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A Walk Among the Tombstones – Official Trailer (2014) Liam Neeson [HD]

I was off duty and a less boring
Washington Heights the cops didn’t have
to pay for their drinks
a couple of guys came in to rob the
place chased them into the street shot
to death on the third one on the leg why
don’t you look at little you see one
well bullet took a bad huh see your
private detective unlicensed I do favors
for people return they give me gifts so
what can I do for you
someone’s kidnapped my wife
I’d pay them what they killed her anyway
I want you to find the men who did this
and bring them to me whoever it was took
your wife didn’t just pick your name out
of there we’ve been following her know
your schedule we’ve done this before
we’re gonna do it again
I understand we have an employer Miguel
disposed disguises
it’s the face I never laid a hand on the
other two they’re the ones you better
worry about
they will assist these guys are monsters
and not human
how can I find them we will afraid of
all the wrong things
I wants her in the family just body
you’ve dealt with situations like this
not like this

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