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Programming your mind for success | Carrie Green | TEDxManchester

Translator: Mohiedden Albendqji Auditor: Hani Eldalees
I would like everyone involved in my conversation today.
We will experience a small test.
But I can do this, I would like to climb what Hkhadd here
And join me on the stage.
So please, is a volunteer?
Do not go up together at the same time.
You can go up and join me and Ted.
We can drink tea together.
Anyone? Come on!
May go up, who wants, I will not choose.
One must climb,
There are volunteers with you, to help you climb to the theater.
Here someone.
It is full of obstacles path, I think so,
But I promise you will never regret.
Poor people.
Thank you.
What is your name?
Volunteer: Ian.
Carrie Greene: Ian, thank you very much
I have something for you, I’ve won £ 20.
Here, thank you very much, you can go, go and sit down.
Warm applause!
So, my question to you:
It did not volunteer?
What you prevented from going up here?
I think that this is probably due to one of the following reasons:
the fear.
Fear of going up here in front of nearly 1,000 people.
That is very scary.
Or maybe it was the fear of the unknown, because he did not have any idea
I will ask you what you do from you.
Maybe I thought,
“Maybe you ask me to do something I can not do,
And Sobdo Kohmq. “
Or perhaps because of the obstacles.
There are many of them in this room.
Maybe you’re at the back, and I thought,
“I am very remote and dark place, there are a lot of tables in my way;
I probably Soqa on one of them like a fool,
I can not do this, because it is very difficult,
You will have to one another volunteer instead of me. “
Or maybe it was because of the lack of motivation.
Probably you were not want to bother to move and climb here.
But regardless of your reason, your decision began at the top here;
In your mind.
Because at the moment I said, “Please, is a volunteer?”
I began overflowing ideas in your mind.
He started weak in your mind to talk to you voice,
Perhaps he would say to one another,
“My goodness, what you will make us this girl we do?
I would not like to climb there,
Please, let us do anything stupid. “
Perhaps for some others,
You are thinking,
Perhaps for those in the front,
“My goodness, I do not wish to do so, look away,
Avoid eye contact, avoid eye contact, and so will not Hire Me! “
Perhaps for some of you at the moment I said,
“Please, is a volunteer?”
Perhaps, Amtlotm fear, uncertainty and anxiety
From the idea to actually climb here,
Climb here in front of a lot of people.
Then, for those of you who have volunteered,
You were thinking about something completely different.
Perhaps you are thinking things like, “you want Bmttoa,
I wonder what you will let us do, Aallatharh, I’m going to do “
Or perhaps the thought of one another,
“My goodness this is really embarrassing, no one volunteer,
So I will have to offer and do so “
But for those who did not volunteer for you,
I have a chance to win you lose £ 20.
But this experience is not about money.
But it demonstrates the power of your mind.
The fact that what is going on in your head
Holds a significant impact on the actions of,
On the decisions you make, and the things you test them.
This is not only in such absurd situations,
When people miss great opportunities.
People wasted a lot of incredible opportunities all the time.
Because of what is happening in your minds,
Because they make bad decisions Mbanah on a bad psychological state.
As you know, the ideas of self-limiting, such as:
“I can not do this,”
“I’m not good enough,”
Or, “I do not have money or time.”
Or maybe you think,
“I will not gig myself; I’m going to do tomorrow.”
But then, I will never do so,
So these wonderful ideas, and these wonderful opportunities
Remain trapped inside, and do not do anything out at all.
This is precisely what was happening to me several years ago.
In the summer of 2005, I had finished my studies in
The first year of Law at the University of Birmingham.
I did not have money, and I was wondering, I will do what you?
So look for work began,
During my research I did not find anything attractive.
So I looked for more opportunities,
In the end, I found this opportunity.
It started my own company to decrypt lock mobile
Which means that, if you have Mobile
It was locked on a specific network,
I wanted to travel to Australia
The use of an Australian SIM card,
You can come to the site and decrypt your phone lock.
