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Speak English without Mistakes! – Brazilian English Students

Wow Wow this way you’re gonna kill me oh
if I catch you oh my God if I catch you
delicious yeah today we’re doing
Portuguese well Brazilian mistakes when
learning English and today to help me
with this is the amazing Karina from
English in Brazil who has an amazing
channel oh thank you thanks for having
you thought it was a Brazilian anon
question okay now English in Brazil
Aquino to be Cola Hakan card no car G
what car G car G card
I always hear this in my classes if I
ask your Brazilian Oh tell me about
Brazil tell me about your city what’s it
like Oh in my city have many beautiful
bitches what
talking about grammar we use have for
everything so instead of saying there
are beautiful beaches we say have
because it’s a translation from
Portuguese same thing we turquoise
oligarchy but also the vowel sound is
very hard for us to say for example
beach and bitch oh my god so we say
she’d if you want to say oh my god
can I say these words yeah bitch Beach
the the easy way is saying like the ones
the short vowel ones a long vowel but
even then it sounds sometimes wrong it’s
like Oh beaches you’re just making the
sound longer the problem doesn’t end
there if you’re Brazilian and you want
to know the difference between these two
files Beach is the place where you can
see that see see with the long vowel and
then a bitch is what the female of a dog
but bitch it sounds like a in a li
so it’s something between the long e and
then a something in between
yeah also it kind of doesn’t really
matter with the length of the sound you
can make the two different sounds in
your mouth just by moving your tongue e
e all I’m doing is moving my tongue
nothing else moves for there yeah my
tongue is down for example in bitch my
tongue is down a bitch for E I lift my
tongue up in the mouth e
B and you smile e beach of course the
smile really helps it gets you eat bitch
you don’t move you don’t open your mouth
you don’t smile I don’t know how yeah
so the smile it gets you naturally there
Beach but you could also call someone a
so practice with us I’ll say this word
you’ll say this word bitch bitch
sheet heap live lean something that
we do that Brazilians could learn for
British English sometimes when we’re
speaking fast we changed the last L
sound to an l l l l we do it so do we
yeah for example an e mouth yeah but
then you would say any mouth yeah we
wouldn’t do the extra vowel any mouth
but we would say animal animal animal
animal anymore yeah like that animal
yeah animal also instead of also also I
also oh so oh oh so yeah what about LLL
like I’m sick
uh-huh I’m ill ill yeah and Brazilians
would say you you over again it sounds
lovely and cute but when you’re speaking
in slow English yes pronounce the L I’m
very ill that sounds more correct
however in fast spoken English it’s very
very common to just say I’m ill I’m ill
I’m ill I’m ill so usually in L words we
sometimes change it to an L but just be
careful don’t change the vowel sound as
well so not talk alq
talky oh so you bend that Val towel talc
rank but there’s no you there right yeah
make sure you don’t do the owl it’s talk
right yes
talk talk talk talk you are becoming
British a little bit the same as walk
right yeah many Brazilians would say wow
wow wow yeah yeah so don’t have that owl
just walk walk how would you say half
um how how how yeah two and a half a man
many people say that yeah two and a half
II Men it’s half right right right
exactly what’s your favorite type of
music hockey look oh my god
hokey-pokey hole okay hole so I noticed
my students do this a lot
why did they change the rnh it’s because
the art sound in Portuguese sounds like
a ha so for example yoo-hoo good
huge na de we say we don’t think Rio or
do we say Hugh Janeiro huge Janeiro so
it’s another phonological transfer from
Portuguese to English so we tend to say
hat for both rat and hat because these
yeah for both of them would we would say
hat I saw hat it could be a rat or a hat
so just be careful if a word starts with
an R sound
make sure you pronounce it wrapped Rock
possibly the most common mistake would
be adding another vowel sound to some
words like when you’d say dog how would
some Brazilian say doggie I love it yeah
which sounds cute for you doesn’t it I
honestly really love it it sounds really
cute yeah doggie yeah so we don’t have
syllables ending G in finger part cut
you don’t have that no and when we do
for example lawyer is achieve oh god I
forgot so we insert that file even in
Portuguese so I Jeeva God oh yeah that’s
why we tend to insert this vowel even in
English so we say doggy catchy for cat
pub Bobby Bobby Bobby let’s go to a pub
ah work working Italians also tension
sort of all but it’s a different vowel
right they add an R sound I think yeah I
like I like her yeah yeah and we insert
an ethos right so it’s just something to
be aware of if it ends in that consonant
sound don’t add the vowel sound and it’s
funny that sometimes when we’re so
opposed to say the e sound we just don’t
I think it’s hyper correction or
something so well I know I can’t insert
a bow there so instead of saying coffee
with a coffee
but then it’s wrong so it’s like in
Reverse yeah that’s weird isn’t it Wow
yeah I knew that you do that but I
didn’t know why you did that it’s
because in our native language we don’t
have syllables ending with these
consonants the only consonants allowed
in this position is R so for example we
don’t have a problem saying car we don’t
say carry yeah because we have words
ending are in Portuguese for example any
mod I forgot like I forgot again so how
do you say I forgot in English I don’t
know what it means I thought it means
swollen deep no Sonny’s gun so when I go
deep deep where Kareena and the water of
