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THE FACE OF AN ANGEL Official Trailer (2015) Daniel Brühl, Kate Beckinsale [HD]

you are covering the story from the
yeah pretty much I need your help there
is no such thing as real truth or
justice it’s just a popularity contest
affirm it’s not up to us to decide what
people should and shouldn’t know back
into the belly of the beast
you had sex with this random guy that
she met on the train
she went underwear shopping the night
after the murder none of that makes her
killer police knew there was someone
else in that flat why would she accuse
someone who’s innocent not behave
rationally in cases like this that is
the end of everyone’s story and what did
the body tell you she didn’t kill her
we took it to the house I think he was
there maybe he was involved in the
killing get are you did you think you
had stumbled on the tools
you really have gone off the rails
be careful with that if you believe
everything she says you will never know
the truth
you sleeping with him are you jealous
can’t sleep do you know where the
cumbersome stuff and what a dealer
it’s important to look at in the face if
you want to understand life
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