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As LIVE from the Network | Donal & Simone | Drinks Tube Cocktail Request

hi guys welcome to cocktail request week
we are here in Old Street Station in
London on I am here with the main man
mr. Simone a he is the legend of drinks
tube sailors honor Chou yo man and am
here with the one and only the pillar
all the food their generation Superdog
let me tell me tell how are you my man
I’m very well are we gonna do a Q&A yeah
can I call you brother my brother on
let’s get a queue in any guys okay right
so we’re gonna ask you guys have been
asking some questions al and Simona is
going to ask me there yeah i’m gonna
read them with my a bed italian accent
it’s all right Danny maccabi is asking
to my brother died early hi my friend on
of course what is your all-time favorite
meal that someone has cooked for you
okay that’s a good question good
question and the English as well he’s a
bit worried imagine don’t be 50 my best
my favorite meal that someone has cooked
for me it has to be at my mom’s irish
tube she is a legend when it comes to
the irish jew beautiful slow braised
lamb shoulder potatoes carrots you can’t
go wrong and you have to scan you say
potato potato potato potato potato
potato like mama used to make mommy used
to say I was trying to get you to do the
Irish accent potato potato potato that
was very good okay next question it a
zanjeer from afar Asia beautiful genting
is like a gene same but for female
energy hey Donna how you doing what’s
your favorite ingredient to work with oh
it’s good question good questions and
Jing and I have say I love Asian
ingredients so I love lime chili garlic
coriander and a low of coriander and so
they’re my favorite ingredients so
actually with a name like zheng jing i
think we get on very well perfectly move
on still on a Middle East I don’t know
no no no Southeast Asian Haley down I
love Asian food especially pad thai now
can you recommend an authentic forever
some recipe I can you have come to the
right place Haley John and last year i
did this theater tour across ireland and
every single night I cooked pad thai and
similar I’d like to think that my pad
thai is pretty good it’s a kind of
cheats pad thai and I
actually made it on my channel so maybe
you can click on the link there and
check it out yeah yeah good on you okay
but pad thai really simple what you need
to do is make sure that you get your
paste right so your paste when you’re
doing it coriander stocks don’t use the
leaves use the stocks get them in there
with some garlic lime zest some chili
and bash the crapper okay and you’ve got
this wonderful patter paste which you
fry off in a nice hot pan get in some
beans bread getting some spring onions
getting some prawns getting some noodles
and then you build it up and you bring
it together with some lime juice some
fish sauce and I’ve missed something
some sugar you need a little bit of
sugar for the sweetest very very nice
and then you serve it up with some penis
bean sprouts and I forgotten what else
some lime on the edge yeah and very good
but you can check it all day check it in
the link don’t forget to invite me for
dinner because I’m starving already you
Italian people like pad thai we love but
I we were born we were I was raised it
in but I that’s looking for you yeah
when you put my keys so then penny been
Edmonds and Atticus do you have a sweet
tooth favorite pub puddings favorite put
puddings that was really hard for server
report to put pudding pudding pudding
pudding so I do have a sweet tooth and
my absolute favorite pudding is m1 from
one of my cookbooks it’s a it’s a banana
sticky toffee pudding and it is the most
beautiful thing you will ever taste it
has em it’s normal sticky toffee pudding
so you make it with the date and it’s a
really moist thing and then you pooping
at mashed bananas through the mixture
and you serve over salted caramel it is
my favorite dessert of all time so you
have to try it very very maybe you can
make it from my child I want to die
after this do you yes don’t don’t don’t
die die with more questions see them yes
let’s carry on okay bismuth I’m a
spaceman what ingredient do you use on
that glorious add affair olive oil honey
or just use what do you think of it I’m
not gonna tell you want to keep the
secret you know I feel I could ask you
the same question because you have
similarly beautiful hair I have a Vespa
and I use their engine oil that’s why so
shiny i said yes i actually just hold my
headache beside the tube and it goes
like this and but no i don’t use olive
don’t use honey and i don’t use juice i
use shock waves texture gum and that’s
how you get this mop of hair thank you
fantastic Julia Oh Julia Julia what is
your favorite meatball recipe now I
prepared a meatball there because I feel
that you should answer this question
because i just do i actually do this
meatball recipe now tell me is this
authentic but the recipes are the recipe
i use to make meatballs is you you make
a really beautiful tomato sauce you
probably onion all those things tomatoes
in there but I when informed my
meatballs I don’t fry them off or
anything I put them straight in the
sauce yes does that say okay well
obviously they eat or the sauce can join
everything exactly some eggs in it or
some Rams so my grandma choose to do it
and anytime I admit both you have
pictures of that my childhood nice nice
meatballs you come to the right place
ammonia is a meatball why don’t we go
and we start to prepare 5000 meatball me
and you’re so big let’s do it let’s do
it we do it after class okay cool moving
on Becky ward yeah she’s asking hi Don
yes was the particular meal that inspire
you to start cooking Wow DNA the DNA of
the cookie that is a tough question it’s
a really hard one but you know what you
kind of think when you think back to the
things you remember as a kid and they’re
gonna be very complicated but and one of
the things I first learned to make was
pancakes I know it’s the most simple
thing in the world but i love the exact
when i was a kid i love the excitement
of flipping the pancakes so pancakes was
one of the things that have got me into
the kitchen and i know it’s very simple
but it is one of those things that’s
just so much fun so if you have some
young cooks in the kitchen time to get
them making pancakes oh it’s so much fun
to flip the pancake grateful very tasty
yes your uncle and valleys your aunt
it’s nice to be because i used to live
in a house with a very low roof and any
time I thought they were stick and I
could actually take them down shit so
anyway now moving on yeah God super
Stuart plug your time oh you rather eat
