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Don’t Come Back from the Moon – Official Trailer (2019) – James Franco, Rashida Jones Movie

so you found her dad’s car in a ditch
there was no blood in the car
It was as if he paper eyes that at the
driver’s seat and just floated away
Collier miles father owned the bar and
Avenue may he taken all the cash and
left a note
Sonya stego said her dad wrote her
letter was as if you plan to miss the
next 30 years of her life
people used to vacation here they used
to come here for the lake
my dad said when he was little he’d go
not really you and boyfriend
that’s crap what you guys want for it
we’re just gonna leave like everyone
else what do you want me to I want you
Kolya asked me about life on the moon
was like that sunset they sing all the
old songs the ones grandpa used to sing
if you see my baby oh my [Music]
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