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Ultralight Drug Drop | National Geographic

I think one of the interesting things
about working on board wars is you get
to see a lot of the new trends in
smuggling just basically like the work
that people are doing on the other side
trying to get drugs and people into this
country we got weapons
there’s handguns in one of the Nogales
shoot we’re able to capture I think the
first time on television we were able to
capture the story of how smuggling is
now taking not just underground in the
vehicle approach but is now going in the
air as well basically we were out there
with ice okay there options we were that
easy because it uncovered but um but at
the time we were in there we were buried
in the shrubbery so that the ultralight
could not see us and add a know where we
see for here at first but eventually we
see this ultralight approach in the
darkness I think we’re hearing the sound
coming down the canyon well I think it’s
getting closer and closer by less than a
mile away there is he’s right in front
of us
we have to be careful that we don’t get
spotted now because he might fly right
on top of us and approach into this
Valley who descend and then just watch
through our night-vision and FLIR camera
as bundles job off with that he’s only
there’s a drop he just made the drop you
can hear that thump of the bundles
hitting the ground and then it took off
and to me that’s fascinating about
working on the show is that the you
never know what you can find and we get
to be there firsthand to see all of the
shifting tactics in this war on Gordon
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