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Il Futuro di Bitcoin e delle Crypto

because the biggest problem of the
market is now called bit main in
next month is the biggest miner
but the world because it tells the problem more
big is that he announced for two months
a capital increase of up to 18 billion
ok you understand well that you firmly and
so it’s a lot of talk because
many many are convinced that there is
a black hole in bahrain to have bought
many bitcoin cash are under the
I say in cash and the price is supported by
they are bitcoin cash
ok because they bought it in the hall yes
keep on their price only that
now the money is gone
apparently also because mining
it is not productive it does not produce useful as
in the past and therefore they struggle and
then the capital increase is born from there
even if then the ridiculous votes that for
other things
if they could make an increase of
capital 18 billion bitcoin that slips
under the sole fact that now there is
crazy fear you would ever buy one
money that risks jumping because
bitmate must sell a ton of
clear if they make a capital increase
of coin cash is sure to be theirs
let’s cover the butter if you think about a
other absurd thing than doing the moment
18 billion in an industry that
capitalize if you look with market cap 200
miles in which these 200 210 milians are
concentrated in the first ten coins
eighty percent therefore seems to me
ask the market for 18 billion for
an industry that is worthless in
comparison 18 b is practically fi 18
about 200 billion
the relationship is very low is also co in
base at the end no tunnel forward 8
yes ok, but how much is the market there at 200
sure they have 20 announcing me certainly not
mission to 20 million customers there are
17 million bitcoins certainly there is something
I mean their average customer a
zero comma the coin because then not
absorbed coin ie tyrion other coins
so it’s a great bet
the future that is an exact bill is there
the thought maybe is that I felt the
fanatic inves that said between five
years one billion people use small
and then that point says ok svenisse one
all we are working on what
we must realize that these
they are normal start-up evaluations
the markets in which we all expect one
strong growth of school leaders gives
nothing clear then that’s like saying amazon
at the time it says but these but none
buy online but how do you evaluate
amazon google or google and then it seems
an assessment of the future, inter alia a
coin base declaration states notes e
the states those who at this time
are the numbers one for the credit world
they waited and not back
They have come forward as the countries
japan obviously because it has a debt
huge public so if you create a
great asset new organization side
of the economy 6 Japan one of the players
main and also what the greater
clear debt if you create assets from nothing
from the king’s organization set up by
everything and you are the one who has 20 per
one hundred of the world market
your debt becomes less important
the united states are those that today
they wage war against all those
they want to make christ because why
because they want their champions
nationals are the new google not dogs
so if there is someone big who takes
market share and annoyance and therefore
the theme of so-called dollarization
now that there is the big problem that I have
seems to understand is that on the one hand
judge in fantastic new economy
crypts new currencies etcetera etcetera
on the other hand, however, if I buy b coins
to date or the shoots another currency the
problem is that we say yes but who me
he has guaranteed that stuff there that the
I hear warren buffett and charlie munger
who said no but who was here is
rat poison because there is so much
behind nothing but now instead begins
sc behind something I want the
martin understands the poor warren
ushering age poor that when you
some drama happens
goes into existential crisis and then 2008 e
also quite comfortable now paolo ma
there is no need for a bordonaro in two months
clear dominant positions of candles
then dominant in 2008 its fund
which became famous all over the world
when there was the house of lyman tone ai
1991 values ​​for a few months
so if the economy goes bad he him from
he predicts it
lose like everyone else loses more
of others so he is a position
dominant when he speaks, everyone listens to him
because the true did not understand one thing
that blocks it
serves to cut intermediaries into
an economy that struggles to grow
we have all seen the economy
pressed by a monstrous public debt
from and from the fact that there are so many
intermediaries so many to mediate that
they were born at the time of the internet thing
was the internet bubble
Today was not there before booking there is no
huber there were no various facebook
and if you look at the bulk of the profits of the
multinationals are made by these
colossi for what
to broker the public with
the real company that makes what
risks the simple booking case
you take 15 percent of the profits
