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Jamie Oliver’s Food Revolution, series 2 – sneak peek

last season chef and food activist Jamie
Oliver brought his revolution to one
small town of 50,000 people but now he’s
bringing his fight to a city of 11
million Los Angeles California Jamie
Oliver stir the pot Southern California
a city known worldwide for its movie
stars and healthy lifestyles but behind
the glamour Liza City battling a health
epidemic dad has diabetes mom has
diabetes the ten-year-old has diabetes
it’s easier to get a gun cracker
prostitute in a lot of areas of Los
Angeles before you can get a tomato the
city that invented and perfected fast
food yeah can I have a cheeseburger
chili burger thank you brother welcome
to America a city that feeds over half a
million process meals to school children
every day is this your school lunch you
know what me is does anyone know what
that is why can’t we put bear food on
the plates for those kids do you feel
like there’s no hope if he could change
Los Angeles now honey where’s it come
from adding a bear your home is full up
with all the junk that Yui in one year
perhaps he could change the world I’ll
come to the food revolution but this
time Jamie may have bitten off more than
he can chew they told you that I’m not
even allowed to our students anything
about their school lunches we can take
fries off the menu so nothing can come
off the menu why there is a police car
hopefully that’s not for me I made the
decision you will not be in our schools
I’ve just received a call that all
permits have been revoked for our show
they will not let me into any school
which means it’s war this is the stuff
I’ve gotta do to get people to pay
attention revolution burgers come on
this beaver is actually used in vanilla
ice cream this is not fixed for human
consumption what up brah will you
support me getting into these schools
every time they give you a load of great
reasons statistics numbers long words
just asking one thing why can’t we do
better it’s Jamie Oliver’s Food
Revolution maximo
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