There was little of the enormous problems;
First, I did not know much about mobiles
More than they are sending messages and calls,
Not to mention the decoder lock mobiles.
I did not I have the slightest idea of ​​how to build online business.
But other opportunity was selling sweets in the Cirque du Soleil.
You have two choices either sell sweets in the circus,
Or my own business started.
So, I chose the idea of ​​my own business began,
It seemed to me that the risk more.
So, I started, and I realized very quickly,
That when it does not have proof of what you do,
The only thing you can do is ask for help, and this is what you’ve done.
I asked for help and within a few weeks,
Formed probably the worst site on the Internet.
I discovered Google AdWords as a way to bring visitors to the site,
Using a credit card and spend £ 30 a day,
I launched my business.
Several years later, when I was not studying for my degree,
I was learning how to build this work;
I read books,
I listened to the audio programs,
In my last year, I bounced night school
To learn more about web development.
I graduated in 2007, a wonderful testimony
The work was excellent.
And decided that being a leading business
It will be more fun than being a lawyer.
So I set a big target and decided to build,
-djal work Aalmi-
Building a successful global action.
So, we have contracted with a new provider in America
Which can decode virtually any lock in the mobile world.
We improved the site, we have expanded the team,
Much improvement in online marketing,
During a few years, we used to get
More than 100 000 visit to the site in the month.
We sell thousands and thousands of Alrmaz every month,
And it achieved my goal in building a successful global action.
But there was a big problem.
I was miserable.
I manage my work mainly from my office at home,
Where I was staying in an apartment; second my bedroom turned into office.
I felt completely lonely, isolated and lost completely.
I think it is a feeling that a lot of people Echtbrunh
But many do not talk about it.
And he collapsed.
I began questioning everything and I began to think liquefying such as:
I am doing what you?
Malhdv of all this?
Whenever I thought about these questions, the more perplexity.
The more perplexity,
Increased negative thoughts that disturb my mind,
Whenever Ceccheki increased everything, and worry about everything,
And just questioning everything.
With the passage of months, it increased more and Mata more,
And increased my sense of self-defeatism,
The positive person exploiter of opportunities that once accent,
Literally disappeared.
It became utterly passive and broken for myself.
I created ideas,
And drop, and persuaded myself not to do it.
In 2010, I felt I was in full despair.
So I packed my bags and I traveled to Australia
In the hope that the prophecy comes to me.
I spent three months traveling within Australia, not a prophecy,
I said to myself: what you should do?
So then I went back to the United Kingdom, and currently worse than before,
Because all my problems were waiting for me,
The atmosphere was bad.
I said to myself, ‘What I will do? “
So over the next few months, I found myself that I suffocate Bmchakla.
You know when you feel that you can not get rid of these doubts
One of these concerns was that the bulk of what I focus on.
Ideas were coming to me, and I find opportunities,
I convinced myself not to do it, that I can not, thinking to do so.
Finally in 2011, I knew that I was committed Malkhto.
I think I was mistaken for two main reasons:
I: Yes, I wanted to be successful,
Quite frankly,
Each person in this room do not wish to be successful?
But decoding did not lock the mobiles my dream.
At that time, I was reading a book entitled “The E-Myth” to the writer Michael Gerber,
In that book, there is a chapter on the initial objectives.
Author says: Imagine entering a room;
Sitting in this room, your friends and family,
As you walk to the middle of the room, you see a box.
When you reach the first room you realize you inside the box,
And it is your funeral.
He says: “What kind of things that people want to tell her about you
About the life that you have lived type,
About what the person accent,
And the type of things you achieved? “
I realized, I do not have the slightest idea.
So no wonder I felt that I was not far from the right path.
I have never in my life on the right track
The second reason for my mistake,
Because of what was going on at the top here; what was going on in my mind.
All those doubts, all of those concerns, all of those beliefs that limit self.
I stumbled upon aphorism to Anthony Robbins says,
“Determines your destiny choices you make. Choose now. Choose well.”
I realized that I was is engaged in Taasta;
I was responsible for the fact that I hung in the routine.
