex that’s different to saying I
am over my ex which means I’ve been
through the difficult period and I’m
ready for a new relationship now right
exactly exactly you’re getting over
someone while you’re in that period I
need to get over this girl I need to put
that behind me get used to the new
situation and put away my disdain for it
and sometimes this can take a long time
one of my relationships took me over
over six months to get over sometimes it
happens quite quickly it depends on the
relationship but once I say I’m over her
then it’s like it’s done I’m it’s in the
past I’m ready to move on and I’ve
accepted the situation as it is so I
think I mean that’s all been really
fascinating hearing about these
different expressions and how they’re
used in relation like in relationships
and I think what I would love to
recommend for you to do is if you are in
a relationship with an an English
speaker particularly with an Australian
but with any native English speaker and
you’re feeling a little unsure or
vulnerable about that relationship then
I would really encourage you to check
out Mark’s channel because he’s got a
lot of really great content interesting
videos talking about relationships
talking about how to manage those
important relationships in your life not
to mention there is a lot of really
abuelita relationships are such a huge
part of our lives aren’t they whether
they’re romantic or not schools but
expanding your vocabulary and building
on your knowledge of these topics will
really really help you with your
conversations in the future so let us
know where we can find you thank you so
there’ll be a link in the description to
my channel you can also type my name
which we’ll put in the description too
or you can search make him yours all
right so we should actually just clarify
that with Mark’s channel he primarily
works with women right yes focusing on
their relationships with men you have
worked a little bit with men too though
I worked with men a lot in the past okay
yeah okay but the channel is mostly
focused on women the channels now aimed
at women perfect all right so ladies I
would really encourage you to check out
the channel and find out a little bit
more about how you can improve the
important relationships in your life
mark it’s been awesome yeah
thank you so if you would like to keep
watching and keep practicing with some
of my other language lessons I’m gonna
put them up on screen right now right on
marks face over there so if you need to
follow up with any there’s a language
grammar vocabulary lesson to check these
ones out thanks for watching and I’ll see you next week bye for now bye
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