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TEN THOUSAND SAINTS Official Trailer (2015) Hailee Steinfeld, Ethan Hawke [HD]

I’m doing come to kidnap you take you
the Big Apple why would I go with you
I’m offering you Manhattan the champ
don’t play hard to get hey he got me
New Year’s resolutions but still dating
a diva why would you do that with me you
get the whole package sex and drugs
how do you like it so funny musics great
what kind of music jeana’s indeed
hardcore straightedge what does it turn
right you ever heard of Punk darling
hey Jenny its Jude
he made it out of her mama but he’s
you still play don’t you daddy it’s just
some lyrics for a song it’s about a girl
you seem so different
you’re just gonna play father now you
know I’m not judging
I mean I met your mom at an orgy
you want any idea what I’m going through
I don’t know what to say maybe you do
too you just Wow
it’s all part of my master plan these
are tips that you need to learn on your
way to manhood I’m just doing understood
this about as far as I’ll go it’s too
dangerous Paul thanks dad don’t worry
you’ll be fine Jude
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