on a hotel room without risk of
the entrepreneur costs personnel costs
the hotel has a thousand risks and snow from
15 percent and an intermediary if
booking is put in one inside the
made autonomous organization in one
glock chain from someone who wants it
create by asking for one percent instead
that the 15 certainly about who will use not
modern calls therefore intermediaries are
a bit big but we talk about the dollar
what’s the big problem today that
America in convincing the whole world
to use dollars but because of course
Japan evaluate its and venezuela
evaluate petro dinner everyone wants to use
their crypt meat itself or their currency
great if you can introduce a
dollar crypto you do not talk anymore
with the Russian Venezuelan state
Chinese and please buy me for
favor a bit of my three days because
I need to finance my economy
no you like a crypto dollar
and manages to get into the pockets of the
Chinese private person in the pockets of the
Russian private person who can not take it anymore
of the Russian intermediary bank that you
asks crazy commissions and the news of
a few weeks ago there is a risk that
the Russian bank will sell you the facts
forcibly dollars in the come out
on bloomberg then they talked from the
denied sorry this tool this
goal tool you get guaranteeing in
substance the bitcoin all credit currency
with the dollar that is what they are
doing them right now and from the
raising the currency crediting what is
devastating was that three weeks ago
apple will use the states a few weeks ago
united have authorized the christ
dollar 1 stable coin tied 1 to 1 col
dollar made by an American company and
the dollars are actually there then
they are not there is no fractional reserve
there is none of this and I am
deposited at the first one of the
first three American banks then a
face of a dollar that is there and I yes
I will find there is a b coin no excuse me there is a
woman’s roof there is a crypto dollar
example so what happens that me
I’m an investor situations I ‘m one
which is institutional alex I go to
gemini because it is the company that has put
these slogans I give him 10 million
dollars and they give me 10 million
crypto dollar nor the 10 million come
deposited at the bank and are by me
can be requested at any time, but I am
institutional I go on the market e
he began to distribute these dollars
I pay the salaries inflicted dollars I have
created are ap dollars redeemable in
every moment and guaranteed not only
from the opening of the first three banks
American but also from the American state
who authorized and then begins
pay salaries 15 to pay for services
goods and so on and these dollars
they begin to circulate but while I for
on this according to the law as it is
this roof has been authorized
I had to do what you want and it’s all
I have to undergo all the laws
of m
even recycling worldwide that these
so basically I have done it all
regulation recognition
of the users are subject I have them
bought are also tabbed then have
started paying salaries
ok I know who I paid them mario antonio al
wine but cousin went to the restaurant s
bought a car by decree
dollars went on amazon and bla bla bla
in the end they end up at these dollars a
a Russian and maybe he can not buy lost
his is missing a Venezuelan an Argentine
the Brazilian looks at this case in this
these last year what we saw the
American politics and tariffs we block
great world trade and what
let’s make
we challenge those in the business
World was the major
beneficiary all emerging countries
collapsed currencies including China that is
still a country is no longer a country
emerging but still to be i
problems then the dollar dominates on
and now all the governments and banks
try to block that using
these dollars from the person
private because obviously there is a
interest in blocking the power of the
dollar rooftops lend excuse me I do a
step back to understand for thinking about
who maybe is not practical about these issues
because a crypto dollar is more
convenient compared to a dollar because
this operation of the United States does not
they can just make it color
dollar today give them around or mental
and if you are now then what do you go
in the bank but in the bank you go to a
exchange office and pay certain commissions
then today they take away what they take of
interest on the current account on 2 e
half a percent I meet that in mine
economic scenario life is concerned
they will go to 56 percent within 45
limit this policy so today
so a 2 half but the bank gives you to 2
and a half on the dollars whether to buy or not
at most you from zero point or in
Swiss do not pull anything zenga delle
European banks do not give you who it is
which makes these two and a half percent of
ubs the bank intended an intermediary
the exact bank but not the america in mine
model or the new one what you want
of America what happens
the person buys a dollar kit
exchanging against bitcoin or against
other things goods and services will come
used the big adoption that coin