I remember looking at my life and think I wake up every day
I focus on my problems.
I wake up every day and devote a lot of focus and attention
For all these bad thoughts, doubts and fears.
Notify me ideas and Onqdha,
I prevent myself from doing anything.
I realized that if I wanted to live a distinctive life
And achieve distinctive things -okadd you Bzlk-
I have to adjust my mind on the two waves.
I realized that I have to decide what I want to achieve;
It was not required to achieve this, not that meant nothing to me.
I had to know the person who I would like to akune type,
to achieve that.
Hence, I had to my mind programming to achieve this.
I had to do I program my mind for success.
This is exactly what I did in the end,
It began an “important success”.
So first I began to think about: what you really want?
So I looked at my life and I thought, “I love being a leading business,
I like to come up with ideas and turn them into reality
That is very interesting. “
And then I looked at my problems and I thought,
“I feel lonely and lost business as a pioneer.”
And I looked at them from a different perspective.
Rather than feel bad about it I thought, ‘What can I do?
Has to be the presence of others people in my situation completely? “
So I came up with the idea of ​​forming Women Entrepreneurs Association,
It was therefore signed very formal.
And I was doing this, I have a tremendous idea came to me,
I am I will set up a global network
Made up of thousands of women around the world
And help to inspire them and communicate with them
And help to provide them by force to build a successful business.
But I did not have any idea how to do this.
Then I said to myself, “Well, I should mentally do I program to do so.”
So I started becoming conscious
Things that I think about every day,
And when I caught myself thinking something like,
“Carrie, who will visit this site?
From Ante to give advice to others?
This is nonsense, this bad idea,
I will not Taatmkny to do this. “
Whenever caught myself say things like that, I stopped myself,
I realized that I have the ability to control my thoughts
Rather than let them control me.
I learned that I could stop myself from thinking about things like this.
And I do,
Negative thoughts changed annoying non-useful,
And he asked her to remain silent,
And Bdltha with positive thoughts gave me strength,
And actually it helped me to reach my goal.
I also started listening perception-oriented,
Internal programming mental success.
I like to do and began perception
I imagine clearly what you would like to achieve, and to see it happen,
And then a sense of occurrence, like speaking in front of me now,
As do top athletes.
It became clear in my mind what you would like to do,
Since then my life changed completely.
One of the largest communication groups built for online entrepreneurs,
With more than 100 000 women.
And then Khtrthl this crazy idea of ​​launching a digital magazine,
Which became at the time the fastest growing digital magazine for women entrepreneurs.
When initiated, the list of Amani attended in my mind
All persons who would like to be on the cover;
Best-selling book and more entrepreneurs are very successful.
I was not I have no idea how to do this, but I was convinced to happen.
And then put their faces on the models of the front cover of the magazine,
Edition and suspended on the board of my goals,
And he imagined on the front cover;
I imagined how I would feel at that moment
I will send an email to the networks.
I will say to them, “hello everyone,
This is the person on the front cover of this month, Aallatharh! “
I have formed a very clear picture about what I wanted to do.
People will come to me and say,
“How do you’ll be able to do this?”
And Ojaoppem, “I do not know, but I do that it would become.”
This has been achieved already,
Then I thought,
“What other crazy goals that I can achieve?
What other possible things? “
So I put other crazy goals for myself.
I was like, “I would like to go to Buckingham Palace.
I would like to go to the house of nobles, I would like to speak in the House of Commons. “
And put other crazy goals for myself.
And all of them have been achieved in the past year.
I realized that if I managed to make my mind confident,
I can make something happen,
Somehow I know the way, and always managed it.
Because success is not an incident.
Live a wonderful life is not a coincidence.
You must do this intentionally.
It starts to know what you would like to achieve exactly,
The knowledge did not wish to achieve,
Knowledge of the person who must Tsubhh to achieve this type,
And then programming your mind to achieve it.
Because you have one life lost and where you should check everything,
Will achieve, so you must act accordingly
Thank you so much.
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