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Jamie Oliver talks you through preparing garlic

okay preparing garlic these little
beauties contain so much flavor they can
make a real difference to your cooking
and now in how to prepare it I know it
sounds really basic and silly but it
does change the way it tastes so think
of a chip right the way a nice thin chip
tastes different to a thick chip which
tastes different to a roast potato which
tastes different to a jacket potato and
that’s what you got to think in your
head so a few different ways of dealing
with it we’ve got a pure clove of garlic
here all you got to do is put your hand
in there
give it a little scratch the fact that
you’ve crushed that if you now roast
that or fry that you’ll get a very
subtle sweet flavor happening so that’s
your first method of dealing with garlic
the second one is obviously peeling it
we’ll take the end off here we do the
same as crushing it give it a little
squash and then literally the skin or
just peel off of it and just sometimes
they’re awkward sometimes they’re easy
and then we slice it up so we’re using
that rocking action or the tapping
action fingers tucked away
we’ve got slicing out like that or
rocking like that either way you get a
nice sliced product so I just push that
here and then another way to deal with
the garlic is to finely chop it so
literally like a mini version of the
onion I’m going to slice it carefully
this way and this is really tiny but you
know it does actually work through the
middle like that fingers out the way
carefully and slowly and then rocking
action looking at delicate and fine you
can get and the best way to do is taste
the difference yourself you will get
absolutely different flavor from that if
you’re not happy with how fine it is use
the rocking action which comes in here
and you can get that real fine clear it
off of the blade and then sweep that
into our third pile there and then the
fourth way of dealing with your garlic
is to squash it and smush it and turn it
into a paste squash it like this as flat
as you can and then you get some sea
salt and put a pinch of salt on top of
the garlic like this and then you want
to put the tip down and use the flex in
your knife to crush
and just squash it squash it squash it
squash it squash it and then you can
kind of scrape it up into a little line
and squash it again until you get a
puree and you’ll get a completely
different flavor there than you would –
chopped sliced or squash so there’s four
different ways to prepare garlic and
these will be relevant in different ways
throughout the application and
throughout my current and future recipes
on the application but good stuff to
know there you go there’s the fourth
pile four ways of preparing and dealing
with garlic four totally different
flavors easy
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