at that point you are not this woman
the dollars quietly turn him
they remain an American bank that
earn 2 percent and with money
that he buys being able to reserve
fractional you buy the treasury bill
financing your country and then
like japan
America will go to internalize the
own public debt ok thanks to
dollar roof is a stupendous invention
so much so that as soon as they have authorized it
two weeks later we hear that already then
he wants to make one a pound
the pound has been announced looks
case Europe because Italy will do it
we are always mere carla the lira I do not know
what only I do not know uses tara napoli ha
made his narration is all one
project and it would be wonderful
so this is, among other things, the
ue solana coin is another canary
of the mine is beautiful because
Petrone, a coin that has been invented
centralized the Venetian government e
what did he say now if you want the
passport to pay me in petro then
goes to detach the bolivar that his
spy has already no longer worth anything is paper
shit disappears remains this pietro e
people who want to pay for services
at the state they are obliged for the
passport must pay in stone ok but
devastating and what could
to happen quietly in the economies
dictators of a future
no because we go to that system
then the stable coin donation
they are the key to great adoption
on the key for which 8-bit coin based
it will not be worth 80 billion and become
a colossus like facebook like google
while those colossi will have to
resizing is a process that can not
be done drastically in a month or
in a year
it takes ten years
I would never go to work slowly
for google for facebook or for huber but it is
a boy advisers
work by coin month and by effect
currencies because there are new ones in there
google that will grow and others if
they do not keep this, then they will die
this stabilization of the various gods
of the various crypts currencies in reality the
you can do not only with the dollar but for
away you do it with them exact that
when they talked about it, you said
really curious buildings in the sense
there is just them the gold is beautiful as
you can include it today you can buy
their physique bought a lot of pounds
golden and put them in your box
security ok is a little awkward as you can
go to a bank all the tasks
complete f but that have told many
times that behind the tf there is little gold
you never know how to do and then you have these
middle intermediaries because they want to
earn a lot of money
and in fact no, that is, it is not possible
buy them with a product
actually innovative and you have it
Your private property must be but not
this is the new concept see what
it happens we have thought that
in the context of stable coins is that
just create a gold coin an ounce
gold a coin then things we have
fact we have taken we are taking
because it’s starting from days we are
taking a pound of gold
ok we put it in a vault where every
we are every week for two weeks
discussing her on an auditor comes to
see what we see if we can
also put a nice room one
camcorder ok that the camcorders though
they are loadable there are a lot of gold
and then there is not the usual picture
exactly no then a reviewer who comes
third-party certification for each
pound of gold that we put and put into
a kilo of gold there are a thousand I put myself
one thousand touches ok and these go around
on the market you can buy tures
you can buy anyone with the same
mechanism of the dollar, that is the
first time I’ll do what you want
name cards for life but you lines
You are free to give it to those who want that gold
Eco-friendly around turns freely when
one wants to redeem it presents itself in the
our offices because it is the only way where
we physically have it with tokens
with his passport and we give him if
he is not a delinquent
we give them and then there will be a minimum a
this this gold is kept in
custody in your wallet of yours
mobile phone
think about how many millions of ambitious titles
there are no world millions of these
of people can not buy dollars
and he knows where to put them on paper
now you can put the dollars but
also our top and on gold and many
other things
think of the location of the real
you can have one millimeter
indeed, the framework of the eu varies in the moment
where we say touch starts a
physical object that is them the
Dollar jerk who is stuff like that
which is not physical is not the piece of paper
no but the value behind it
but here a physical object is not certain
physical at that point the same concept
you apply it to a thousand other sectors
so say the house you can divide one
home in many centimeters and I buy myself
what the fuck do I know a square meter of a
skyscraper in new york was at the end
reads the separation between a utility
token or a token of an asset you can
even totalize the pizzas if yes
they kept time and then it is clear
but anything that can be maintained
over time you can not organize ok barrels
of oil and the problem what is and the
regulation that owed you was to
