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Jamie Oliver’s Food Revolution update

power loving people Jamie on here food
revolution news this is a quick one okay
last month we had the flavored milks
talk it you guys love it loads of new
story this month we’re doing basically
as thunders toolkit you know when i’m
referring to so those fruit juices we’ve
got some info from Harvard University
here interesting study you can see here
that the soldiers and the juices have
roughly around the same amount of sugar
so if sugars an issue for you or your
friend or family then you need to regard
the soda and the fresh fruit juice as
candy as a treat of course the fresh
fruit juices are going to give you way
more nutritional benefits vitamins
nutrients etc and of course there’s an
upside so you may as well get good at
finding clever ways to make water
exciting and lovely personally in my
family I always cut the fresh fruit
juices by heart with water if you’ve got
ice available that always really helps
especially if you live in our country so
there’s always a jug of that in the
middle of the table with a simple bit
citrus or crushed up through and then
some of the highest countries in the
world little torn up it’s amit which
grow everywhere like a weed but it
really makes a beautiful drink so we’re
going to do a bit of work in the chart
child nutrition feel we’re going to
explain what it is and how it’s going to
impact you your family this is probably
the most important piece of health
impact government work in in the last 20
years it’s a big deal we food revolution
need to keep poking governance centers
press to try and make sure it turns into
something meaningful to finish it off
now we’ve got a great blog and should
it’s a blogger called scattered man it’s
a Vancouver girl that’s traveling around
a whole of America for her holidays on a
road trip she’s with her family and they
made a pledge to eat no crap no junk and
it’s not that easy it’s everywhere so
it’s going out click on the button below
and there’s a blog of hers which is
funny and interesting and it just goes
to show how hard it is to make good
choices even if you want to but that’s
it from Jamie until next month lots of
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