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Speak Better English – Describing People

there are many adjectives that you can
use to describe someone but if someone
asks you about your friend what’s your
friend like like describe your friend oh
you know how friends are he’s nice good
good guy it’s funny so if you know
someone really cool let’s learn some
better adjectives to describe that
okay for this lesson you need a pen and
a piece of paper I want you to write
down who you think best represents each
of the adjectives that I show you in
this lesson now like not your friends
because I don’t know them
famous people people who we all know are
you ready do you have a pen do you have
a piece of paper let’s go first
Witte when you want to say my friend is
very funny but not just funny smart and
funny they mix humor and intelligence in
a really cool way so usually when they
tell jokes you have to be smart to
understand them a photon is going
through airport security the security
guard says excuse me do you have any
luggage the photon says nope I’m
traveling light guy walks into the
library he asks do you have any books on
paranoia the librarian says they’re
right behind you C E flat and G they
walk into a bar the bartender says sorry
we don’t serve minors thank you
okay yes those were terrible jokes but
you get the idea
humor and intelligence witty an example
of a witty person would be Stephen Fry
perfect example of a witty person do you
have one of those friends who really
loves to cuddle they always tell you how
much they love you oh my god I love you
so much you’re my best friend you’re the
some people love it some people hate it
this person is affectionate they are
showing their affection let me know in
the comments do you have an affectionate
friend do you love them or hate them
maybe you have that one friend who
always does something a little strange a
little peculiar lives life quite
like maybe they sleep upside down like a
bat this person we describe as quirky
kooky or eccentric now all three
basically mean the same
they have peculiar particular character
traits but this is the level of strength
quirky and kooky maybe you’re a little
bit different like you dyed your hair
pink last summer or you wear a necklace
made of shark’s teeth but eccentric
that’s what we call the really rich
people who live crazy lives they sleep
upside down they name their kids after
fruits and they get blood transfusions
from 20-year olds as a beauty treatment
let’s imagine that you meet the inventor
of coffee and they’re so so cool and you
want to tell them that oh my god you
invented coffee you’re so awesome you’re
actually the best person on earth but
their reaction is this now I’m just I’m
normal I’m nothing special
they’re humble they’re not arrogant this
person is unassuming you could also
pronounce it unassuming both are fine an
unassuming person is humble they’re not
arrogant but objectively they are so
cool the next question in the comments
have you ever met a famous person a
celebrity someone who’s so so cool but
when you met them they were very
unassuming let me know in the comments
tell me your stories let’s imagine that
you need to tell your friend something
serious or maybe insulting you need to
be delicate you need to be very careful
about what you say right however this
guy he’s not careful he’s not delicate
if someone is quite direct and honest
about something which might hurt your
feelings or might insult you
he’s very frank he’s honest he’s direct
about something which might hurt your
feelings might be insulting some of my
old students have been quite frank in
the past they probably don’t want
to be insulting but they’re just being
honest they see it and they say it for
example I’ll go to class and one of my
students is like wow you look really fat
today have you had any experiences like
that let me know in the comments the
next type of person is a great person to
meet someone who is polite they have
really good manners they offer you a
drink when you arrive at a party
this person is courteous it’s always
good to be courteous polite respectful
you’ll consider it to other people in
the way that you act if you know someone
like this you love being their friend
there’s so much fun they’re really
really sociable they are gregarious this
might be the nicest way to friendzone
someone you’re so gregarious
I love being friends of you and finally
if someone is not reserved about their
feelings no they’re very open full of
joy full of energy and they want to show
it that person is exuberant they’re full
of life full of joy full of energy they
want to show everyone – how amazing life
is they’re exuberant pronunciation
exuberant so like I said before in the
comments let me know who you think best
represents each of those adjectives and
if you want extra extra English practice
you can join this channel as a member or
join my patreon page you’ll get regular
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remember these lessons also you can
follow me on social media ad Papa teach
me and I’ll see you in the next class
[Music] you
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