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SURROUND Yourself With GREATNESS – #OneRule

surround your mangos greatness
what’s up believe nation it’s Evan my
one word is believe and I believe that
you have the ability to do something
special that will change the planet
instead of help you on your journey
today we’re going to learn how to
surround yourself with greatness you
will move in the direction of the people
that you associate with so I it’s
important to associate with people that
are better than yourself and actually
the most important decision many of you
make not all of you will be the spouse
you choose and and you really you want
to associate with people who are the
kind of person you’d like to be you’ll
move in that direction and the most
important person by far in that respect
is your spouse I can’t overemphasize how
important that is your right the friends
you have they will form you as you go
through life and make some good friends
keep them for the rest of your life but
have them be people that you admire as
well as Wykeham how can you help the
human race how can you help the human
race the human species progress I’m not
joking either this is something I think
we all have to be aware of at the end of
the day the human animal is a social
animal and our very survival depends on
our ability to form communities to form
what’s a community what’s a culture it’s
a group of people with a common set of
values and beliefs right what’s a
country it’s a group of people with a
common set of values and beliefs
what’s a company it should be a group of
people with a common set of values and
beliefs when we’re surrounded by people
who believe what we believe something
remarkable happens Trust emerges and
make no mistake of it trust as a feeling
a distinctly human feeling you know we
all have friends we’re total screw-ups
and yet we still trust them right
Trust is not a check with simply doing
everything you say you’re going to do
doesn’t that much does not mean people
will inherently trust you it just means
you’re reliable
we need trust right we need trust when
we’re surrounded by people who believe
what we believe and Trust starts to
emerge and we trust them and they trust
us we’re more willing to take risks
we’re more willing to experiment which
requires failure we’re more willing to
explore and go somewhere with that no
one has ever gone before
with the confidence that if we fail if
we trip over if we turn our backs that
those within our community those who we
trust and who trust us will look after
us while we’re gone will pick us up when
we fall over will help us when we’re
hurt our very survival depends on it
we’re not good at everything we’re not
good by ourselves you know if I send you
out to go fight a saber-toothed tiger by
yourself odds are Tiger one you zero
it’s not gonna go very well but if you
go out as a group we’re pretty damn
amazing and the reason is is because we
all have our strengths and we all of our
certain weaknesses and the goal is not
to fix your weaknesses the goal is to
amplify your strengths and surround
yourself with the people who can do what
you can’t do but it’s not just based on
skills and an application and experience
it’s based on what you believe it’s
based on what you believe you see simply
being good at something and having
somebody else being good what you’re no
good at does not mean you will trust
each other trust the sense of trust
comes from the sense of common values
and common beliefs that improve it how
many of you from New York okay
bunch of you are you friends with
everybody in New York why not why not
but when you go to Los Angeles and you
meet someone from New York you’re like
hey I’m from New York and you’re best
friends right and when you go to France
you there you are in the Paris metro
minding your own business and you’re
here in American accent behind you and
you turn around and say hey where’re you
they say Los Angeles you like hey I’m
from New York and you’re best friends
because when you’re surrounded by people
who don’t believe what you believe when
you’re in a strange environment where
you don’t feel comfortable you look for
anyone who may share some of
same values and beliefs that you have
and you start to form a very wheat real
and very intense bond with them simply
because you know that they have a basic
understanding of how you grow up of the
things that you care about of the life
that you live back home well the same is
true when we go to work do we want to go
to work with people who understand us
who believe what we believe who have a
similar view of the world that has
nothing to do with their opinions and
the differences that we share
that’s good that’s called diversity
that’s called advantages to
problem-solving which is we can all look
at the same thing from a different angle
and come up with solutions what I’m
talking about is why should you help
each other in the first place
what are you in pursuit of now the
question is is what creates that sense
of values and beliefs what creates that
sense of trust right are very human
instinct we know how to find people who
believe what we believe our survival
depends on it we’re biologically gifted
with this idea if I ask you to go out in
the street and find all the people who
believe what you believe you know
exactly what to do
you’re gonna strike up conversations
you’re gonna start talking to people and
you either you’ll have a good feeling
about them or you won’t either you’ll
have chemistry whatever that means or
you don’t
sometimes it’s quick sometimes it’s slow
but we know how to do it it’s called
making friends it’s called dating it’s
called networking we have the innate
ability to do it
what did you get that that business says
because you you surpassed everybody in
in boxing and sports and everything in
general I’m watching you it’s like you
bigger than an NFL franchise it’s just
what’s he me believe it you know I’m
gonna be honest me and a lot of my guys
a lot of my said I have a team also but
you know my team don’t get in there and
go to war like I go to war but they go
to war on the outside I didn’t go to war
I’m very very tough on my team I want my
team to be the best that they can be on
the outside and but as far as on the
outside you know al Heyman
that’s all jela SOG a legend a legend a
very shrewd business
man learner ellaby that master degree oh
you know in business so you know when
you surround yourself with people like
this just just being around certain
individual search certain individuals
like even been around Don King been
around Bob Arum being around just
different people that’s been in the game
a long time and and you know my being
there buddies you know every time I got
around my being there buddies I was more
like it’s cool to come over your house
