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Top 10 Shocking Character Deaths on Netflix Original Series

even fictional characters have to meet
their maker welcome to and
today we’re counting down our picks for
the top 10 shocking character deaths on
Netflix original series before we begin
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for this list we’re taking a look at
those Netflix original series where we
suddenly lose a main or supporting
character we had assumed would be on the
show much longer since all the entries
contain major character deaths a spoiler
alert is now in effect number 10
Danny Rayburn bloodline crisis can while
dances with death are part of the job
description when you’re a drug
trafficker we certainly didn’t see this
coming not only did John always defend
his brother Danny
his demeanor was always calm cool and
collected even when he grew suspicious
of Danny’s return to crime he worked
behind the scenes to suss out what was
going on however it all changed when
Danny took John’s daughter out on a boat
to give her an ominous gift taking this
as a veiled threat to his family he
throughout the rest of the series
John slowly loses himself obsessing over
and trying to hide what happened that
number nine Greg and Jim wet hot
American summer first day of camp if the
Falcon was good the whole time why did
he kill Greg and Jim it doesn’t make
much sense but when it comes to wet hot
American summer that’s kind of the point
Beth and Greg are coming fresh from
winning a court case with the help of
their lawyer Michael Sara’s Jim Stansel
then out of nowhere the two are killed
by the Falcon in the middle of a press
Greg dies in Beth’s arms and we also
lose the hottest lawyer of the year
Beth does question the Falcon on the
plotholes this causes but he has a thing
he needs to get to he really can’t
cancel again I just have to go and if I
don’t go now I mean they’re gonna have
to cancel which I could number eight
camino del rio Ozark Tony Monte burn
animals to mystery and somehow convinced
me to partner with a bunch of rednecks
what do you do when the Big Bad is
defeated when you needed him most over
the course of this crime drama Marty
gets into deep trouble with the cartel
enter del he’s sent to get information
and if needed
Marty’s head he eventually gains a loose
trust in Marty going along with his plan
of recouping the money that was lost he
also takes the suggestion to partner
with the snell’s a local crime family
during a meeting he remarks he’s shocked
Marty would make a deal with the
rednecks Darlene detests the term and
shoots del point-blank I said only Marty
can someone help convince me to partner
with a bunch of and we thought Dell was
trigger-happy whatever happens next
all we know is that Marty’s safety net
however small is now gone
I wanna buy that tongue you know that
number seven
saralyn Bojack horseman I don’t like
anything about me so many child stars
cave under the pressure of a life of
constant performance even though Sara
Lynn was fictional the heartbreak we
felt in that planetarium was anything
but the only thing that matters is right
now this moment this one spectacular
moment we are sharing together right
Sara Lynn up until now
Bojack has ignored how his selfish
actions affect other people however this
time those selfish actions contribute to
the death of someone he loved this
crushes him sending him back down a
spiral that almost ends in his own
her tragic end was hinted at throughout
the show but we were expecting a crazy
death framed in a somewhat humorously
instead she dies in a shockingly
intimate scene quietly with her only
real friend Geralyn number six Anatole
the scene is the definition of an
overreaction Rance tahaafe momentarily
loses his head when he interrupts FISC
state by now we know Fisk is a powerful
dangerous man
so maybe barging in on his private time
after his date is at a safe distance
Fiske effortlessly dominates Rance kaha
he doesn’t seem to think of the
consequences just of the embarrassment
he felt to this brute everyone is
except Vanessa he slams ran scoffs head
with a car door until it’s completely
crushed along with any hope of a
partnership it’s an indicator of what we
can expect from Fisk for the rest of the
number five Cornell cottonmouth Stokes
Luke Cage cuz everybody wants to be the
king the king has been dethroned
cottonmouth causes trouble for Luke Cage
right and left little do we know he is
the least of the hero’s worries in one
scene he explodes at his cousin Moriah
blaming her for the rape she suffered at
the hands of her uncle you wanted it
right you wanted it you know it she
pushes him off a balcony in anger at the
accusation then violently beats him with
a mic stand ironic since he wanted to do
music this is a bold move by the writers
but it pays off not only is the death
scene surprising it also makes way for
Mariah’s rise to power we are treated to
a ruthless villain s that doesn’t let
what’s in the past destroy her number
four Pablo Escobar narcos though we knew
Escobar was destined for a bitter end we
were not expecting him to die so early
in this scene we’re treated to not only
an epic shootout but also amazing
attention to accuracy even his outfit is
however there are some details that are
up to interpretation
the official report says he was killed
by an agent while his family says he
committed suicide the show gives us a
sequence that’s exciting and suspenseful
however Escobar’s death does not spell
the end of the series the drug
underworld is a Hydra cut off one head
and to grow in its place number two
Barbara Holland stranger things every
show has a fan favorite that comes out
of nowhere adopted by everyone from the
nerd to the lgbtq+ community barb
represents the misfit in all of us most
of our high school lives probably
resembled the bespectacled redheads –
the imminent threat of demagogue ins of
course in just three episodes she
managed to steal our hearts and spawned
plenty of fan works and hashtags her
death is the breaking point for Nancy
bringing her out of the mundane and into
a world that’s anything but it awakens
an inner strength that was previously
unseen shocking everyone including Nancy
herself screw that number – Zoe Barnes
house of cards have you thought about
what we discussed after Rousseau we knew
Frank Underwood was willing to kill to
keep his illegal activities under wraps
but we still didn’t see this coming not
because Underwood isn’t a monster but
because Zoe was essentially the
alternate main character she had
independent plots in an extremely
involved storyline so her death shook us
to the core and I hold myself
accountable for that
those were my choices and I can live
without her when she dug deeper into a
former lovers campaign and the schemes
behind it she essentially signed her own
death certificate
Frank lures her to a train station and
pushes her onto the track as a train
approaches the worst part Frank walks
away unperturbed and unpunished number
one who say Washington orange is the new
black this heavy decision left viewers
everywhere shaken and disturbed the
inmates participate in a peaceful
protest back up is called crazy eyes
gets scared things get tense tension
turns to action and Bailey takes down
Washington this maneuver is done
improperly though and she loses her
ability to breathe eventually
although when effective and poignant
reference to real events killing off a
lesbian woman of color alienated a
sizable chunk of the audience was it an
effective trade-off that’s up to you to
decide but one thing’s for sure no one
will ever forget who say Washington with
the accent at what my name is Hussein
accent wot bitch do you agree with our
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