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Jamie Oliver Presents EAT IT!

remember when we kicked off food tube we
said it’s all about you guys well it is
and we’ve been listening to thank you
for all your comments and your lights
and all that stuff and we want more by
the way but we really want to come up
with something now that kind of answers
all the questions and their worries
about the recipes that you’re struggling
with so how do you make the best flaky
pastry and make the most beautiful
topping have you ever struggle with
bread pizza bases pastor so I found a
new food tube talent his name’s eat it
and he’s a guy you’re only ever going to
see his hands he films it himself cuts
it himself graphics music is really
really cool and I love what he’s been
doing the focus on the close-ups makes
it so simple and I think it’s going to
help you guys beat and crack some of the
recipes that you struggle with send me
now the things that worry you the things
that keep you up at night actually no
send me the recipes that have haunted
you for years and years and eat it is
going to cook it just for you all of
these recipes will be tried and tested
and super super reliable so give us
great ideas and we’ll make some great
videos take care lots of love mr. Oliver
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