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The Video They Don’t Want You To Watch (WARNING – Powerful Stuff!)

peace and Finnick waters diving deep
once again beautiful deep divers we are
here in the wonderful art gallery just
wolf breathing in that good ass prana
now deep divers do you ever sometimes
feel that you are powerless
insignificant your voice doesn’t matter
and you really aren’t important a lot of
us have felt like this up one stage in
our lives and I’m here to tell you that
no no no no you are so powerful it’s
unbelievable let me demonstrate how
powerful you are with this great story
so there is a worker in this massive
company an employee who is being treated
poorly abused verbal abuse all the time
from this dictator of a boss
authoritarian brutal merciless and this
workers like I have no power if I
complain nobody is gonna believe me if I
complain nobody would care because I’m
only one person I don’t have a lot of
power now take into consideration you
had 99 other workers in this company and
they all were also being treated in a
very poor way now each one of them said
to themselves my voice doesn’t matter
I’m powerless I’m just one person until
one worker decided to confront the
dictator for boss and say actually I’m
not gonna stand up for this and all the
other workers were so scared they’re
like oh my gosh I can’t believe they
just said that and then that actually
inspired another worker to stand up and
say the same thing and then another
worker and then another worker and all
of a sudden you had a hundred workers
who were standing up for their rights
and not giving up the fight and now the
dictator of a boss was starting to look
a bit shaky baby because he knew he was
outnumbered by the workers who were
finally starting to realize their power
collectively deep divers the moral of
this powerful story is that together we
are stronger a lot of people say Ralph
you’re so powerful your videos are so
powerful what is even more powerful is
the deep diving community together we
are stronger we are forced to be
reckoned with deep divers can you
imagine if 7 billion people loved and
respected each other how much we could
accomplish so deep divers always realize
together we are stronger if we stand up
for a better world if we stand up for
change change will happen and then deep
dive as well we’ll just say oh so good
to be a live baby can I get a hell
beautiful deep divers you are truly
appreciated have a beautiful day
infinite waters diving deep once again
stay well stay healthy peace you when I
sing that’s powerful I’ve got a choir
behind me that’s even more powerful [Music]

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