look why otherwise re-upholstered
today you can not do it simply
because the current rules
the current law does not allow it does not give
sufficient guarantees to the holder of the
token we are still passing by the notary with
the past certain procedures
archaic and that do not generate however the
liquidity of this instrument and it is not
liquidable when these procedures
they will be slowly erased and yes
adopt that of the south and at the seat will be
the largest and then reaches the mass
the largest adoption is all around
these things end up in your wallet the
bank nole has more if you think about one today
average person where the money their
but there is a real object for it
physical earth that gives ok then
compare real state and then have it in it
bank in a thousand products services but in
bank is not his in his possession
if you can cut this
intermediary and all the others
intermediaries that is the true role of the
shower in you have made bingo and yours
economy to a development
plus on how you get the person
You own property of your assets
only you in the private key and how
according to you, all the big ones will react
financial institutions if he always says
eco wall street this generalization
pro how he reacts according to you and everything
this world is a world that must go
to go also inflation is the only one
so you have the mighty of the world
they want this they decided with the
break set have decided with trump have
decided with those tariff policies
reduction of intermediaries
look at facebook as he is pissed off
you can not say he is angry with con
look at all these big ones that do
millions of billions of profits that
they will be canceled or reduced a lot
in favor of the real economy
so banks can not exist
as I am today too much control but I do
if you think about it facta it was made is
that thing for which the whole world is
been put under control
ok, it was done by the Americans
they distributed it all over the world
now we have banks where legal and
compliance involves 20 percent of the
fixed costs huge checks to
control the flow of money and what it does
America from his home
it destroys the whole world that created
she to her advantage
because when it creates the dollar roof where
that you do so only on first people
and then distribute it freely
practically below, however
I’m sorry in fact you build one
second economy on that I thought about
a house I value the house
but if he touches the house at that point
I have a series of people starting out
to trade the token gods
they concern my property and therefore there is
a second level of economics
this will lead to a house that is worth 3
thousand euros per square meter to 6 thousand euros
avetrana ta la new the timing
leads to higher prices and leads
inflation that destroys debt
public and that’s what the big ones
they want localization will lead to a
price increase
unlike globalization that
led to a reduction in prices
ok but for whom
who is it that will suffer from this new world
the old ones blow from the bonds
bonds and the pillow case of
euro those who will receive pensions
in dollars and euros all these are
big loser big losers of the system
why young people instead starting to
gain that conditions hopefully a
earn tokens organize their
asset then their asset allocation
they will start buying theirs
things will be linked yes I want to have
in my wallet representing tokens
the real economy because if we go into one
inflationary world and let’s go to a world
inventive I want to have pieces of chair
pieces of a wardrobe I want to have in mine
totalized asset that I can resell
something that lasts commodities over time
everything that I want real economy
security tokens that will be stable coins
cutie token ad massive adoption e
market I believe that reaches 30 thousand
billions in 5 years
novo thanks he said it said paolo
barras and I believe a lot in that model
book and then stop according to if so
crisis touches because today we say if
one uses a token there are a thousand types
of use, however, a problem that maybe
i think about bitcoin in this
there is a lot of use right now
speculation trading has been there
big explosion then the collapse
and at this point one says that it is next
from next year we will have to see also
a real new use through the fact
that I can use these currency shouts
to do something for us and then there is this
theme in the security token where that
point says ok I can invest on it
something to explain it to me a little bit
better this way and first of all I’ll do one
example you with apple
if it’s against apple nation you can
pay the solemn you do not have this
big problem but then it is worth 8
dollars is enjoyed by living it at home
sailing ship etc. leave my commission
very long process, not all
now what happens if you close touch it will be
a very important thing for the
entrepreneurs because once again yes
they will free banks and give in
meal to the people unfortunately to the people
gentlemen the numbers the money must do
big and small always give them
you can not historic unless you