a curry flavor cheesecake or a
cheesecake favor curry hangout was yes
let’s do it again would you rather eat a
curry flavor cheesecake or a cheesecake
flavor with curry well Stuart Clark that
is a good question it’s a bit of a
random question but it’s a good question
would you rather eat a curry flavored
cheese cake or cheesecake flavor curry I
think it’s gotta be
cheese cake flavors curry because if you
had a curry flavored cheese cake it
would just take spicy and really wrong
but I think you could get away with it
in a curry because you could kind of
dilute the spice with a little bit of
the creaminess see you think of that
yeah it works creamy creamy is me okay
okay next question the craft beer channa
our brothers yes sir hey Donna yeah
what’s your favorite beer recipe whoo
that is a tough question and uh hello
guys it’s like I keep the flag I or
flick on a flag I fly guy ok so my
favorite beer recipe is em slow braised
lamb shoulder would you roll up in with
lovely spices and mixture and then you
slow braise it with a good Irish craft
beer it cannot be beaten there’s a
wonderful craft beer eight degrees
brewing you’ve gotta try them they’re
really good and you slow braised lamb
shoulder serve it up with some lentils
or serve it up with some mashed potato
it tastes incredible very very easy very
very tight to your hungry starving
you’re starving next question ok so
moving on yeah see yes yes yahzee and
frequently picnic Vinnie galaxy pics are
also food bloggers so we are tackling
beginners perfect do you have any advice
for us good question i started food
blogging seven years ago and it is how i
got into the world of food so if you are
thinking about food blogging now is the
time to start it’s so much fun and
there’s a wonderful community out there
you are your food blogger yes I’m a foot
ether absolutely we got a mound we’ll
get a bounce ammonia’s gonna be a food
blogger you don’t cook for us we’re
gonna eat you we’re gonna cook you we
need to feed yourself okay British
became stuck with it okay moving on no
hang on I need to give them advice okay
exactly the time stop you see that I’m
eclairs okay so if you’re gonna start
out being a food blogger the top tips
are you need to get good photographs for
your food so take your images on a nice
camera can do it on an iPhone if you
don’t have a big camera do it beside
some natural light get some really nice
images alongside your recipes keep your
recipes consistent get a nice
consistency to how you put them up so
maybe three times a week maybe two times
a week but don’t leave your blog empty
for months on end it’s really boring and
people just turn off so a consistency
good photographs there my top tips if
you’re starting off as a food blogger
and can also take selfies with the food
you can
that could be a whole other blog as well
safy is the future zombies are the
future here we go Jamie’s food
foundation very important very
partic’lar guys we love to know what
fruit or veg you like to grow in your
favorite seasonal thing to cook right
now good question guys and one of my
favorite things to do apart from cooking
is growing my own vegetables and I have
a great big space in my background I’m
gonna do a little little food tube at
tour maybe on my channel of my back
garden when I come home but it is one of
my favorite things to do growing
vegetables peas I love growing peas at
the moment there is ridiculous amount of
peas in my garden so peas are one of the
easiest things I love squash flowers and
no not courgette flowers so that you can
stop the courgette using a little bit of
goat’s cheese someone buy some honey
really nice doc and lots of the great
thing about growing your own is that you
can get lots of different varieties so I
grow loads of salads you can grow salads
right the way up until kind of october
november so you can get really like
salads and different salads to the stuff
you’re buying this in the shop so great
thing to do and if anyone’s taking about
it i think i’m sure Jamie’s foundations
low fuels their garden is full of a
vegetable yeah let’s make it party I
make cocked us and we destroy the garden
with all the vegetables gonna cook for
its gonna empty the ye to start to grow
again everything ok and you plan I don’t
know I shaky silent I’ll come back to
you on that one ok cool moving on
Rebecca erect by the background they
were on what’s your go-to meal when
you’re having friends over for dinner oh
good question good question Rebecca
broadhurst fantastic name also
broadhurst that was good and my go-to
meal em I do this beautiful chili and
lemongrass chicken and the great thing
about it is and actually you can click
on the link right here I’m getting all
the links in as you can tell and what it
is it’s one of those ones i always do
for friends and family because you can i
have some vegetarian friend yeah yeah I
wonder has one or two vegetarian friends
out there but the great thing about it
is you can do it with chicken or you
could do it with squash and it works
really well so you make up this
beautiful sauce for it and you serve it
up with rice you can have a cooked off
before they arrive so it’s really handy
to get straight in and serve up bingo
Mamma Mia now the thing that we love
three page by page yeah Jamie’s magazine
yes oh hello yes obviously
okay the magazine theme would love to
know what ingredient calling you live
without is a tough question I don’t know
am I would have to say I can’t just
choose one and it goes back to those
Southeast Asian ingredients so chili
lime a little bit of coriander ghost I
just sort of ingredients I can’t live
without and I’m sorry I can’t just
choose one and I can make cocktails with
you live Julia better words of coriander
contact yeah it works so fresh save it
okay the last question is that anonymous
it’s royal walks your chest do I wax my
chest I do you wax your chest I don’t
wax my chest I have I’m really proud of
the fact that i have three it look
coming i’m sorry but i only have three
not only 2 i’m blushing so no I don’t
watch my chest but Simone is trying to
get rid of all the hair my chest right
Nobel even leave the belly the Empire
was really sore it was really so many
more than five minutes anyway oh thanks
for all those questions guys make sure
you go over to drinks tube and subscribe
Simona is the man over there check out
my channel it is dodo ski and you can
click there and you can click for the
drinks tube there we had a great time up
someone that is click it or not thank
you thank you oh these our dough
internationally thanks for that okay
goodbye toy shop shop shop
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