but I need a house like this yeah it’s
cool to ride on your yacht but I needed
yacht like this is cool around on your
jet but I wanted to get like patches and
I said no I don’t want to ride on yours
you showed me how to get it you can’t be
my friend if you can’t show me how to
get it pleaseth once they showed me how
to get it in I can install it in my
children then it goes it goes drugs down
it’s a bloodline class so it’s about
wealth you know I’m no longer rich and
wealthy why you know what gives me
strength all the time is to be able to
have formulated a group of people around
me that are my friends and my family you
know those two words are meshed in my
opinion but it’s given me a grounding
that as insane as my life can be
sometimes is always refreshing and
they’re always so honest with me and I’m
so thankful for that
everybody’s successful lays a blue for
now you laid a blueprint out uh you know
I can go down a list from comedians to
actors to entrepreneurs to self-made
moguls you look at Russell Simmons you
look at jay-z you look at Tyler Perry
you look at puff I mean you’re looking
at people to start off with a small
vision and that vision manifested into
something beyond expectation so what I
did was from the people around me my
mentors Eddie Murphy Chris Rock Pryor
who are all on the wall all in walls
yeah all oh no so you surround yourself
with I surround myself with a constant
reminder of who is great constantly I
come down these steps every day I look
at Richard oh he’s great I see Eddie he
was great I see Chris Rock he was great
it’s a constant reminder what am I
trying to achieve I want to be great
so that motivates me so what thinking
separates me is my drive my drive
there’s other people’s success but does
that look like your hoop
now it doesn’t look like your group I
mean in no way shape manner or form you
know maybe if we had a bunch of bunny
rabbits running there or it’s
unbelievable but again you are who you
hang around with you know and as Oprah
Winfrey says and which I talk about a
lot is that you want people with a like
mind and that are better than you
smarter than you more intelligent than
you to get on your bus and don’t be so
concerned about what you’re gonna do
with those people but you want to you
know the joint brain is you know there’s
nothing the joint brain collective brain
or brains can’t overcome and I give the
example of the atomic bomb the Manhattan
Project and they were put together and
they were told we need we need to
develop a weapon of mass destruction
which they didn’t call it that back in
those days in the middle 40s to end the
war in the Pacific
and they did they didn’t know if it was
implode or explode but they did but if
your if your team doesn’t look like that
then you should I won’t say you should
give serious thought you should just
change right now I’m standing in the
middle of my library this is my favorite
place you know Earl and you’ll see if
you surround your mind with greatness
some of us gonna rub off well hope wait
some of it has rubbed off on me I have
maybe three or four thousand books here
on the shelf they’re all in alphabetical
order by author they’re all catalogued
so I know where to find something just
like that I go by authors more than the
title of the book do you know that when
I started studying these books I really
didn’t know very much about anything I
had two months high school I was 26
years old a bad work record a bad
attitude and and virtually no experience
and you know in a relatively short
period of time my income went from four
thousand one hundred and seventy five
thousand a year then we’re over a
million the most important is tourists
what I like to call surround yourself
with with your dream team hmm
I called my Josh Altman’s dream team and
it consists of a good amount of support
from people that I trust
value their opinion and who I surround
myself with I always say that you are
the average of five people that you
surround yourselves with right you ever
hear that before
yeah totally jim rome just made that up
right so I think it’s super super
important to do that so in real estate
for example I have the best mortgage
broker who’s available 24/7 for me and
we’ve worked our way up in the business
together I have you know everybody from
the best title guy and escrow guy and
and all that so I surround myself with
this team of people who I can trust and
they can guide me in the right
directions of whatever I do so that’s
one way obviously in any business is
just surround yourself with some with
people who support you
how do you stay grounded how do you do
it well I got a get a wife that kicks my
first of all kids that tell it like it
is you know that to me is love right
there when your kids you know dad you’re
being a jerk you know yeah I love that
that that’s what helps me a lot
family certainly does that I think the
guys in the band too we all keep each
other in check
like it you know dude is that limo a
little too long come on I mean you know
just goofy things like that you know we
we try and keep each other real so I
think not surrounding ourselves with yes
men too which can really just totally
distort your reality right now you can
do anything you can be anything and yes
obstacles will come along but once again
we are living in a whole new world some
people are making a living of just
making videos
one of my favorite youtubers jenna
Marbles genius just a short video every
single week but she’s creating abundance
what about Michelle Phan write makeup
she started way back in the day but now
she’s created something for herself and
once again there’s there’s always gonna
be obstacles right this ain’t Paradise
Island out here right here in the jungle
in the jungle you don’t know what to
expect there’s all kinds of creatures so
you got to ask yourself am i surrounding
myself with people that actually are
encouraging me to follow my vision and
my dream or am i surrounding myself with
what can you wear schools these are the
dream killers right thank you guys so
much for watching I’d love to know what
did you think what was the clip that
resonated the most with you what was the
most important lesson that you learned
and how are you going to apply it to
your life or to your business I love to
hear thoughts if you want to leave a
comment down below I also want to give a
quick shout out to Christina and Sam woo
my video editing team thank you guys so
much for picking up a copy of my book
and sharing it on Twitter I really
appreciate the support guys and I’m so
glad you enjoyed the read so thank you
guys again for watching I believe in you
I hope we continue to believe in
yourself and whatever your one word is
much love I’ll see you soon
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