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FIVE FEET APART Trailer #2 (2019) Cole Sprouse, Haley Lu Richardson Movie

this watch the kind of guy he ignores
the rules cuz it makes you feel in
control right you’re not wrong you think
that’s cute do you think it’s cute six
feet apart at all times both know the
nothing’s gonna save our lives so uh I
refuse to believe that we’re gonna do
our treatments together always looking
for ways to spend more time with me
don’t tell me the one time you’re
interested in some guy he’s also got CF
I like seeing you like this
laughs what hopeful oh why did I pack
anything nice Oh Oh cuz you always pack
for a hot Hospital romance
aren’t you beautiful and brave check it
touch you stay away succeed at all times
I gotta catch this infection and you can
kiss me lungs goodbye all I want us to
after all that CF is stolen from me
[Music] I don’t mind stealing one foot back
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