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What Does DRY ICE Do in a Metal Foundry?

hey guys welcome back thanks for joining
us today on the king of random in the
past we’ve done several experiments with
dry ice and we’ve had two viewers give
us suggestions of other things to try
with the dry ice
Daniel milage asks how does liquid
nitrogen compare to a cooling bath of
acetone and dry ice YouTube user like
‘whoa says put dry ice in your backyard
foundry so like whoa and Daniel mileage
today we’re going to be doing two
experiments using extreme heat and
extreme cold the first thing we’re gonna
try is using some dry ice and acetone to
make a supercooled liquid that you can
use for some experiments if you’re
having a hard time getting some liquid
nitrogen dry ice is extremely cold it’s
approximately 100 9.3 degrees Fahrenheit
below zero
acetone doesn’t freeze until one hundred
thirty nine degrees Fahrenheit below
zero so we can put dry ice in acetone it
will supercool the liquid down to the
temperature of the dry ice but it won’t
freeze we don’t just want to mix the two
together so first we’re going to use
this cup to create a barrier between the
acetone and the dry ice for a first step
let’s take a drill and poke some holes
in our cup
I poked a lot of holes into this cup
because I want the acetone to be able to
flow in and out of it easily next we’re
gonna break up some of the dry ice and
spread it all around the outside of the
cup all right now load these all up all
around our cup our glass bowl is whining
that’s the the dry is vibrating in very
small movements all around the glass
just sounds like it’s complaining the
next step is to pour your acetone down
into the bowl and it should fill the cup
as well as all the way around the
dry-ice force them directly into the cup
to make sure it’s getting in there you
go lots of bubbling going on I’m gonna
try adding a little bit more dry ice as
well some of it seems to have a sublimed
off from the heat of the acetone all
right now we have a bath of extremely
cold acetone that’s fun and in the
middle because we have the holes in the
cup we have a spot that doesn’t have any
dry ice in it so we don’t have to worry
about whether things are coming in
contact with the dry ice all right watch
what happens when I stick the tip of my
glove into the acetone that’s very very
cold it actually makes the Nitro of my
glove get a little bit stiff just from
freezing it so much let’s see what
happens if we freeze a carrot please
note never use this cold acetone bath on
anything you’re going to eat acetone is
toxic and not safe for consumption
all right care it into extremely cold
acetone this acetone should be about a
hundred and nine degrees below zero
Fahrenheit here goes
it’s boiling in a similar manner to the
liquid nitrogen when you pour it in the
heat from the carrot is heating up the
acetone quite a bit hopefully the dry
ice is keeping it nice and cold set that
in there for a minute all right our
carrot looks pretty good and frozen what
I’m going to do at this point is take it
out and smash it with a hammer to see if
it shatters the way we expect a really
frozen piece of produce to do quickly
before I try that let’s make it control
by smashing an unfrozen carrot 3 2 1
that kind of exploded a little bit more
than I expected it to carrots aren’t
super squishy so I guess it makes sense
we’ve tried smashing the unfrozen carrot
let’s see how the frozen carrot handles
listen to that that is not the sound of
normal carrot 3 2 1 oh my gosh that is a
very frozen carrot holy cow that sent
shards I mean the other the unfrozen
carrot like broke apart would this like
explode listen to that that’s a carrot
it’s shattered to I heaven right there
bluey is ice carrot now we know what
happens if you freeze a carrot in
acetone that’s over a hundred degrees
below zero next I want to try and
experiment with a rubber band
when rubber gets too cold it loses its
elasticity meaning it won’t stretch out
but it also means if it is stretched out
it won’t contract back in and that’s
what we’re gonna try and do today what
I’m gonna do is take this rubber band
fit it on the end of the bamboo skewer
and stretch it out and while it’s
stretched I’m going to dip it into our
freezing cold acetone let’s see what
happens a little bits of carrot floating
around in there but that shouldn’t cause
that’s probably pretty good and cold
already it stopped bubbling let’s take
it out and see what happens if I like
over the river band look at that the
stretched out portion is staying
stretched out and then as it warms back
up it regains its elasticity as it warms
back up this time I’m gonna see if I can
pull the rubber band out and immediately
try and bend it and see if it will break
in theory it should be able to get cold
enough for that but it might just warm
up too fast and I’m not able to get it
alright let’s see what I can do here
there it goes
snapped a rubber band in half and now
it’s already warmed up enough that it’s
starting to be stretchy again let’s try
that again broken I think at this point
the responsible thing to do is to put
the whole rubber band ball in and see
what happens
hopefully the acetone is getting in
between the rubber bands and down into
the middle so it’s really freezing it
all the way through alright let’s see if
I can take this out and see if it has