course and when you I’m drowning ah
drowning yes Patroni yeah that’s what I
mean to drown the swamp that’s no excuse
I thought it was that’s why you do this
please don’t don’t add this okay I’m
gonna add it no this is this one and you
say it’s I work II as a teacher and
sometimes I work II like a teacher so
what is the difference between I work as
a teacher and I work like a teacher
sorry as if you work as something you’re
saying this is my job
I work as a teacher to work as a waiter
waitress however I work like it’s
similar so how hard do you work I work
how would you say hot dog oh we would
say Hachi doggie it’s so so cute
Hachi dog I don’t know much doggy so you
know when a teeth sound is followed by
an AI sound that becomes a cha so that’s
why we say hush or Hachi instead of hot
I’ve noticed also in
saying party party because it’s a tea
sound followed by an I sound so they
party yeah yeah and I think it can be a
problem for example if I say catch what
do you understand touch it’s a very
bright catch yeah but some Rosina’s
might be trying to say cat so that is a
problem so why does that oh because
you’re adding the vowel I write catchy
and like you said you’re changing it
then to it yes how do you say Batman
match man wow you changed as well yeah
batchman kind of like that and you know
what the D sound becomes a jerk sound
before and I sound bad becomes badge we
would say goo genichi what is that good
gene I Chi wow that’s a good night at
night but you’ve got the D and the T
gorgey my Chi sure I’m sure interesting
so yeah just make sure that you don’t
change those sounds the T and the D
sound don’t change them touch and do
this next one oh my god it’s not just
Portuguese many languages have this
problem I know the th sound is so hard
for us because we don’t have the
sounding Portuguese no it’s not unique
to English but one of the very few
languages that has it know so we tend to
say I think yeah or I think I think he
thinks I think he instead of I think
yeah yeah for the voiceless sound we
would say tell Orpha and for the voiced
one we would say duh this is so
beautiful yeah this this is so beautiful
instead of this is so beautiful yeah the
magic aparajita cuckoo dodgy
pronunciation Tioga voiceless scale just
was the adverse a promise us you’re a
koala Kalinga mice preferring sure
that’s app I think yeah it provides
kiyow kiyow kiyow vodka Mexicans oh it’s
vibrating here and then just move your
tongue forward
that’s it this that breathe easy
so grammatically there’s a really common
mistake I hear a lot and that’s using
the pronouns not exactly correctly and
I’m not sure why if I’m introducing you
to someone else I I think I know what
you’re talking about so for example I
would say we would say so this is Ali
and your channel is so cool
instead of saying and his channel is so
cool when you’re talking to someone else
someone else yeah yeah put cake in so
context potentially so Ali you say okay
now I’m going to Lego is functioning
Portuguese yeah each paints a cell at
your eyes now English takes a baby man
you can al Daly in his channel Tomoko
fuse ODG traduce okay she’s fast
it’s a translation thing so you wouldn’t
say it the same way in Portuguese as
English we could but we have two options
and sometimes we choose the wrong one
right another really really common
mistake I hear is when people want to
say I usually do something like I
usually go to school at 10 o’clock the
mistake would be I used to go to school
at 10 without the past tense of you ste
or I’m used to or I’m using yeah I’m
used to go to school right so why is
that a mistake how can you change it I
think it’s a translation thing as well
right so people say oh costume we so we
say I’m used to go to school yeah right
right but it doesn’t work in English
right yeah I usually go to school
exactly yeah or I used to go to school
at 4:00 when I was young exactly in the
past now however the accustomed to model
is the one customer right so if we want
to say I’m accustomed to blah blah blah
we do say I’m used to blah blah blah for
example and when I moved to London it
was very strange but now I’m used to it
I got oh yeah custom a I got a stoic us
tomorrow edgy for energy no costume ooh
a second for something just don’t
confuse the tape easy and finally really
mistake is removing the subject
completely from sentences for example if
I said what do you think of London is
beautiful something missing from that
sentence yeah
the subjects it only occurred with it
interesting it so it’s beautiful
for us it’s a little redundant because
the conjugation of the verb is shown in
the verb estar Linda we don’t need East
Island we don’t need the subject we can
just omit the subject in Portuguese
because all the information you need is
in the verb so efficient yeah because it
it’s efficient but it makes our verb
system much more complex in English if
you just have M is or R yes so you need
the subject to complete the sentence
yeah yeah we usually say it’s raining
especial very yeah but we need the it
there because it could be she is ready
exactly yeah I always say this whenever
I ask what do you think of this movie
what do you think of this thing it’s
wonderful so make sure you include the
subject the it yeah and also the object
yes because many Brazilians say what do
you think of it well I like yes oh yes
this is so exciting this is a really
good point and for example do you want a
coffee yes I want right so you need to
either you have an option include that
object or just do the short answer yeah
do yeah
muito obrigado for watching and to
Carina for helping me make this lesson
and we also made another really cool
video you can watch that by clicking
here –is– accusing you accusing you
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time mi atomize
[Music] you
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