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How to Make Christmas Pudding | Jamie Oliver

hi guys Hobey well so as we come towards
stir up Sunday and Christmas I’m gonna
give you what you’ve all been asking for
which is my Christmas pudding recipe
which I love and I think it’s delicious
and that little bit lighter so it all
starts over here these beautiful dried
fruits so 150 grams of beautiful dried
cranberries raisins and then medjool
dates which I absolutely love
150 grams again squeeze the little pips
out the module dates will give you the
sweetness they’re fantastic kind of
sticky toffee flavor just chop through
them till nice and fine in they go as
well apricots chopped those up
150 grams of pecan nuts crumble them in
your hand really nice one of my secret
ingredients is the crystallized ginger
finely sliced those that incredible
fresh flavor of ginger and it just
smells amazing for the next secret
ingredient get a small sprig of rosemary
remove the stalk and then finely slice
the rosemary it works incredibly well
with fruit then the flavor of Christmas
itself Clementi lightly grate the zest
possesses full of all the oils and the
flavors in with the juice now
let’s get into some of the sort of
structural ingredients that hold it
together first up I’ve got 75 grams of
good quality breadcrumbs okay this is
gonna make it lighter 150 grams of plain
flour go straight in and then 150 grams
of suet now you could use butter but I
prefer to use so it you get a different
texture really scrunch it together the
great thing about this job is you can do
it in advance it’s a lot of love just
sitting there waiting to be cooked on
the big day so it’s really really nice
now once you’ve mixed up beautifully we
can add the two last ingredients that
will bring it together to be that
amazing pudding and that will be one
free-range organic egg bone and then two
hundred millilitres of lovely organic
milk get it in there they call it stir
up Sunday because you’re supposed to use
a spoon but this is a Jamie Oliver
recipe so it’s not stir up Sunday
it’s scrunch up Sunday come on and here
we go there is our beautiful pudding
mixture so get yourself a pudding Bowl
and butter quite generously sort of
cakey because that is gonna stop your
pudding from sticking it’s also going to
naturally based it’s gonna
sweet and delicious take the filling
here and I’m going to dump it in make
sure it’s nice and level so that you
don’t get a wonky pudding very nice next
up two very important parts of the
procedure first of all we make a
cartouche take a square fold it in half
fold in half again and again and again
and again and then very simply cut your
little hat so once you got that on then
we want to get two bits of tinfoil place
it on top go around the rim with some
string do a double knot and tie it as
tight as you can and then you’re left
with this overhang go around the other
side for making a little handle there we
go and this is a time when you can put
it in the fridge or in a pantry or in a
cool dark place ready for the big day
put in goes in to the water the water is
halfway up the pan cook this for four
hours on a medium low simmer right and
we’ll check it every hour and top up the
water if we need it that steaming action
is going to give you lightness is going
to give me moisture it’s gonna be
right four hours a little clean down and
I’ll show you what to do next
so beautiful people for festive hours
have gone before us and now we are left
with this the great Christmas pudding
but let’s serve this beautiful thing I
mean come on look at that cut the string
off get rid of that get a nice little
cake dish or plate put it on top get
yourself a cloth hold the bowl and the
plate and simply flip it over and if
you’re lucky you should have the most
beautiful Christmas pretty it smells
incredible all we need to do now is
flame and flame safely so you ready for
this kill the lights
and let’s do this safely so now let’s
show you how to flame it safely go to
the lovely little alcohol couple of your
brand netting your dad take one of his
finest bourbon cognacs whiskey’s Gator a
pan and get it on a medium heat just for
a minute or so put a good slush in the
pan and then just anger it towards the
flame or light it with a match be
careful we do not want Christmas to end
in tears gently pour on top of the
Christmas pudding the alcohol is
away and you’re being left with the
incredible flavor of Christmas and this
my friends is when you think wish you a
Merry Christmas we wish you a Merry
Christmas we wish you a Merry Christmas
and a Happy New Year don’t burn the
house down the flavor from that burn of
alcohol will be phenomenal right let’s
get the lights back up as if by magic
okay so let’s cut a portion of this
gorgeous Christmas pudding look at that
come on so you can tell if you look at
the texture that it is beautiful I’m
going for cream and there you go mmm my
little tweaks I hope you like because
it’s that little bit tastier and that
little bit of lighter hallelujah guys
good luck enjoy it and I hope you have a
wonderful Christmas take care you
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