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Lemon Sponge Cake | Cupcake Jemma | #MyFoodMemories | AD

hello I’m cupcake jammer and if you
don’t know me I am a baker of all things
sweet and today I’d really like to share
a very special recipe with you it’s my
lemon and new zcode sponge a sweet and
tangy combination of fluffy lemon sponge
filled with yuzu and lemon curd this
cake is also one of my fondest food
memories because it’s something my
grandma Irene II used to make for me
we’d go over on a Sunday and we’d have
tea at 3:00 on the door every time and
this cake would come out and we have it
with a pot of Earl Grey and I absolutely
loved that memory and it’s actually one
of the first time first memories of
eating cake as a child so it’s obviously
very important to me and I really want
to share it with you hers is a lemon
curd sponge I’ve added a bit of using
with mine just to make it a little bit
more exciting
I’m alleviating three layers so that
this cake is going to be really decadent
and if it’s just a simple lemon sponge
based on my grandma’s recipe I have 375
grams of unsalted butter and 375 grams
of caster sugar see this together going
to get it really pale and fluffy now
it’s time to add the eggs and I’ve got
six large free-range eggs I’m going to
add these one at a time and give them a
really good mix through probably for
about 30 seconds or for each one all
right all my eggs in I’m going to put
the desk of five lemons into my mixture
it’s time to put some flour in I’ve got
375 grams of self-raising flour I’m
going to sift that straight in fold this
in using a metal spoon because I don’t
want to knock any of the air out that
I’ve created already and that’s all
surelly incorporated four and a half
tablespoons of lemon juice I’m also
going to put a little bit of vanilla
extract fold this in really gently – I
have three 8-inch tins and I have
greased them lined the bottom so try and
be as even as possible so I am going to
level it off and just to make sure that
it rises nice and evenly I’m going to
use a cranked pallet knife set up and
now it’s time to bake them and I’ve got
my Hotpoint oven preheated to 170
degrees C which is 325 degrees
Fahrenheit and it’s important to have a
good oven which has lots of speculation
so that your cakes rise nice and evenly
and I’m going to bake these for 22 to 25
minutes and they’ll be ready when a
skewer comes out clean from the middle
it’s assembly time I’d
we trimmed the tops off tubes and just
to make sure about a nice flat cake
normally I would actually trim the edges
off to get rid of the kind of brown bits
that my grandma would never do that and
since this is an homage to grandma Irene
II I am NOT doing that but my lemon curd
in a piping bag all ready to go and I’ve
also got a piping bag filled with lemon
buttercream with a nice small round
nozzle on there so to start with just to
stop things sliding around I’m going to
put a little blob of this buttercream in
the middle and that will just stick the
cake to the cake stand and now I want to
create a barrier for the lemon curd this
is not only going to create a nice wall
for the lemon curd it’s going to be
really pretty looking from the outside
so that’s what’s double-win and now you
need to fill those two channels with
your yummy zesty lemon curd put your
second level on and then repeat that
whole thing looking pretty good
some icing sugar over the top got one
last thing to put on my edible flowers
so pretty I think my grandma would be
really proud of me oh yeah look at that
troika goodness that’s a big spider cake
and I’m not going to eat it all by
myself obviously I’m going to share it
but I’m going to have lovely put a veil
grave in grandma’s house we would not
have had this cake without tea mmm my
goodness mmm that is so good take me
right back to my childhood at Grandma’s
house and me and Hotpoint really want to
know your food memory so to get involved
use the hashtag my food memories and if
you want to see more food memories
including Jaime’s then click on the link
up there and go to the food memories hub
bye guys okay
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