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URBAN COUNTRY Trailer (2018)

look at that empty canvas
I’m not sleeping in County again let’s
Jones faith Jones lost hope seems like
you are though working and anything
wrong it’s not about getting punished
it’s not about what’s right and wrong
it’s what you have to live with
don’t call me tell me what the game
you have to come back to
I want you to make a change you stop
running with that crowd back to take
so this is it these are all our horses
oh we’re gonna need to get you dressed
to the part I am Cory I’m talk so much
about you I feel like I kind of already
know you hope yeah show you how to do
everything and you’ll be just fine you
I’m gonna have to come back with you no
you can’t stay here why it’s not like
the ranch is going anywhere and I turn
18 tomorrow so it’s my decision I want
to stay here and I want me to do that
for myself for mom for Cory and Blake
for the horses I’m 18 and I want to get
to know me I know that I haven’t been
the most reliable father and I promise
I’ll work on okay
thank you happy to make a difference
we’ve got a great job
you [Music]
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