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Annie – Official Trailer #2 (2014) Jamie Foxx, Cameron Diaz [HD]

I love this city so harder I work the
more opportunities I get no matter who
you are what you are just gotta want it
bad enough Annie’s never gonna find her
none of us are we all have families
somewhere just because you can run
forever something that you should city
needs me alright take it easy Batman why
are you running
kiss me places quicker what up Guyo
you’re up five points in the polls mmm
really they saved the little girl from
getting hit by a van didn’t tell me you
saved a little girl like Batman William
stacks would love to take Annie after
why people want to know that you’re okay
what people everybody who saw that whoa
my hair’s gigantic
hey man look so what’s the hustle more
we’re seeing together better it is for
my campaign i Pam I moved in with you
become president
you’re not really thinking about doing
whoa won’t even know she’s there like
having a turtle what if she has her
shots she nice I think so he just
doesn’t know it yet Annie said that
you’re a very good singer what’d she say
and she really again seeing oh no what
this is ha ha
why are you and mr. stacks together he’s
very good-looking great chiseled face
good hair I wouldn’t Bank on the hair
sister hey mr. will stacks
no thank you I’m not looking for
temporary companionship what God has a
path for us all your path should be away
from the car
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