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PATIENT ZERO Trailer (2018) Stanley Tucci, Natalie Dormer Movie

new super strain of rabies reading
faster that can be contained fetus super
there is no treatment there is no cure
the turns humans into violent predators
the communication is impossible except
for me ready me I can speak their
language why I’ve been bitten but not
turn we are hidden underground in a
nuclear silo we searched desperately for
patient zero we cannot reverse engineer
a vaccine without patient zero the
music’s not affecting him at all you
assume we’re all the same something new
and smart is evolving you know anything
about patient zero it’s only a matter of
trust me even that time is a luxury you
anything birds do I look sick to you I
don’t think that we’re the disease we’re
the cure to get rid of the human
infection we will continue to fight time
I suggest you ask yourself who’s winning what can you see
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