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Happy New Year | 2018 (Food) REWIND | Jamie Oliver’s YouTube Channel.

now listen this is for you it’s going to
blow your mind I’m just having a moment
Jamie Oliver productions the NHANES make
all of my TV shows I’ve done it we’re
gonna make the most incredible chocolate
brownie chicken tikka skewers roast beef
crispy korma sammich cheese toastie
roast chicken grits apricot salad veggie
noodle stir-fry down there no need pesto
one of the most beautiful tortellinis
that we’ve got on the new Jamie’s
Italian menu in the house sugar stealing
creating new scary food wizards new
if that chicken was a woman would you
marry it mmm-hmm this is not little it’s
not normal get on with business pan
we’re gonna put on and it’s a great
opportunity as well to show you my brand
new pants that’s what I’m talking about
yes in we go it makes sense right with
the whisk it’s filthy but who wouldn’t
we’re gonna tie this bird up after 30
years have been winning than uh than
so look at that really beautiful you
this is what it’s all about a little
seasoning and that is basically it done
and then feed it to someone you love
oh that is a very agreeable brownie then it’s nice
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