it comes and when the big ones come
favored then that thing happens if
instead they favor only the masses and not the
big that thing does not happen this is it
what happens then what it does
I am an entrepreneur and you are a
we finance you, we have it
agree or a good product and then me
put some money then it’s supposed to me
put 5 million and make a company
biotech and launch a product now if it goes
well the year after this product
A good idea begins to circulate 6
we are interested in abolishing otherwise
at this point and I put a security token
you and me have a heartfelt saying that you do not have
right to vote but if first
when he issues an action he went into
car right you are not tied to
banks banks ask me a
financing of blackmailed ok
pay interest rates on this
money on this following that does not pay
interest at the limit pay by sharing
a royalty ok but unlike the gods
shares are companies of series b and issues
a doping gentleman who pays 20 per
one hundred profits
we decide together ok because that is god yes
call if a percentage to give tense
so what happens that eighty is
I kept you who made the start
up and then we give what to them
to be happy a 20 percent but
because maybe we go then 20 for
one hundred generates a 1 percent return
per year if you are a team of
football or you’re something that you have a big one
gifts next to this security
token the token utility gifts that makes you
feel supporter you can use
as a discount in the then for the company
you have a flexibility of the instrument
security toghe plus the top utility that
at the last can also be used as
payment hooker to pay off returning
to the initial speech you do not have
absolutely with my real instrument of
today and that is why it is only
question not if it happens but when
when it happens, however, saw some
soccer teams that have started to
use the token at use because there
underlie c were broiler chickens
plucking there are the gray’s anatomy
ken of the paris saint germain hello of the
stuff between oils I sell it gladly though
let’s say the token at that point I am the
fan I say okay if I go to the stadium and
I want to buy the popcorn more products
he’s never alone and bound I’ll give you one
status symbol that to 100
what is so much is what Belgium is taking back
I collect a few million to buy
some players what they give or
on security token if I am lamborghini
every time they sell lamborghini I’ll get you
I give 20 percent or example that
ferraris is right if the factor yes
they must mean an andrea example
bourgeoisie is an example let’s say
classic no like but then to combine things
clear that therefore the company will have one
flexibility that today does not sell ok
but crazy world this in here
I do what I did for two years
I am the one abandoned all the cable
when I leave because I would not know if
you saw it and inside it’s gold
coming to ok then a matter of hours
days I do not know that it’s me who
the idea of ​​moving is very digital
gold put it in a vault security
the cerm cinema not indifferent sum
however, on the other hand, it gives you a great deal
calm buyer side because he says
I buy something that is guaranteed by them
then you feed the camera me
I can watch every day at that
point, please keep in mind that there will be one
unbridled competition then we will have
1,000 million, but not thousands of tokens
already today we are about 100 stable coin non
linked to them but born in the day
then and then they will leave three a day
if they invent so many and only the
the best will win to be better
which is the parameter according to you trust
trust made sure that that
serious companies behind there are well
guaranteed whatever happens to trust
or the security that there are oracles
or of the third parties that guarantee to
me because unfortunately that physical good
that is, it is still anchored to a group of
people who declared that they control it
the arms indicate sees different between
stress seeks but that ‘s like gold
digital that bitcoin function
I do not expect a million like it
some say I expect that saga like
it rises neither more nor less
but where there is a shower they will not be
security token and fable coin however how much
it goes the peak within an exact year from
how much will it be because we are right
I would have a year two I do not know but can not
use at these prices one for 10 can
do it by hand which is a huge number 9
but you said it like saying little respect
at the big forecasts maybe you know better
of me that last year was worth 20 thousand is
arrived at $ 20,000 today is worth 6
thousand so he lost from 20,000 to everyone
that said he wanted 50 100 200 300
so now all all quiet I would say
that I was wrong and now it is worth 6 thousand if
there is a mass adoption
we will have 20 30 trillion billion in the round
of seven years of market cap eb coi
if it makes one for ten it goes from 1,000 billion
there is that it can be worth a thousand
billions market thanks homeless paul
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