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From pillar to post: The English We Speak

Feifei: Hello and welcome to The English
We Speak. I’m Feifei but where is Rob?
Rob: Sorry, Feifei. I didn’t know we were
in this studio today.
Feifei: Yes. Studio 62D.
It says it on this plan.
Rob: Really? The studios and offices are
being refurbished and everything
seems a bit chaotic.
Feifei: As long as we follow the plan
we will be OK. Calm down, Rob.
Are things really that bad?
Rob: Yes! First I sat at my desk
and was told to move to another one.
And then I sat at another desk,
I was told the boss was sitting there…
Feifei: …so you had to move on.
Rob: Well, of course! And then
when I went to the studio, somebody
was in there, reading the news!
So I was told to find another studio…
Feifei: Yes, yes, I get it, Rob. You could
say you were moved from pillar to post.
Rob: Exactly. You mean, going from
one place to another in a disorganised
and chaotic way?
Feifei: I do. Let’s hear some examples
of this phrase in action…
We got moved from pillar to post on our
tour so we started to complain –
it’s not what
was promised in the holiday brochure!
As a child, both my parents worked, so I
got dragged from pillar to post trying to
find someone to look after me.
I was passed from pillar to post when
I phoned the bank to try and pay
my credit card bill.
Feifei: This is The English We Speak from
BBC Learning English and
I’m with Rob, who’s
been moved from pillar to post.
That means moving from one place
to another in a disorganised
and chaotic way. But, Rob, things
don’t have to be chaotic.
Rob: Why’s that?
Feifei: If you just follow
the temporary plan. It tells you
where to sit and which studio to use.
Rob: OK. Let’s have a look. Right – so we’re
meant to be in this studio – 62D.
Feifei: Yes! And where is your desk?
Rob: Err, oh no, my desk is right behind a
pillar! Nobody will be able to see me now.
I’ll have nobody to talk to.
Feifei: Oh, I think this office refurbishment
is going to be really good!
Rob: Thanks. Are we at the end
of the programme now?
Feifei: Yes. Bye.
Rob: Bye bye.
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