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OSHO: The Right to Die

The Right to Die
What is the responsibility
of a doctor towards a patient
who is dying and no
longer wants to live?
Should the doctor help him to die?
It is something very significant
to be understood.
In the past,
in the beginning days
of medicine and medical science,
out of ten children nine would die,
only one would survive.
The population of the world
was very scarce.
Hippocrates created
an oath for doctors –
he was the father of
Western medicine, allopathy.
Humanity is immensely
grateful to that man,
and his oath was perfectly
right in those days.
The function of the doctor
was always to save life.
Life was so difficult;
to save people was certainly
the need of that time.
But times change, needs change;
books don’t change.
Still, in medical colleges
and universities,
Hippocrates’ oath is given
to the doctors
before they can practice.
Now, this is so stupid.
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