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IN DUBIOUS BATTLE Official Trailer (2017)

this price cut pains me as much as it
pains you oh wait you must be the new
recruit you got a good time in gym
tomorrow morning I’m heading to the
torgus Valley and you’re coming with me
listen Tori’s apples rumors come out for
the season to pick them can’t live on a
well bastard spender every last dungeon
out there as soon as they’re there off
this flash weight in half
Sydney don’t whine I’ll go to work until
you me come and fix that job real quick
now I’m a chance of five for something
my old man worked these fields he had
the nerve to stand up and say they
weren’t treating him right and for that
they shot him like a dog
so who are we we’re the guys we’re going
to change all that
starting this
we’re trying to change things
for millions of people know that I will
crush the strike and bury each and every
one of you
so that’s math this is all I want simple
clean life any resistance will be met
with Swift and permanent force that’s
the cost of all of this that ain’t right
if we fighting about the whole country
will know about what
those with me
laughter waiting is done and he’s met
he’s defeated every obstacle every
enemies but one he just can’t win
against himself
I witnessed up close price the real
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