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Take the rough with the smooth: The English We Speak

Feifei: Hello, this is The English We Speak
and I’m Feifei.
Neil: And hello, I’m Neil.
Feifei: Hey great news, Neil!
Neil: Oh yes, what’s that?
Feifei: I got a promotion.
Neil: Oh well done.
Congratulations and all that.
Feifei: Come on, Neil – you were never
going to get one. And anyway,
it’s not all good news.
Neil: A promotion – a pay rise, more power
– how is that not all good news?
Feifei: Well, it means longer hours,
harder work, having to work
with you more. I expect
you have some English expression
to describe that!
Neil: I do, Feifei. You have to take
the rough with the smooth.
It means you have to accept
the bad or unpleasant things in a situation
as well as the good things. In other words,
you can’t have everything.
Feifei: Thanks for the sympathy, Neil.
Neil: Here are some good
things though, Feifei: examples!
A: I’m going to use my qualification to get
a really good job, but I’ve lots of studying
to do before I get it.
B: Well you have to take the rough with
the smooth but good luck!
Having kids is very fulfilling but it can
be challenging too, especially the lack of
sleep – but I guess I have to take
the rough with the smooth!
Feifei: This is The English We Speak from
BBC Learning English and we’re learning
about the phrase ‘to take the rough
with the smooth’ which means you have
to accept the bad things
in a situation as well as the good things.
Neil: So poor you, Feifei – you’ve got
a great new promotion but
you’re going to have to
work longer. So fewer lunches with me,
less time at the pub…
Feifei: The expression for that
would be ‘to take the smooth with
the smooth’. But do you
know what – this programme is
a good example of taking the rough
with the smooth.
Neil: So you mean there are some
good things and some bad things?
Hmm, so what are they?
Feifei: Well, the rough things
are presenting with you…
Neil: And the smooth things?
Feifei: The smooth things –
the good things – are it’s a short
programme and it’s nearly
over. It’s time to go, Neil.
Neil: Thank goodness. Enjoy your
promotion then – hope it goes smoothly
Feifei: It will! Bye.
Neil: Bye.
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