any bounce left to it at all I bet it
doesn’t really have any that sounded
like a rock put this back in for just a
second case it’s warmed up then we’re
gonna try hitting with a hammer one two
three well
bits of it broke off I did shatter some
parts you can see little destroyed bits
of rubber band just sort of sitting
around their impact marks with a hammer
hit and I think as this warms up this is
gonna start peeling away a lot more as
one last experiment with our freezing
cold acetone and dry ice I’m gonna see
what happens if I pour a little bit of
water into it genuinely have no clue
what to expect here so I think the water
dispersed in the acetone but it also
froze so I’m pretty sure what we’re
seeing there are tons of separated
individual little ice crystals in a pour
some more in
that just kind of builds up on the sides
here weird slushy I’m guessing that’s a
mix of acetone and water it certainly
smells like a stone wool that is
spraying everywhere isn’t it
now we’ve tested making a cooling bath
that takes acetone down to over a
hundred degrees below zero let’s see
what happens if we take dry ice and put
it in our backyard foundry dry ice is
composed of carbon dioxide so it’s
possible that as it heats up and starts
turning into a gas it will put out the
flame that’s one of the things you’re
gonna find out and if it doesn’t put out
the flame let’s see what it will do our
foundry is nice and hot let’s see what
happens when we put in our dry ice
looking at it so far it’s smaller it’s
still extremely cold of course other
than that it doesn’t look like it’s
doing anything really special from the
heat the fire in the Forge doesn’t seem
to be affected by the carbon dioxide I
think that there’s enough flow from the
pressure of the propane that it just
blows any excess carbon dioxide right
out the top let’s see if it makes any
difference to put the lid on
there’s our dry ice down in the foundry
with the lid on it looks like it’s
glowing orange but I’m almost positive
that’s just from the ambient light
lighting it up well there it is it
hasn’t seemed to change much except that
it’s smaller so I’d say the heat does
make it dissipate faster but nothing
else is really happening to it well I’m
going to try something else I’m going to
try heating up these tongs until they’re
glowing red hot and then touch that
directly to the dry ice
all right let’s see what happens
well not a lot really
not a lot happened I thought it would do
a lot more I thought the red-hot metal
might melt its way through the dry ice
kind of like it does with normal ice but
it just cool off the metal and barely
left a dent in the dry ice let’s throw
the rest of it in see what happens well
all of our dry ice is gone it didn’t put
out the flame it didn’t put off a lot of
vapors like it doesn’t put it in hot
water it just sort of sublimated into
nothingness that whole block took about
10 minutes to disappear in our furnace
which is much faster than if you just
left it sitting on the counter but it’s
not very enjoyable
after pouring all of that water into our
supercooled acetone bath something
interesting has happened it’s turned
into a slush so I think this is about
half water and half acetone so I’m going
to scoop it out put it on a brick and
light it on fire
not entirely sure what’s making it
bubble like that here goes
oh it’s actually on fire it’s just
acetone burning so it’s very clear it’s
hard to see
well that is burning right now burning
snow you don’t see that every day
it’s still really cold it’s on fire but
it’s freezing cold like if I touch part
of it
it’s very cold to the touch but it’s on
fire it’s freezing cold and on fire at
the same time that was freezing my hand
and burning my hand different parts of
my finger at the same time oh and now
our acetone is all just running off and
pouring off and we’ve used this brick
for some colored smoke powder before and
the acetone has been pulling that off of
the brick and so we’re getting this pink
stain as it runs there you have it two
experiments using dry ice one a method
of making an extremely cold liquid bath
using acetone the other putting dry ice
into our backyard foundry with the
acetone bath we were able to supercool
rubber and produce and both of them
became very brittle and lost all their
elasticity when they were completely
frozen in the acetone with the dry ice
in the foundry it turned into gas faster
than it normally would if it were just
sitting out on the counter but it wasn’t
really very entertaining nothing
spectacular happened the co2 wasn’t
enough to put out the fire it just kind
of disappeared a special shout-out to
Daniel mileage and likewho for your
suggestions on what we should try check
your youtube inbox we’re sending you 25
bucks if you have any ideas for any
experiments or projects you want us to
try let us know down in the comments if
we end up using your idea will send you
25 dollars acetone is easily available
at most hardware stores so this is an
experiment you probably can try at home
just be sure you wear protective gloves
and eyewear at all times thanks for
joining us today for these projects and
we look forward to the next one talk to
you then it’s bouncy again this is
cleanup don’t let on fire three two one
hang on I’m going to put my safety
glasses on
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