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How to make a Batarang like “The Dark Knight”

who would have guessed a rusty old table
saw blade could make such a nice
Batarang in this project we’re turning
some old shop accessories into
high-speed superhero throwing stars
after changing out this 10-inch saw
blade I wondered what could be done with
the old one then the answer became
obvious make a custom shuriken to get
started on this project we’re going to
need a paper template and a stick of
glue let’s go ahead and glue the picture
directly to the saw blade smoothing out
any creases and let it dry for about 10
minutes now we’ll need to fasten the
blades securely to a table making sure
there’s something to protect the
tabletop from the saw blade because
we’ll be cutting this pattern with a
jigsaw you can see these jigsaw blades
have 30 teeth per inch and are made for
cutting metal let’s start the blade in
the groove between the teeth and begin
cutting the straight lines first now I’m
cutting very slowly because I don’t have
any oil to dissipate the heat and going
too fast could ruin the blade within
minutes you can see I continued a
straight line all the way across the top
giving easy access to the more intricate
cuts inside the tight curves are gonna
take a lot of time and patience but with
some persistence you should end up with
something like this although it does
look a little rough around the edges to
fix that let’s gather up a couple of
half round metal files I’m gonna use my
bench vise to hold the Batarang for
better leverage here you can see it
definitely looks terrible but let’s go
ahead anyway and use the flat side of
the small file to begin grinding down
the sharp points the contours can be
worked with a rounded edge and after a
few minutes you can already start to see
a noticeable improvement the larger file
helps smooth and shape the bottom curves
and the goal here is to make everything
symmetrical now if we carefully file the
edges at an angle you can see it adds a
bit of a bevel to the top of the wing I
angled both sides of the wingtips to
make them look sharper and seem a bit
more authentic this actually looks
pretty awesome in silver but let’s go
one step further and paint it black now
if we push the wing tip into a piece of
cardboard the Batarang should stand
upright and we can hit it with a few
shots of spray paint make sure it’s the
kind that can be used on metal and after
a couple of hours the paint should be
dry enough to handle at this point it’s
nearly finished and you might be
thinking I forgot to paint the tip
watch what happens if we use something
like sandpaper or a sanding sponge on
the beveled edges it reexpose –is the
steel blending the unpainted tip with
the outer edges once again our superhero
shuriken is completely finished and we
don’t even have to sharpen the blade I
went ahead and built the throwing post
from a length of 2 by 8 and added a dart
board to use for a target now to throw a
Batarang just take three paces away from
the target hold it by the bottom wing
and throw it with a bit of a flick in
the rail if you did it right it should
make one full rotation and stick firmly
into the target now if you adjust your
distance in small increments you’ll
eventually find the sweet spot where it
sticks perfectly upright just about
every time a distance of three steps
equals one full rotation so from six
paces that should spin twice now it’s
important to be safe when handling these
things and they should be treated with
the same respect as a throwing knife or
a throwing star you can see that after
two hours of practicing my target took
an incredible beating because these are
the real deal
using this method I was able to make 5
batarangs from the one saw blade and you
can see I made each one a little bit
different well now you know how to turn
rusty old saw blades into a collection
of custom superhero throwing stars just
remember to be safe and never throw them
at people or property that’s it for now
if you liked this project perhaps you’ll
like some of my others check them out at
the king of random comm hey guys I just
wanted to thank you for watching my
video and for giving me your support I
want to let you know that I really feel
that I noticed when you like I noticed
when you comment I noticed the little
things that you do to show your support
as fans and it makes a huge difference
to me because I’m balancing a family and
work and other things to try and make
these videos for you so thank you for
being a part of this community and
giving the excitement and motivation for
doing these projects and I also want to
thank Opinion Outpost that our company
who sponsored this video and made it
possible for me to bring you these
videos for free I put a link to them in
the description I checked it out with my
own free sign up account I did my own
surveys and it seems like a point system
where you do so many points and you can
trade it in for cash or gift cards like
Amazon and iTunes so the money is real
I’ve seen it and if you are over 18 and
have some extra time want to make some
extra money
definitely recommend checking out
Opinion Outpost in the link below it’s
another way to show some support because
they are tracking to see who signs up
from my videos so maybe they’ll sponsor
me again anyway thanks again for being
here thanks for being part of my
community and I’m gonna try and do more
appearances like this at the end of my
videos because I don’t feel like I
really get a chance to talk to you I’m
gonna be reading the comments so if you
have any questions let me know down
below and in the meantime let me know
where you’re from I’d love to know where
in the world you’re watching from so let
me know in the comments below where you
are right now thanks again and feel free
to pick another video off to the side
here I’ve got plenty more things to
watch I’ll see you next time
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