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Yellow Journalism: Origins and Definition

yellow journalism is a type of reporting
best known for highlighting scandals and
sensationalism over genuine news hi I’m
Rebecca Brayton and welcome to and today we’ll be taking
a look at yellow journalism then and now
there’s no talking about Hearst without
discussing the term yellow journalism
can you just kind of explain to us how
this came to be well when we talk about
yellow journalism now we just basically
mean all the sins of journalism that
something’s not not really accurate and
sensationalistic in Hearst
time it was a very specific thing it was
a slur on mass-market popular newspapers
that was thrown about by the elite
publishers in the conservative
publishers and they’ve generally had
smaller newspapers and they were
appalled that somebody who had Hearst
politics which were a friend of the
people politics and somebody who’d liked
to talk to his readers at their own
level and be interested in the things
they were interested in where’s the
elite newspapers believed it was the job
of a newspaper to pick the people out of
the gutter and make them all you know as
high-minded and virtuous as the elite
editors considered themselves to be
people loved Hearst newspaper because it
contained information and was
entertaining they thought it was a great
newspaper and other outside observers
not self-interested ones like the elite
papers at the time admitted that Hearst
was producing value for his readers and
that it was actually a terrific read a
lot of things that Hearst did at the
time are still being done today he made
headlines bigger he put bigger
illustrations on front page people like
the luck of pitchers and they like to
read headlines our newspapers today the
things we read more resemble Hearst at
that time probably not as good as first
was at that time but they more resemble
Hearst than they do the old-style elite
newspapers which were dull grey boring
and and very pretentious
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