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Sucking INK From 1,000 PENS!!

today ballpoint pens are extremely
common they are the most used writing
implement in the world with millions of
them manufactured everyday today we’re
gonna see what happens if we take the
ink out of 1,000 of them thousand pens
is a whole lot but each pen only has a
little bit of ink in it amazingly that
little bit of ink is enough to write for
quite a while but we wanted to do some
tests with a lot of ink at once so we’ve
got 1000 pens and we are going to take
the ink out of all of them the plan here
is pretty simple we’re gonna drain the
ink out of 1,000 ballpoint pens collect
it all in a cup and then subject it to a
number of tests heat cold and vacuum
I did a fair amount of experimenting to
figure out what the best way to get the
ink out was I tried rollers I tried just
letting it drain out tried several
different things and in the end what I
found was that this metal rod that is
almost the exact diameter as the inside
of the pens does a pretty good job of
pushing the ink out of course there is
still a little bit left on the sides of
the tube it’s not a perfect squeegee but
there you can see about the ink contents
of one single pen it’s not more than a
few drops but when we take in nothing
kind of enough pens I think we’ll have
quite a bit
that’s it
according to mix website each pen has
enough ink to draw approximately two and
a half kilometers that means with all
1000 of these pens there should have
been enough ink to draw a line from Los
Angeles California to Lafayette
Louisiana oh man this pens everywhere
who did this look at that that is a big
old cup full of ballpoint pen ink and
this other Cup that has just a tiny bit
we started in this Cup and I was like oh
we might run out of space and so I moved
on to this Cup thinking we might need to
move on you can that let it did all fit
in here so we’ve just got tiny bits in
here and a whole lot in here I’m just I
want to just look at it like this is
interesting stuff so it’s not thin it’s
not like India ink or just ballpoint pen
ink this stuff is super thick like corn
syrup this here is black ink but it’s
not perfectly black either there’s just
this little bit of a metallic sheen to
it I don’t really know what color it
looks like sort of a ridiculously dark
pinkish purple color but it really does
look like a black metal sort of thing it
is of course a little tricky to get
something so dark to show up on camera
well but we’ll try and get some good
lighting on it so it’s visible it’s
really dark and it’s really reflective
both hard to film
we’ve got this smaller cup of ink that
we poured out and we want to see what
happens if we throw this in a vacuum
chamber you’re probably curious I know
see bubbles forming now I’m seeing lots
of bubbles forming and now it’s
expanding very rapidly holy cow I let
back in the tiniest amount of air and
just all of those bubbles disappeared I
think that means that this ink bubbles
really really easily
all right that looks awesome oh and it
broke I’m not letting any pressure back
in now and it’s it’s not bubbling up
over the top anymore it’s bubbling a lot
today’s video is brought to you by venom
please give us money
that looks so cool like a boiling black
metal I’m amazed that it’s still
bubbling like is it degassing it might
actually just be evaporating some of the
liquids that are down in the ink there
are actually quite a few chemicals
involving and interestingly some of them
take almost two weeks to evaporate out
after you write on a piece of paper so
that ink doesn’t actually dry completely
for a couple of weeks I’m gonna let the
pressure back in I don’t think much is
gonna happen
yep didn’t really do anything has a
strong chemical smell although it’s
going away quickly so it might have just
all gotten carried off the inside of
that cup is above is covered in ink is
anything has ever been covered in ink
well that’s what happens when you put in
a vacuum chamber what do you think is
gonna happen if we freeze it now I’ve
got a bowl of liquid nitrogen and we’re
gonna drip some ink into it and see what
it does I bet it freezes alright
let’s pour some ink into some liquid
nitrogen I’m gonna start by just
dripping a little bit in out of our cup
here and this stuff is really thick so
it doesn’t pour super easily when it
gets even thicker on contact with the
liquid nitrogen ooh and then it just
starts to shatter you went in and
started making these fun little strands
and then after was in there for a few
seconds it started kind of exploding
apart ink dust
we saw that this made some really good
bubbles when we were using it in the
vacuum chamber I’m curious to see what
whoa just look like perfect metallic
we’ve got some ink in a metal bowl and
we’re gonna put it on our little
electric hot plate here and we’re gonna
there are some vapors coming off of that
ink although to be fair I don’t know
100% that’s from the ink it might be
from the enamel on the bowl may not be
at cooking bowl but it’s white I wanted
to use it because it makes everything so
nicely visible
now that it’s hot it is a lot more
liquid before it was more like the
consistency of corn syrup and now it’s
like the consistency of cooking oil I’m
gonna try and avoid breathing those
fumes as much as possible I’m not a
hundred percent sure what they are but I
I would call that a rolling boil at this
now the consistency is almost as thin as
well after boiling off whatever it is it
boils off it’s the same color it’s just
hard and dry and gross so don’t boiling
nothing good happens vacuumed bubbled
frozen and boiled ballpoint in ink it
looks really cool it’s got a cool color
and consistency and of course it’s super
potent like it’s dangerous I am covered
in ink marks and I don’t even know where
those are from but I’ve had them all
over my face and it’s probably all over
my clothing as well I still have quite a
bit of stuff a little over a cup of it
that I haven’t used up or burned or
anything like that so if you have any
ideas of things you’d like to see me do
with this ink let me know down in the
comments and if we use your idea we just
might send you 25 bucks guys that’s not
all we’ve got more for you to see that
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