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Xie Qihua Profile: Women with Mojo Series

Shh atara makes our list of women with
mojo for the following reasons we here
at mojo really enjoy giving recognition
to women who are able to to come out of
adversity I think we all know that in
Chinese society it’s been difficult for
women to really forge themselves like to
really make a name for themselves in
society over the past 50 years certainly
more difficult than it is in America and
I really think that we could make a
comparison and say that women in China
are very much like African Americans
before the civil rights movement in
order to get where you’re going you just
have to work twice as hard and so I
think it takes an extra bit of mojo and
which is why this woman has made it to
the top of our list now what’s
interesting about her is that she truly
is a woman in a man’s world she’s not an
actress she’s not a singer she’s not a
performer of any kind she is a
businesswoman actually she has been the
president and now the chairwoman of the
Shanghai boa Steel Corporation which is
unbelievably fantastic in itself I mean
this woman actually landed on Forbes
list of the top 500 people in the world
in women in the women category she used
to be number 16 and this year she made
the tremendous jumped to number two
number two on the list of the fortune
500 most powerful women in the world so
I think this woman has a tremendous
amount of mojo and we really have to
give her a lot of credit for getting
where she’s been
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