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FEAR, INC. Official Trailer (2016) Horror, Comedy Movie

I just wanna be scared a little bit I
just wanna shake in my boots okay look
at that not scary ain’t scary enough huh
sorry cuz dude told me about this
company that created these custom scares
for you fear something you ever want to
be really scared just call that number
you don’t want to do this these guys
chase my boss through a parking garage
in the middle the night Oh fear Inc
how do we get tickets all right we’re
live at the scene of a quadruple
homicide said a house Joe Foster is
considered to be the main suspect what
the fearing what I got the breakers did
you not hear a word we said this company
is dangerous man
it has begun little pigs little pigs let
me come in touch by the hair of your
well then I’ll blow your what company
you guys ride you made me kill my
friends good a horror buff Joe you
should have known this this is the game
the shining scream they’re all
awesome wasn’t it there’s something
strange going on Joe keep an eye out
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