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How to zest citrus fruit – Jamie Oliver’s Home Cooking Skills

so we’ve got citrus fruit and we’re
talking about how to get the flavor out
of their zest because that’s where the
really intense fruity flavor is that’s
in the oil in the zest and you’re
cleaning them now because if you see
them sat there they’re all lovely and
shiny and that’s because the people who
grow the fruit they want it to look
beautiful on the shelves of the shops so
they cover it in wax obviously we don’t
want to eat that so you’re clean in it
and the flavor that we want obviously in
the juices of the fruit is delicious but
because it’s got lots of water in there
it can affect some of your recipes so
what we want is the intense flavor
that’s in the skin in the zest which is
like an oil a really flavor some oil I
think they’re clean enough so Chris
you’ve got a microplane like a grater
and that’s really good for getting the
zest off because it makes tiny little
pieces which are great for in cake
batters or cake fillings or when you
want a little bit of flavor spread over
a big a big area so if you show us with
your micro plane or greater how to get
the zest off so if you hold this bit
still maybe resting on your board and
then it’s just long gentle strokes but
most colourful bits of the fruit are
where all the flavor is so if we just
concentrate on getting the bright orange
bits and if we look you see the
difference in color so when we get down
to this pale bit that’s where it gets
really bitter so we want to avoid that
so that’s the perfect amount to take off
and if you look on the back turn your
micro plane over this is the where all
the really intense flavour is I made you
taste this early and you hated it you
know doesn’t i car engine can you taste
that Casey now put your own John and
really grater wedding right down to the
white bit so we can see what we want to
see this is the bit that’s really bitter
so we never want to go that far we only
want to go to this pale orange bit and
that’s the same with lemons and limes
two shows on a line Chris yep perfect
and if you want to use the flavours
that’s in the in the skin the oils but
you don’t want it to be this fine
because say if you were putting it in
with roast potatoes and you put all of
this in if they’re in a really hot oven
roast him for 40 minutes they’re going
to burn to a crisp
so you might want to put bigger bits in
so Casey’s going to use a speed peeler
and he’s gonna take off strips perfect
and he’s doing it so well you can see
that it’s just the bright green color
and he’s got none of the white he’s
leaving that on the line perfect and if
you did want to use the juice add to the
line because it would be a shame not to
we what is a really good tip is if you
get these limes inside the limes and
load the little pods of juice and when
we cut one open you’re see but those
those pods hold onto the juice so if you
Rolly and squash it you burst in all of
those little pods inside so now all the
juice is swimming around inside the lime
and then if we cut it when you squeeze
it squeeze into that ball cross its
limes are notoriously hard to squeeze
and another tip to get the little last
bit of juice out squeeze that one as
now get the to squash them together and
do this and you break up all the little
bits of do the juice pods that you
didn’t manage to do before perfect
that’s it
just him done
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