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MAZE RUNNER: THE DEATH CURE Official Final Trailer (2018)

we’re running out of time you’ve seen
what’s happening out there
I can handle zombies I can show up
eventually that’s what I’m afraid of
it took you because you’re immune
with a plague that’s wiping out the
human race they think you’re worth
sacrificing to find a cure but never
stop totally stop them the last City
vertical base of operations
denying standard model ash people going
three years we spent behind walls trying
to break out now we’re trying to break
back in all right I guess Shaka
the world is dying if we find a cure
that’s the only way all this was worth
do you regret what you just toss I did
what I thought was right
there’s no guarantee we make you back
from this don’t we stop this together as
well end it that way too
you still care about it down here do
Miami tomorrow
I’m gonna Cates believe the roundup
torture kill when how does it stop it
stops holy find a cure
Thomas you can save your friends or you
can save us all

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